Betrayal of Earth civilization?

Dr. Lake smiled wryly and shook his head:

“The foundation of my research project is based on the theory of the existence of geocentric civilizations and non-carbon-based organisms.”

Not much to say.

Dr. Z Lake packed up his things and left the venue.

This sentence he left behind.

Let the ant clan General M Bailing fall into deep thought…

“Keep speeding up the timeline.” Zhang He ordered.

Progress is as I guessed.

The reason why Dr. Z Lake of the spider clan attended the summit was to take this opportunity to propose to restart the ‘ball lightning’.

Previously in his own research office.

He once specifically asked his assistant.

If the topic of the Zerg Scientist Summit is not about ‘exploration of the center of the earth’, I will not attend.

Now, he has achieved his goal.

And, under Dr. Z Lake’s meticulous ‘plan’.

In line with the common development of ant tribes and spider tribes.

and the basic treaty of the perpetuation of the Zerg civilization on Earth.

As long as the motion of Geocentric Exploration passes!

The recovery of ball lightning must also be passed!

The reason is simple!

If the so-called ‘geocentric civilization’ is indeed in the form of non-carbon-based life.

How to fight?

How are weapons used?

Ball lightning capable of ‘precision strikes’ against specific substances.

It’s the only choice!

What the Zerg needs is time to solve these puzzles.

And Dr. Z Lake.

Nor is it meant to ‘betray the civilization of the earth’.

He is just trying to solve unknown threats while exploring the ghostly magical substance of ‘ball lightning’.


When Z Lake walked out of the meeting room of the Scientists Summit, his expression was a little frustrated.

Obviously, the words of General M. Bailing.

It made him feel a little heart-piercing…

[The deduction is in progress! ] Because of the “debate” between the elite leaders of the two races, the two scientific research projects of “Geocentric Exploration” and “Ball Lightning” were not voted on at the current summit of scientists, and the voting time was set for a month later. 】

“Zerg Civilization. Exploration Times” in the live broadcast room.

The human audience was confused.

These originally insignificant bugs did develop a Zerg civilization.

And it is based on the continuation of its own ‘racial talent’.

Has a lot of innate abilities!

Like what!

The ant tribe’s ‘pheromones’!

“I kind of understand that the ‘geocentric exploration’ plan, which was terminated by the Expansion Civilization in the previous parallel world, is now opened by the ant tribe of the new world.”

“What exactly is the principle of this ball lightning? Why is it possible to deliver ‘precision strikes’ on specific substances? The ball lightning that Dr. Z Lake captured before only destroyed the electronics and left the body unharmed? This is no longer the fault of ordinary lightning, right? ”

“Judging from the current progress of deduction, whether it is dinosaur man, spider-man or ant-man, although they have evolved civilization for a long time, they are no less than humans in the exploration of earth and space!”

“GKD bar Lord God is big, autumn pear paste ~ Is there a civilization in the center of the earth?”

It’s not just the existence of geocentric civilizations.

Even the basis for ‘stealing civilization’ proposed by General M Bailing of the ant tribe is a question that makes people wonder.

After all, in the process of deduction.

The “Geocentric Scientific Research Report” provided by the ant tribe does not include conjecture theory.

Perhaps out of caution.

The theory was not validated before.

It was not included in the report.


Human scientists who follow the deduction process.

Subconsciously, they all looked down at their feet.

This is something that happened in parallel worlds.


The background is Earth!

Moreover, the timeline of the Zerg’s deduction of tens of millions of years.

In time, it has come to the nineteenth century, similar to human beings!

In addition to scalp numbness!

Human scientists are speechless!

The geologist of the Maoxiong Country rubbed his rosacea and shrugged his shoulders and said: “We have worked hard for this, but we have not obtained results.” ”

Scientists from other countries.

Still silent.

In the last century, the country of Mao Xiong did start the ‘exploration of the center of the earth’.

Moreover, the exploration well drove 12,262 meters underground.

Except for the discovery of plankton microbial fossils, nothing has been found.

That’s why geologists in the country of Mao Xiong mention that ‘they have worked hard for this’.

But it just didn’t pay off.

Blind to massive scientific research funds…

The scientist of the Eagle Sauce Country, who had not spoken for a long time, slowly said:

“Thousands of meters underground, 30 tons of pressure can be generated, and the temperature can reach several hundred degrees! There is no water, no air, only endless darkness and rocks, and further down is mantle lava, don’t tell me that those underground creatures grew up drinking magma. ”

His words.

This is the philosophy of almost all human beings.

The environment does not have the conditions for the existence of living things.

Hua Yanguo’s old professor shook his head and said:

“6,300 kilometers underground, also requires tens of millions of tons of pressure space not composed of solid metal substances, when has our theory been conclusively proven?”

“Maybe one day, we humans can colonize aliens, even if the so-called ‘scientific research’ we do before the next disaster is just tickling the surface of the earth.”


The earth is likened to an egg.

Human civilization, just pried a little on the eggshell.

This is a terrifying question!

They look forward to the Zerg civilization.

What kind of solutions can be used to solve the geocentric creatures that have been slightly discovered and the possible civilizations?


“Speed up the timeline.” Zhang He ordered.

At least one thing is certain.

Whether it’s Professor Z Lake, who is obsessed with ‘ball lightning’.

Or General M Bailing, who insists on ‘geocentric exploration’ and can eliminate the hidden dangers of the center of the earth.

He and she may not witness the day when the truth is scientifically verified.

[The deduction is in progress! ] Time to advance 100 years! 90 years ago, the two scientific research projects of ‘Geocentric Exploration’ and ‘Ball Lightning’ were both passed by the Zerg Science Union Council, and the development layout of decades has allowed the two scientific research projects to go hand in hand. 】

Accelerate under time.

In the deduction screen, it is not a thunderbolt scene that activates ball lightning with lightning.

Nor is it a dark scene where ant tribes dig deep into the ground.

In the picture is a Zerg Alliance’s low-Earth orbit exploration spacecraft!

This wave of operations.

Once again, it makes humans look confused.

What the hell are the Zerg doing?


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