When “Butterfly and Cocoon. Insect Infestation”.

Move to the third perspective.

People suddenly saw incredible scenes.


From a distance.

‘Break Plan’ material manufacturing area.

Can’t see anything!

A huge material production area, in addition to raw materials.

The emptiness is incomprehensible.

[The deduction is in progress! ] Perspective 3: ‘Break Plan’ Material Manufacturing Area! The nanobug technology provided by Virtual Pie can provide the fastest manufacturing speed for the graphene carbon atom ‘wire’ that you plan to use! 】

[According to the further improvement of the ‘Broken Plan’, the SMD Space Strategy Bureau needs a sufficient length of graphene-carbon atom lines to complete the devastating blow to the Insect Mothership! ] 】

Capture the thief first capture the king, this truth human understanding .


While below the ‘airborne worm sac’.

Humans focused their blows on the giant mothership of the alien worm.

According to the initial judgment of humans about the enemy.

This biological mothership.

It has the function of hatching, only to destroy it.

to be able to solve the problem fundamentally.

The problem is…

The picture is empty.

Make all followers look confused.

What Zhang He sees is the scene that can be presented in all details.

This material manufacturing area is not as empty as the naked eye!

The audience was puzzled.

Could it be that the Lord God made a big mistake?

“This material manufacturing area, there is nothing, except that the picture is a little blurry, what is there?”

“It feels like you’ve been hit with a mosaic, this is the ‘nanobug’?”

“You stupid, the essence of ‘breaking the plan’ is to destroy the enemy invisibly! It is fundamentally different from ordinary thermonuclear weapons, so that you can see it, and the alien insects can also detect it? ”

“After watching it for a long time, I finally understood! To break a plan is to use a thin line as a knife edge! Cut the target directly! It’s like tofu breaking with a taut thread! ”

Among the many followers.

There is no shortage of people who understand.

They have even begun to make up their brains, SMD Space Strategy Bureau, how the hell is going to cut off the mothership of the insect’!

Unlike thermonuclear weapons.

This is a pure ‘scientific cold weapon’!

I think that only in the era of brain opening and rapid development of science and technology can humans come up with this method.


Zhang He instructed the system to shift the perspective to the microscopic.

Nanoscale small mechanical bugs!

Instantly magnified tens of thousands of times!

The structure of graphene, a material, is also presented more microscopically!

This material.

In fact, it is graphite layer by layer!

Even if it’s just one millimeter of graphite.

300 layers of graphene can be separated!

The pencil is gently swiped across the paper, leaving a trace that may be several layers or even just one layer of graphene.

They are thin sheets made of carbon atoms!

At the same time, it has the characteristics of high melting point and toughness!

“Butterflies and Cocoons. The deduction screen of “Alien Insects”.

Let the many physicists in the real world [HSA Science League] be in a cold sweat!

In modern humans.

Graphene is a material that has been discovered in twenty-one.

But make nanoscale ‘ropes’!

Technology is far from it!


What shocked them the most was the appearance of the nanobug!

“This thing is so efficient! Even high-precision material handling is incredibly fast! The physicist of Eagle Sauce Country couldn’t help but praise.

The scientist of the Divine Cow Country frowned and said:

“Humans in parallel worlds, why don’t you directly use ‘nanobugs’ to go to battle? Isn’t that more efficient? ”

To this.

The old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences of Hua Yan Guo shook his head:

“The ‘virtual pie’ of that world should be restraining the scope of this mechanical nanoworm, if they have intelligence, they are devastating to humans, so they can only be used as a simple and boring production process.”

In the picture!

This microscopic operation is accurate to the atomic level.

The nanoworm executes up.

It’s as easy as moving bricks!

Because, they and the material to be processed, the body size ratio is just right!

Under the microscopic lens of Zhang Herra’s closer.

A series of ‘ropes’ that are difficult to detect with the naked eye, using graphite carbon atoms as materials, are quickly manufactured!

[The deduction is in progress! ] The synchronous progress of the broken plan and the casting plan can not solve the dilemma faced by mankind at the moment, and the thermonuclear weapons carried by intercontinental missiles, while destroying the insect sac to a limited extent, also caused certain casualties to the people in the Western Hemisphere! The insect has already carried out the initial invasion of the surface! 】

With the worm sac dropped by the insect creature mothership.

After descending on Earth, crack one by one!

Countless strange-shaped alien insects began to scatter!

In the chaos, a group of people died because of accidents.

The explosion of the missile counterattack spread, killing some people.

Before the insect attacks.

Ordinary people died in two waves first…


A real disaster.

It’s just getting started!

The world’s major states and countries began to send troops to the countries of the Western Hemisphere under certain limits.

But not all military forces ‘helped’.


When will the minions of the insect spread to the Eastern Hemisphere?

In a nutshell.

A messy batch ~


Zhang He looked at the remaining years at this stage.

It’s twenty years.

“20 years should be able to determine the outcome of this battle to defend the earth, and speed up the progress when it continues to be rehearsed.”

Between words.

Zhang He also did not forget to shift his perspective to the “Light Chaser”, which has left the earth nearly a light year.

Because of the problem of poor information transmission time.

On the Chaser, there are 12 astronauts, including Siwei’s daughter Chen Yuan.

It is not yet known that Mother Earth has been targeted by alien insects.

They still keep a log of interstellar voyages and send them to Earth regularly.

Zhang He shook his head and said, “It’s like a child who travels far away from home and doesn’t know that the old mother who stayed behind is sick…”

[So is the Lord God involved in the deduction process?] Help humanity keep ‘old mother? 】

“Look again, I don’t think humans can be so vulnerable.” Zhang He ordered.

From before to now.

He had no intention of getting involved.

After all, in Zhang He’s opinion, although he will intervene once or twice for each deduction copy, the number of times should not be too much.

Open and hang this kind of thing.

It will make the development of civilization unenterprising.

When the timeline advances again!

In the picture deduced by the copy, the Western Hemisphere has been reduced to scorched earth!

This makes all followers desperate.

Humanity, is it really going to lose ground?

[The deduction is in progress! ] Time Advance 34! The Insect Mothership remained out of range of the laser turret, as if the Grim Reaper had gazed at the earth for more than a month, and had destroyed ten ‘Stormtrooper’ space destroyers launched by SMD again! According to WST statistics, nearly 30% of the worm sacs successfully landed, and the rest were intercepted and shattered in the air! 】

Followed by.

The screen was transferred to the general headquarters of the SMD Air Strategy Directorate.

Ten ‘Stormtroopers’ successively served as the Strategy Bureau and collected information on biological carriers within their capabilities.

In a nutshell.

These destroyers, the moment they launch from the surface, are determined to die to collect enemy information.


At the hands of ordinary humans who died tragically at the hands of alien insects.

Humans have also collected a lot of xenozoan samples, corpses and living bodies!

That’s the end of the deduction.

People finally understood.

The human defense line has not been lost!

And during this time, they are using technology and life as much as possible to gather information.

All this sacrifice!

It is to make the graphene cutting of the ‘broken plan’ foolproof!

The defense continues.

The counterattack has begun! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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