There is a plausible ‘bubble’ in the air!

It’s the size of a basketball!

Completely invisible to the human eye.

But the Zerg spider-man relies on his ‘racial talent’ in visual senses.

They seem to be able to see the illusory bubble!

With getting the lightning bolt is ‘guided’ down by Dr. Zk!

The ball lightning is activated!




In the deduction screen, time is slowed down by Zhang He!

In extremely slow-moving images.

That burst of ball lightning.

The center is like a star, bursting out of small blue star particles!


Ball lightning is like fireworks.

In a flash, it didn’t stay long before it burst in an instant.

Then, in the box brought by Dr. Z Lake, a burst of blue smoke came out!

It can be seen that Dr. Z Lake is very excited about the process of capturing ball lightning.

The invasion of his mind continues.

Zhang He has always been observing, what does this scientist from the Zerg spider want to do?

[The deduction is in progress! ] In a long-prepared simulated local environment, Dr. Z Lake activated the ‘bubble’ of ball lightning through a thunderstorm and successfully survived, and dozens of scientists had died in the Zerg experiment on ball lightning, which was why the experiment was stopped. 】

Followed by!

Zhang He heard the voice of Dr. Z Lake of the Zerg.

“Another life has been recovered, this time, what will suffer?” Dr. Lake used his finger bones to open the closed box.

Under the attack of ‘ball lightning’.

The living hamsters survived.

That bottle of water was not affected.

The blocks of the building blocks are not charred.

The only thing that suffers is the electronic chip used for storage!

Its internal structure has been completely destroyed by ball lightning!

Even if it is packed into a box by Z Lakebo, it is difficult to escape the doom of being decomposed by the ‘ball lightning’!

This scene!

Directly watching all the audience who pay attention to the deduction process is silly!

Thunder and lightning, this is a terrifying demon that is an invisible threat like the scythe of death, and the energy it instantly produces is an existence that the flesh cannot resist.


This ‘ball lightning’ didn’t hurt Dr. Z Lake by half a point!


At least in the eyes of the general audience.

This Spider-Man doctor from the Zerg.

A new door opens in geophysics!

A field of science that mankind has never touched!

This has the same meaning as the ‘magnetic monopole’ discovered by the Tuo civilization.

Deduce in the picture.

Dr. Z Lay took out his electronic device.

He wanted to record the environmental parameters just now.


In addition to the polycarbonate housing material used on the surface.

The electronic chip inside is likewise been!

The black powder poured down from the gap of the electronic equipment like fine sand.

An extremely excited expression appeared on his face!

“If the core of ‘ball lightning’ can be dissected, it will be a more terrifying existence than a nuclear weapon!”

Dr. Z Lay’s voice.

Make the scalp tingle of all spectators!

After all, for ‘ball lightning’, even human scientists are difficult to conclusive.

Not to mention watching the lively melon-eating masses.


Human [Global Union of Scientists] conference room.

It’s different from what it used to be.

There were no more lively discussions.

On the face of every human scientist, nothing but shock is incredible!

It’s been a long time.

Hua Yanguo’s physicist said extremely seriously:

“Is this instantaneous quantization based on the different properties of the object? If the inside of the ball lightning bursts with electrons that can strike at the liquid, then the hamster, water, and even himself in Dr. Z’s chest will also be killed in an instant? ”

The young physicist.

While coming up with his own idea, his voice trembled a little.

After all, if the conjecture holds!

‘Ball lightning’ is indeed a weapon with more deterrent and destructive power than nuclear weapons!


Not energy!

It is a big killer that can make the civilization of the whole world go backwards!

It can instantly disintegrate the corresponding substance according to the energy released!

Components, metals, liquids, even nuclear weapons!


Zhang He, who silently observed all this.

It seems to understand too.

Why this scientific experiment on ‘ball lightning’ in the first place?

It will be urgently stopped in the council of the zerg civilization.

The reason why this program was terminated.

It’s not that too many cutting-edge scientists have been sacrificed before.

But if it continues, it is very likely that it will play with fire and set itself on fire and destroy the entire civilization of the earth!

Other words!

Dr. Z Lay has made discoveries today.

In the previous Zerg ancestor scientists, it has already been demonstrated as ‘dangerous’!

They evolved over tens of millions of years to get to where they are today.

There are no Zerg high-rises.

Willing to take such a big risk to search for so-called ‘scientific truth’.

“Continue to deduce, and see if the ball lightning project that Dr. Z Lake secretly researched will end up because of an accident.”

After Zhang He ordered.

The system’s deduction of replicas continues to accelerate!

[The deduction is in progress! ] Time advances 35 days! Location, Spider Ant Alliance Scientists Summit venue. 】

[General M Ling, the ‘leader’ of the ant tribe, reported at the meeting about the discovery of the ‘ancient natural nuclear reactor, in addition, through the most advanced ‘pheromone’ race talent of the ant tribe, they found the ‘Ant-Man’ underground! ] 】

The ‘head’ of the ant clan, General M Bailing.

It is a female Ant-Man.

She has a pair of tentacles on her head, big eyes and head.

Tens of millions of years of evolution.

With the intervention of the Lord God, let Ant-Man evolve like an ‘alien’.

Deep underground, Ant-Man found Ant-Man.

That doesn’t sound like something scary…

Deduce the picture.

General M Bailing, who was standing on the main speaking platform, said:

“Based on the pheromone analysis, we got that they do not belong to our evolutionary branch, or that they are not ant-men other than plagiarizing our evolutionary characteristics!”

Followed by!

M’Lark’s next words.

Set off the ‘intruder removal’ plan for the two branches of the Zerg for 10,000 years!

She said: “They may have hidden deep inside the earth and stolen our genes and civilization in ways that we do not know!” They are intruders and equally thieves! ”


Humans cannot understand.

How did Ant-Man use the racial talent of pheromones to come to such a conclusion?

But if this Ant-Man General M Bailing’s conjecture is true.

There are really invaders hiding deep in the earth.


Is today’s human race still being silently ‘stolen’ a civilization that evolved?

This, again, is a horror story!

Followed by!

Dr. Z Lay stood up.

He straightened his wrinkled clothes, and then said in a startling voice: “…


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