The biological mothership of the xenomorphs.

From the moment the worm capsule is dropped.

It is an official invasion of the earth.

WSS Space Research Agency.

Almost at the same time, I received a warning threat from the other party again!

[I’m sorry, lowly race, you have given up the right to live, we will sweep your planet like a tide and become the master here!] On that day, you will be reduced to food! 】


After the Xenozer defected from the ZM Zerg.

In the same way.

Colonized more than one planet.

Humans in parallel worlds.

It was the first ever ‘Earth Defense’ war.

But these invaders.

But more than once in ‘Star Invasion Wars!’

[For the two provocations of the insect, WSST and SMD did not respond, they need to mobilize the global missile system as soon as possible, and even the anti-missile system has joined the task of shooting down the airborne worm sac! ] 】

The deduction title was deduced by Zhang He from “Human Civilization. Biological Warfare Ship

Changed to “Butterfly and Cocoon. Insect Invasion!

The feedback from the system is also timely to give reward reminders!

【Congratulations! In the great deduction of the Lord God, the copy of human civilization ushered in a new challenge and won the reward [Xenomorph Gene Extraction]! 】

Zhang He simply checked the details of the newly acquired ability.

The so-called “xenozoan gene extraction”.

The main function is to extract the composition of all xenozoan genes.

and, the galaxy of origin of its organisms.

The purpose of the Zerg defector, the purpose of invading the planet, in addition to resources, is also the fusion acquisition of genes.

Through the combination of different genes.

Even in the ‘hatchery’ of the alien creature mothership.

It can also be matched through experimentation.

Hatch new taxonomies.

This is also the reason why the Xenomorphs gradually embarked on the road of strange evolution.

Flying in the sky,

Running on the ground,

But everything is a creature.

They can all be added to the ‘evolution pit’ in their own hatching silos by xenomorphs for gene fusion incubation!

It’s kind of scary…

Even so.

The arrogant invaders did not show the crushing trend of the parallel world humans!


Human counterattack, although it cannot destroy the invaders outside the atmosphere.

But it still has a role.


If said.

When the laser turret within the range of 5 is lit up at the same time.

It seems to reflect the afterglow of the sunset.

It was the brightest evening in the Western Hemisphere.

But now!

Be the biological mother of the xenomorphs.

Start airdropping worm sacs on the Earth’s surface.

The number of clouds that shades the sun is simply remarkable!

It’s one of the darkest nights in the Western Hemisphere!

[The deduction is in progress! ] At the same time that the giant biological warship dropped the Insect Airborne Forces, the SMD Space Strategy Bureau activated all anti-missile systems around the world, and intercontinental anti-missile systems in many countries responded almost simultaneously! The worm sac descends at eight times the speed of sound! The average diameter is 70 meters! The quantity is about five thousand! 】

In the picture.

SMD is omitted, analyzed by imaging scanning.

These parachuted worm sacs.

In fact, it is countless worm eggs waiting to split!

After being dropped to the surface by a biological carrier.

There will be countless stormtroopers of alien insects.

In a nutshell.

Humans are interested in this invader of alien insects that came from nowhere in the universe.

Too little is understood!

[Hua Yanguo’s ‘Red Banner Qingtian 203’, Eagle Sauce Country’s ‘Tianji Infrared’, Maoxiongguo’s ‘Triumph S-800’, and Shenniu Country’s ‘Shelterer N12’ anti-system, almost simultaneously launched interceptor missiles towards the atmosphere of the Western Hemisphere! ] 】


The dark night sky draws a trajectory like a shooting star!

From God’s point of view!

The earth is wrapped in light!

The scene is spectacular!

[The worm sac dropped by the biological battleship was shed a layer of epidermis in the process of entering the atmosphere! ] A thousand worm sacs were hit by missiles! The air is filled with the smell of scorching, and strong acids are bombarded, releasing a large amount of toxic gases. 】

The population began to panic.

It was like day, and it was like an eternal night.

Let people feel like the end of the day!

Even if humanity has united the world with counterattack missiles.

It has accurately shattered the ‘airborne worm sac’ of the alien insect race.

However, a huge amount of strong acid liquid is evaporated.

The air began to gradually fill with sour gases, as well as dark green soot.

The number of worm sacs.

So that the missiles cannot be broken all one by one.

Airborne worm sacs one by one.

Like a small meteorite, it hit the ground, tall buildings, and lakes.

The worm sac is after landing!

The inside reminds that 50 cm to 3 m alien insects break out of their shells!

They come in different shapes.

I think in the battle of ‘Planet Invasion’, they also have their own duties!

[The arrival of all the airborne worm sacs has made countless people begin to drive away from the Western Hemisphere, causing widespread panic, and order is about to collapse under the invasion of these terrifying creatures! ] 】


Among human beings, there are many beings who have fought hard to defend the earth.

However, most ordinary people.

There is only the conviction to live.

Dog life matters.

Escape first!

There are not as many selfless people as people think.

In the face of absolute disaster.

Too many people have exposed their selfish nature.

It’s like a scene from a disaster movie.

And make people desperate!

In a nutshell.

Before the insect did not really overwhelm the realm.

Order within humanity.

Chaos has already happened!

“In this way, ‘Broken Plan’ and ‘Casting Plan’ have to be used, let’s trace back to the key people.” Zhang He ordered.

At his behest.

The deducing picture was transferred to the body of a grandmother of Mao Xiong Country.

She looked to be in her seventies.

Standing next to him is the virtual projection of ‘Ji Ling’!

[The deduction is in progress! ] Scenario: Project Casting Joint Lab. Character: Daria, a biogenetic engineer. 】


When the identity of this grandmother was announced, the process was announced.

Countless followers instantly remembered the key figure in the Lord God’s change of the copy of the parallel world: Natasha!

Daria is Natasha’s adopted adopted daughter.

In her childhood, she used to appear in the deduction process!

“I thought Natasha’s adopted daughter Daria was old and dead, but I didn’t expect it to appear in the deduction process!”

“Natasha also once mentioned to her the theory of alien ‘sea and fish’!”

“Is she a key mission for Project Casting to transform humanity? Suddenly’ it’s online again! ”

If it weren’t for Natasha’s ‘photon drive system’.

Fisherman 1 was also not successfully launched.

Light stars are also not aware of the existence of Earth.

Now, the butterfly effect of Natasha, the key figure in changing the copy, is still not over!

And deduced in the picture!

Joint laboratory of Project Cast.

Genetic modification of human warriors is underway! _

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