I Deliver Candy To Men

Chapter 155: Male Match 17 on the Black Edge

"Ning'er, Jade Demon, there are many things you two are sorry for Zi'an. Today, I apologize to him and ask for his forgiveness." The head said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned by Song Yingying. He sighed inwardly and added, "It is human nature if he refuses to forgive you, but the two of you need to make amends to him."

Song Yingying stopped staring at him now, and looked at Ye Ning and Yan Yumo.

Ye Ning's eyelids twitched when he heard the headmaster's words, and he looked at Song Yingying with a complicated expression. She didn't like Song Yingying, but she didn't want to show it, her eyes swept across Song Yingying's face, and then fell on Meng Zian: "Senior brother."

She called out with a trembling voice in her voice, but she quickly restrained herself, lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry for you. I've made a lot of mistakes in this matter. From the beginning to the end, I'm sorry. You. It's my fault."

At the end, she couldn't hold back, tears fell to the ground drop by drop, choked up and said, "I wish you and Miss Song happiness."

She had both shame and remorse in her heart, and a thought that she didn't want to admit.

Mencius felt uncomfortable when she saw her weeping. Those days were the darkest times in his life. His self-esteem and pride were trampled under his feet, his cognition was severely impacted, and his beliefs had collapsed.

He doesn't want to look at her, don't look away.

Ye Ning saw his dodging and knew that he hated him so much that he would never forgive her in this life. I didn't dare to expect his forgiveness, and I didn't dare to think about the friendship I once wanted.

The head looked at Yan Yumo: "Jade Demon, you also apologize to Zian."

Yan Yumo looked at Meng Zian coldly, with a look of contempt on his face, and then fell on Song Yingying's body again, clenching his fists and clenching his teeth. It was her, with a strangely deep inner strength. The last time he was beaten, he was seriously injured, and she also stepped on his leg, causing him to stay in bed for several months before standing up.

He hated Song Yingying to the core and glared at her. Wherever Song Yingying was afraid of him, she naturally glared back.

The two stared at each other, Meng Zi'an's face darkened, his fists clenched, and he slammed on the table with a "dong"!

The blue veins burst on the back of his hand, he stood up and walked in front of Song Yingying, blocking Yan Yumo's sight of her.

He said coldly, "I don't want your apology."

He will never forgive this man in his life.

He must defeat him and return his humiliation without a trace! Only then can we talk about the word "forgiveness"!

Yan Yumo sneered, raised his chin, looked away, and wrote "you are delusional" on his face.

"Jade Demon!" The sect head shouted with a serious expression, "You married Ning'er, and you are half of my Changfeng Sect. Zi'an is my fourth disciple, so you should call him senior brother. Treat senior brother with respect. Respect!"

He didn't say it directly, but the implied meaning was already obvious. If Yan Yumo didn't apologize, he wouldn't be worthy of being half a disciple of Changfengmen.

Yan Yumo then reluctantly looked at Mencius, and said indifferently, "I'm sorry."

Such a perfunctory attitude made Meng Zi'an laugh angrily, and Song Yingying, who was next to her, saw it and hurriedly stood up.

Now she is not afraid of him turning black, but she can't see him being bullied at all.

Holding Meng Zian's arm in both hands, he raised his chin and looked at Yan Yumo and said, "Apologize well! Who is humiliating such a perfunctory apology?"

As she said that, she glanced at the head and said, "Either, you apologize well and sincerely. Or, we have been enemies since then, and we will not communicate with each other in this life!"

Yan Yumo glanced at her a little surprised.

The head and several senior brothers also showed surprise. This girl Song is so fierce.

Only Mencius was moved by An Xin, his Adam's apple rolled, and he didn't say anything, just held her in his arms. He silently stated that he listened to her, and she said what she said.

The head sighed, looked at Yan Yumo and said, "Jade Demon, you—"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yan Yumo: "What if we don't communicate with each other?"

He was so arrogant that he didn't even respect the Sect Master. All of a sudden, everyone was furious, and even Ye Ning glared at him: "Don't collide with Master!"

Yan Yumo stood proudly with his hands behind his back, as if he didn't take anyone in his eyes: "I, Yan Yumo, have stolen countless things in my life, and I have to apologize for everything. When can it be settled? I don't have the spare time!"

He refused to apologize.

The Sect Master lowered his face and walked away. Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother also showed anger and left behind the Sect Master.

Third Senior Brother looked at this, looked at that, and finally left with a complicated expression.


Song Yingying snorted Yan Yumo fiercely, dragged Meng Zian and left.

Only Yan Yumo and Ye Ning were left in the hall.

There was no one around, Ye Ning's tears rolled down: "Are you satisfied? My master and brother all look down on me, are you satisfied? I have no relatives and no home, are you finally satisfied?"

Yan Yumo was a little annoyed when she saw her tearful and pitiful appearance.

I know crying, it's endless. Why didn't Mencius' women cry? Like an old hen, she protects her little chicks. But he was used to coaxing her, and said at this moment, "I didn't mean that."

"Then what do you mean?" Ye Ning raised her voice and cried even more, "It was you and I who couldn't be sorry for him, and I should have apologized to him. What do you mean by refusing to apologize? You are still contradicting my master. ,you you--"

She cried so much that she couldn't speak, and Yan Yumo was even more annoyed. How can other people's women be very powerful, and his women only cry? When she first fell in love with her, she wasn't like that, right? Heroic, dashing, and dazzling.

"I won't apologize!" he said coldly, and walked away.

Ye Ning was stunned when he saw that he was gone. The tears haven't stopped, drop by drop - he just left? Don't coax her, don't apologize, don't rely on her, just leave like this?

