I Deliver Candy To Men

Chapter 130: Male haters of women's clothing 15

Yin Zhuo frowned and subconsciously touched his chest.

There is some strange feeling inside, very unfamiliar, with a heart pounding, and beating faster than usual.

The pouring rain could not quench the heat in his heart. It is obviously very small and weak, but it staggers and burns on the tip of his heart, and it will not be extinguished no matter what.

He vaguely understood something, but the feeling quickly left him, he wiped the rain on his face and continued to push the carriage.

Finally, the carriage got out of the pothole.

Yin Zhuo returned to the carriage in a state of embarrassment. As soon as he stepped in, he saw a fragrant softness rushed towards his face. The girl he "liked" held Bai Shengsheng's small hand, held a handkerchief, and smiled: "Zuo Zhuo is a great hero. Are you back? I'll give you a wipe!"

Song Yingying watched him push the carriage with her head down just now, and thought he was super handsome!

Super super handsome!

She adored, excited, and rejoiced, holding a handkerchief and wiping the rain off his face: "Drenched? Close your eyes, and I'll wipe it for you. My family Zhuo Zhuo is amazing!"

The crispy feeling came again. Yin Zhuo frowned and wanted to push her away, but for some reason, he raised his hand and put it down again.

Just let her serve him. He just pushed the carriage, it was very hard.

He sat there in a dignified manner, raised his head slightly, feeling her wiping his face, hair, neck, and wringing the water on his body. Originally, she was deliberately tossing her, but she felt her gentle and patient movements, I don't know why, and it was a little annoying.

"Okay!" He pushed her away and twisted the clothes on his body, only to see that it was muddy, wet and dirty, and he couldn't help but look disgusted. He opened the hidden compartment in the carriage, took out a set of dry clothes, looked at her and said, "Turn around, I want to change."

Song Yingying's face was slightly red, and she tugged her hands together. She looked at him and said, "When you change your pants, I don't look at it. When you change your coat, can I look at it?"

Boyfriend! What's the matter with a glance?

That time when he forcibly dropped his horse, revealing a little bit of his chest, she thought over and over again that he should be quite predictable. I really want to take this opportunity to eat a few eyes of tofu.

Yin Zhuo was stunned for a while, and his face suddenly turned red: "You, how are you—"

"Turn around!" After a while, he yelled at her.

Song Yingying pouted and said unhappily, "Turn around and turn around, what's so great about it?"

If I don't tell her to watch it now, but I want her to watch it later, she won't watch it yet!

She couldn't help but think again, boys are all lustful, and he will definitely see her in the future. At that time, she won't show him either!

But she thought, what if he had to watch it? Can she stop him? Boys are more powerful. If he insists on looking at her, taking off her clothes or something, she can't seem to stop her?

Then there is no revenge.

If that's the case, then don't get revenge!

She wants to see him now! If he had to make enemies, it was he who made enemies with her, not her!

Thinking of this, Song Yingying turned her head sharply—

"What are you doing?!" Yin Zhuo, who was wearing trousers, turned around suddenly, and was so shocked that she almost wore the wrong trouser leg!

He blushed and covered his legs with his pants, glaring at her: "Turn over!"

"A little bit." Song Yingying grimaced at him, glanced at the straight and slender outline under the fabric, and turned her head away contentedly.

How could she be at a loss? Must not!

Get started first! She took advantage of him first! If he wants to take advantage of her again in the future, she won't suffer any loss, it can only be considered a draw!

Thinking like this, she became happy and hummed a song.

Yin Zhuo was afraid that she would suddenly turn around again, so she didn't move for a while, staring at the back of her head for a while, making sure that she really wouldn't look back, so she hurriedly put on her clothes.

After wearing it, I still feel uncomfortable.

I feel at a loss again.

Although he was lucky enough to escape and didn't lose his first kiss, he was seen by her!

The more you think about it, the more painful it is.

When attacking others in the past, even the cunning and cunning owner of Jingyun Villa, he never suffered such a big loss! At most, give the old fox a touch!

