[The deduction is in progress! ] Only Taku’s tireless spirit of exploration that led them to successfully capture a neutron star was created by Taku. Under the leadership of the Astrophysics 023′ General Project, the ‘irritable’ neutron star has been transformed into an artificial galaxy that can accompany it, and the ‘starry sky superconducting polymerization’ is used to continuously obtain energy from the galaxy! 】

In the picture.

The launch of the manned ark and the ecological ark of the Hope.

The dinosaur people who took the Tuo civilization away from the earth.

Maybe much later.

Or in the near future.

The civilization fire originating from the earth can find new habitable planets in the vast interstellar world, and encounter or encounter new civilizations.

【Congratulations! In the derivation of the host, the Tuo civilization officially entered the era of interstellar wandering, obtained the ability [interstellar traceability], obtained the ability [nervous system increase], obtained the reward [establish archive]1, and obtained the reward [neutron star] *1]

Because of the Dragon Civilization. The Earth-wide deduction of the final chapter of the voyage is nearing its end.

According to Zhang He’s decision.

The next step is to return to the timeline and continue to use the Earth as a ‘Petri dish’ to create new copies.

Such a huge amount of rewards.

Only the reward of the ‘neutron star’.

It made Zhang He a little confused.

This Nima directly rewards a planet…

What’s the fun?

He briefly looked at the content of the reward.

[Neutron Star]: The fusion material after the host turns to the main god.

[Interstellar Traceability]: For tracking to establish quest targets, the current distance limit is 10,000 light years, which can be increased.

[Nervous system amplification]: an evolutionary prop that intervenes in the deduction process.

As for building an archive.

Zhang He had already obtained it three times before.

He naturally knows that as long as the mass of the neutron star is large enough, it may grow into a black hole’s general existence in the process of evolution.

Admittedly, this is different from the one captured by the Taku civilization.

Its magnetic field and gravity have been restrained by artificial front sights.

It’s as if a ferocious behemoth was domesticated by a collar of a flat crosshair.

Deduce the screen of the live broadcast room.

One by one, the arks were launched from the earth!

The ‘Navigator’, which is responsible for forging the way forward.

Manning and building ecosystems of Hope.

and the ‘Shattered Star’ with defensive system weapons.

Expanding civilization for scientific preaching can be described as a desperate bet.

In short, to identify the goal is to do it!

However, Zhang He still had some doubts about the combat effectiveness of the Tuo civilization he deduced.

After all, no one knows whether there will be a more advanced civilization in the interstellar world.

It’s about an unknown interstellar game.

Perhaps they will discover new habitable planets as colonies.


Just go on and on.

[The deduction is in progress! ] Time to advance 10 years! The Ark of Civilization was launched by the Earth successively, and after more than ten years of voyage into the orbit of the artificial galaxy of the neutron star, the splicing of the ‘Interstellar Continental Ark’ was also planned. 】

[The deduction is in progress! ] Time to advance 30 years! The interstellar plan of the colonization of the civilization was carried out in an orderly and unstable manner, and the chief engineer Taku. Celestial relics 023′ died in the same year, and three generations of relay created the scientific miracle of the Taku civilization, and in her honor, the Taku civilization named a ‘flat star’ in the artificial galaxy after her number. 】

Parallel copies of 100 million tens of millions of years of deduction.

Let all mankind see what infinite possibilities are!

From those two little dinosaurs.

The toothed dragon ‘Taku’, and the pterosaurus’ dome, from the moment they were favored by the Lord God.

No one could have imagined that their descendants would perform a magnificent epic on Earth.

Now, they are going to a new vast world to create miracles!

“Save the dragon civilization.”

Zhang Hyuk decided to return the timeline and create a new copy.

After all, when the Tuo civilization went on a journey of interstellar exploration.

Perhaps for a long time, you will face endless time and space.

Anyway, the archive is still there, and it can be traced interstellarly.

After all, they have not left the supervision of the ‘Creator’.

In the previous eras of the ‘Lord God’, the audience saw the birth and demise of too many hegemons.

Only this time.

The Earth overlord of parallel time and space, Tuo civilization, through the east wind of the neutron star, ‘left…

The civilized protagonist of Niu Bu is even different from other races in the way of ‘exiting’.

Scientists of the Human ‘Global Scientists Unit’.

Naturally, I also know that the opportunity to expand civilization and migrate to the interstellar is rare.

The timing, the right place, the people and all the special ones are occupied…

At least there are too many things that human technology can’t do at the moment.

Discovery and application of magnetic monopoles.

The energy problem of controlled deuterium fusion.

Most importantly, find a neutron star with just the right mass to form a black hole.

The protagonist aura of the Topology Civilization.

Simply an SVIP player of Krypton Gold.

There is nothing more to say except envy and admiration …

Naturally, the audience does not think about these issues.

“In this way, we can also be regarded as the earth’s ‘compatriots in time and space’, will they one day pass through the wormhole, cross time and space, and descend to the modern human world…”

“Some people have big brains, it’s a pity not to write novels, but now any conjecture may become a reality, no one knows whether the Lord God has this ability, at that time, the level of human science and technology, it is estimated that the nuclear self-explosion will also die.”

“It felt like watching a shocking movie! I hope that the civilization of Tuo will be smooth sailing! What’s next up for a timeline that goes back to normal? ”

“And Evolution, Please Vote, can you participate? A man in blood knelt down and asked the Lord God to be great! ”


The final picture of the deduction is frozen in the image completed by the Tuo civilization’s ‘Interstellar Continent Ark Array’.

Zhang He renamed the copy “Dragon Civilization. Voyage”.

And it was saved.

Using the ability of interstellar traceability, is it possible to see the dinosaurs on the journey.

Followed by.

Zhang He left a text in the live broadcast room.

[The deduction timeline is about to return, lucky 400 million people! ] Evolution, please vote! 》The fifth round is about to start! 】

Such a message.

Let everyone look forward to the timeline progression, a new civilization and the possible birth!

Not to mention!

The human species, already in the near future of the timeline, is waiting for the online landing!

As for the next deduction, how the evolution of species changes.

Full of possibilities!

However, when the timeline returns.

What happened in the picture made the audience confused…



(cheekily asking for a monthly pass~Momoda QAQ)_

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