She was stunned for a long time before she could taste it. He doesn't love her like he used to.

Since Yan Yumo's leg was broken by Song Yingying last time, Ye Ning felt that there was a subtle change between them, and he didn't obey her like before. She felt it, but lied to herself that he was only injured and was in a bad mood.

At this time, she could no longer lie to herself. He has changed, he doesn't like her as much as he used to. My heart was momentarily sad, momentarily hesitant, restless and flustered.

Yan Yumo refused to apologize, the head was angry again, and several brothers were very worried.

"Yan Yumo is too much!"

"How could Ning Ning fall in love with such a person?"

"How good is Zi'an, they grew up together since they were young, how good it would be if they were together!"

When the few people said this, they didn't notice Ye Ning passing by, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Yan Yumo has been very cold to her these days, even if she takes the initiative to show her kindness, he is not salty or indifferent. Ye Ning remembered the thoughtfulness and tenderness that Mencius had treated her in the past, and the obedience he treated Song Yingying now, and his heart was so bitter that it was hard to describe.

It was not only Ye Ning who heard this, but Song Yingying as well. She snorted heavily, came over and said, "What do you say? Is Ye Ning worthy of my Meng Zi'an? Don't talk nonsense! Only I am worthy of Mencius!"

Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother smiled and did not speak. Anything is offended at the moment.

The third senior brother snorted coldly: "Where is the sparrow? It's so annoying."

There were indeed little sparrows hopping around in the open space next to them to find food, but what Third Senior Brother said was obviously not a sparrow, but Song Yingying.

Song Yingying was angry that he looked down on herself, rolled her eyes, and said, "Third Senior Brother, do you dare to compete with me?"

Third Senior Brother looked up at her: "What are you trying to do?"

"I was born with a strange disease. When I get angry, my strength becomes great." Song Yingying said, "How about arm wrestling with me?"

Third Senior Brother glanced at her slender wrist and said, "No comparison."

"Are you looking down on people, or are you afraid to compare with me?" Song Yingying walked over and grabbed his collar with one hand, "If you don't compare with me, don't blame me for bullying you!"

Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother stood up and persuaded: "Miss Song, don't care about this rude person, let's beat him up and vent our anger with you."

"Don't!" Song Yingying refused, "I'll take out my own anger." But she still politely said, "Thank you two brothers."

Third Senior Brother's collar was grabbed by her. He tugged a few times but didn't pull it out. Instead, he looked a little embarrassed and said angrily, "Compare it."

Little girl, don't give her some color, she doesn't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is!

He thought that Mencius Anping coaxed her and deliberately let her, which made her have arrogant thoughts, thinking that he was very powerful. At this moment, I said sorry to Mencius in my heart, so I decided to give Song Yingying some color.

The two got married early in the morning. At this time, seeing that he would rather compete with her than apologize, Song Yingying raised her eyebrows and smiled.

The two sat on both sides of the stone table, clasping their hands.

After the soft and delicate touch came from the palm of his hand, the third senior brother was in a trance, and then his face became annoyed and his face sank.

Work hard!

Push harder!

Use seven points of inner strength!

Very strong!

On the side, the senior brother and the second senior brother saw that his face turned red, but they didn't break Song Yingying down, while Song Yingying's complexion remained unchanged, but she was still smiling, and they couldn't help but feel very strange!

At this time, Ye Ning, who was hiding, came out and said coldly, "Miss Song is so powerful, why do you bully my third senior brother?"

"I just bullied him, what's wrong?" Song Yingying was not surprised when she saw her coming, she raised her head and said, "You are in charge of the sky and the earth, and I bully others? If you are so righteous, you should take care of yourself first. Pillow people! There are countless scrambles, refusing to apologize, scoff!"

Ye Ning's face rose red.

Seeing that the younger sister was angry, the third senior brother was annoyed, pursed his lips, and used twelve points of strength to break her!

But nothing moved.

"Apologize!" Song Yingying stared at the third senior brother and said, "The three disciples of the dignified and long-winded door, relying on their background and strong martial arts, call the ordinary little girl a sparrow, if you have the face to scold you, you should apologize !"

Third Senior Brother finally knew why she was wrestling with her.

He had said the wrong thing, so it's okay to apologize. But he couldn't hold back his face, so he said coldly, "It's too unreasonable for the girl to misinterpret my meaning and ask me to apologize."

Song Yingying stood up angrily: "Okay, if you say I'm unreasonable, I'll ask you to see what it means to be unreasonable!"

Without waiting for Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother to stop her, she grabbed Third Senior Brother's wrist and threw him up. "Huhu" tossed around a few times, gathered up enough strength, and then threw it heavily in the distance!

The three senior brothers were thrown away.

An exclamation crossed the sky: "Ah—"

Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother were shocked, they couldn't believe their eyes, they stared at the human figure that was thrown away, and only after the human figure fell, did they chase after them: "The third one!"

Ye Ning did not go.

She stared at Song Yingying coldly. The complexion is complex, intertwined with jealousy, disgust, hatred, and undetectable fear.

Song Yingying couldn't read her gaze, but she wasn't interested in reading either, so she smiled sweetly: "Thank you."

"Thank you for letting me pick up the leak." She smiled and waved to Ye Ning, "I'm going to find my Mengmeng and go to the back mountain to see the flowers. Goodbye."

The author has something to say: Meng Zian (blue veins burst out on his forehead): He looks at Yingying! He looks at Yingying! Is he going to grab Yingying from me again?

Yan Yumo (contemplation): If you don't say it, I haven't thought of it yet...

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