But this time, his hands were about to be played with by her, and she even looked at his legs!

Yin Zhuo drooped her face, and ignored Song Yingying.

Song Yingying smiled and leaned over again: "Zuo Zhuo, my dear, big baby, shall I comb your hair?"

His hair was still wet. Although Song Yingying wiped it with a handkerchief, it was no longer dripping and was still damp. Paste on the back, strange stuffy.

Yin Zhuo was a little moved.

"Why are you here?" Song Yingying patted her leg, "Come on your pillow, I'll brush it slowly, wipe it again, and I'll brush it for you when it's dry, okay?"

Yin Zhuo looked at her legs under her skirt. Although he can't see it, it's good to have a pillow. He suffered a big loss just now, and he has to make up for it.

"Yeah." He replied and lay down.

Song Yingying picked up the comb and brushed him bit by bit, then took a dry handkerchief and gently wiped his hair.

Her movements were gentle and patient, Yin Zhuo was a little sleepy because of her, and she closed her eyes unconsciously.

Raindrops fell on the carriage, making a crackling sound. He rested on his soft legs, the tip of his nose lingered with an unknown faint sweet fragrance from her body, he just felt like he was sinking into the clouds, his whole body was light and indescribably comfortable.

After an unknown amount of time, Yin Zhuo suddenly opened his eyes.

The light is a little bright, like the sun is coming out. When he heard it again, the rain stopped.

"Are you awake?" Song Yingying smiled and poked him in the face.

Yin Zhuo stared at her blankly, unable to recover for a while, and the whole person was still immersed in the comfortable and relaxed atmosphere just now. After a while, he frowned and sat up on one hand: "How long have I slept?"

"Half an hour?" Song Yingying thought for a while, then shook her head, "I don't know, I also fell asleep."

When she saw him falling asleep, she was bored, so she also fell asleep leaning against the wall of the carriage. However, she woke up earlier than him.

"Zhuzhuo, my legs are numb." Song Yingying pouted aggrievedly when she saw him about to get out of the car to check the situation.

Yin Zhuo frowned and walked back: "I'll give you a rub."

"No - yes -" Song Yingying let out a pig-killing cry, and quickly made a gesture of rejection with both hands, "Don't touch me! I want to recover slowly by myself!"

When her legs are numb, she doesn't want anyone to touch her!

Not even a boyfriend!

Yin Zhuo raised his eyebrows, but showed a wicked smile, suddenly pointed to the acupoints on her upper body, and pinched her legs.

Song Yingying's dumb hole was not tapped, she tried desperately to stop him: "Let me go! Go away! I don't want you to rub it!"

Yin Zhuo said lightly, "Then what did you just call me for?"

Song Yingying also regrets it! What did she call him for? What are you doing? Can't wait until the legs are healed, and then take credit?

"I just want you to talk to me, coax me, and say I've worked hard." She felt a little sensation in her leg, it was numb and crisp, like a needle stick, and it was unbearable, "Wuu Woohoo, don't touch me!"

Yin Zhuo felt a little soft-hearted when she saw that she was screaming so badly that she was about to burst into tears. But the pleasure of bullying her was more than unbearable, he withdrew his gaze, stopped looking at her, and pinched her leg all at once.

Just listen to her scolding: "Bastard! Yin Zhuo, you are a bastard! Pigs can't compare to you! You are dead! I will ignore you!"

He couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

The feeling of suffocation that had been seen before, finally disappeared.

"Okay." When she finally stopped scolding, he unblocked her acupuncture point, stretched out another finger, wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, distressed and funny, "If I don't rub it for you, you will suffer for a longer time. ."

"I don't believe it!" Song Yingying said angrily, kicking him again, "Bastard!"

Yin Zhuo grabbed her ankle, his face sank: "Will you try again?"

Song Yingying's heart trembled, she was a little scared by him, her heart was thumping, she blushed and kicked him again: "Just kick! Just kick!"

Then Yin Zhuo tapped the acupuncture point.

He jumped out of the carriage by himself and looked around.

Song Yingying was alone in the carriage, crying in her heart, this bastard, wouldn't it be good to kiss her, why do you have to point her to acupuncture points?

He was so fierce to her just now, and she thought he was going to do "bad things" to her, but she didn't expect that what he did to her was bad, the kind without quotation marks.

asshole! She scolded him a hundred times in her heart and decided to really ignore him.

Unless he kisses her! begging to kiss her!

After a while, Yin Zhuo lifted the curtain and jumped in: "Come out and see, there is a surprise!"

Solved Song Yingying's acupuncture points.

Song Yingying ignored him and looked at the roof of the car.

Yin Zhuo pulled her: "Come out!"

"No!" Song Yingying shook him off.

Yin Zhuo pursed her lips, and finally remembered that he is now in the midst of a strategy, and he can't bully her, or else his previous achievements will be lost.

He lowered his body and coaxed her: "I was wrong, don't get angry, okay?"

"Humph!" Song Yingying snorted heavily, "You are too much! Hit me at every turn! There is no such thing as bullying!"

"I was wrong." Yin Zhuo continued to apologize, "otherwise, will you beat me?"

Song Yingying glanced at him, snorted, and stretched out her hand: "I want you to carry me down!"

"Okay." Yin Zhuo turned around immediately, turned his back to her, bent his knees, and gestured to his back.

Then got a kick in the back.

One's center of gravity was unstable, and his body fell forward.

His body, who has been practicing martial arts all the year round, reacts very quickly. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to pat on the carriage, and with the help of a somersault, he flipped out and landed on the ground.

After a while, he angrily lifted the curtain of the car and looked inside.

However, Song Yingying walked out with raised eyebrows, stood outside the carriage, and said with her hips on her back, "Bear me!"

"You kick me!" he said coldly.

Song Yingying raised her chin: "Not bad! I kicked you! Are you honored?"

Proud of her size! Yin Zhuo is dying of anger!

I can't wait to strangle her to death!

He thought to himself, what kind of bad man are you afraid of? She is so bad, no matter how bad the man can be tortured to death by her, okay? She should be allowed to be with a bad man, this is the biggest punishment for a bad man!

He gritted his teeth, his cheeks bulged, and after a while, he turned around.

"Don't kick me this time!" He suddenly turned his head again.

Song Yingying smiled, wrapping her hands around his neck and lying on his back: "Okay, okay, I won't kick you this time, you are so good!"

As he spoke, he lightly patted the top of his head.

Yin Zhuo was angry and funny.

She was clearly angry, but when she smiled and coaxed him, she couldn't get angry for some reason.

He sighed inwardly. That's it, keep going. You can't really let her be let down by bad men, can you?

"Wow, it's so beautiful here!" Song Yingying lay on his back, looking at the green eyes, she couldn't help but be amazed, "Where are we going?"

It was raining before, so they didn't go out to drive. They ran on their own horses. They didn't expect to run to such a place. There were lush trees and valleys full of flowers. It was as beautiful as a fairyland!

"There's a rainbow there." Yin Zhuo pointed towards her.

Song Yingying looked over, and sure enough, she saw a rainbow hanging in the sky, straddling two green hills, so high above it, it was incredibly beautiful.

She couldn't take her eyes off her, a strange emotion slowly surged in her heart, and she gradually tightened Yin Zhuo's neck. After a long time, she lowered her head and looked at his elegant profile, her heart suddenly moved.

Although he is very incomprehensible and sometimes bad, he is also very cute.

"Put me down," she said.

Yin Zhuo put her down.

"You close your eyes," she said again.

Yin Zhuo closed his eyes.

Then he felt her approaching, wrapping his arms around his neck. A familiar fragrance came close, and he realized something in an instant. The first reaction was to push her away and protect his innocence. But the outstretched hand stopped in mid-air and embraced her waist instead.

The author has something to say: Yin Zhuo (clenching his fists hard): I can't bear the child, I can't catch the wolf!

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