I Deliver Candy To Men

Chapter 211: Little black belly 18

Dao Lv's mouth is too hard, what should I do?

Yingying glanced at him, and seeing that there was no one around, she hugged the Taoist companion's arm and tugged at him: "You lower down a bit."

Hua Yu bowed slightly: "What's wrong?"

Yingying stood on tiptoe and bit his lips.

Warm and soft.

"Oh, it's not hard!" she said in surprise.

Hua Yu was stunned for a moment, and then she came to her senses. She wanted to hug her waist and kiss her fiercely, letting her know how powerful he was!

But he looked at her cunning appearance and suppressed it hard. No, don't scare her.

However, letting her go like this is not reconciled.

So, she lightly squeezed her chin, lowered her head, and pecked lightly.

"Don't bully me." He said in a low voice, "I will resist."

Yingying screamed in her heart!

Resist the devil!

If his resistance is just so cute, she is really-

He couldn't help hooking his neck, jumped up and slapped his chin hard!

"Just bullying you, what!" She raised her brows and looked at him with bright eyes.

Hua Yu smiled slightly in her heart.

Very good, he thought, to jump to his mouth like this.

He just needs to open his mouth wide and swallow it in one bite.

"Oops!" Yingying, who was suddenly held up by her waist, called out subconsciously.

Immediately, the exclamation was drowned out.

After a while, she was put down. His face was flushed, his eyes were sparkling, some joy, some shyness.


She screamed in her heart, her little rain became a man! No longer the brother who only takes the initiative of her!

Qingming Island does not allow cultivators above Jindan to come in. With the cultivation base of Yingying and Hua Yu, unless the luck is particularly bad, they will not lose everything.

Yingying intends to bring Huayu to bump into luck.

"There is thunder over there." Hua Yu pointed to the distant sky and said.

There was a purple thunder, and it was magnificent, and at a glance, it was known that Qibao was born.

Yingying paused in her footsteps.

She knew what was there, it was a piece of Tianlei wood. It has been immersed in Tianlei for more than a thousand years, and it contains a strong Tianlei power. Once it is made into a magic weapon, it will be extremely powerful.

This is a male partner's chance. After he captured this piece of Sky Thunder Wood, according to the chaotic properties of Sky Thunder Wood, he carved it into a flute according to his will. The flute carved out of this piece of Tianlei wood carries the power of Tianlei in the notes it blows.

"What's wrong?" Hua Yu asked, sensing her abnormality.

Yingying recovered herself, shook her head and said, "Nothing! Let's go!"

If it is a male supporting opportunity, no one else can take it away.

Her little rain is so good, at least give him a chance!

The two flew away in the direction of Tianleimu.

Many people have gathered here. Coincidentally, Tan Ziyou was also there.

When she saw Yingying, she smiled: "The girl also wants this piece of Tianlei wood? Then I won't rob it and give it to the girl."

Not only did he not fight with Yingying, but he also helped deal with other monks.

Yingying: "..."

Fortunately, she knew that this was the heroine! It's a girl!

Otherwise, alas!

"Thank you." After obtaining Tianleimu, she sincerely thanked Tan Ziyou.

Tan Ziyou smiled and said, "You're welcome, I don't really need it, but I just saw it and thought it was a rare treasure, so I grabbed it."

Seeing that Yingying gave Tianleimu to Huayu, she frowned, but said nothing and said goodbye to Yingying.

Yingying hurriedly said, "Wait!"

He took out a bunch of Yuan Gathering Pills from the storage bag and said, "These are the ones I made. Although you may not lack them, they are a little bit of my heart." He took out some of the magic talismans made by Fan Zhu and handed them to him. She, "Thank you for your help just now."

Tan Ziyou took it with a smile, and seemed unable to hold back, she pinched her face: "I haven't seen you for many years, you are still so cute."

Yingying: "..."

"Flimsy!" Hua Yu pulled Yingying behind her and scolded Tan Ziyou angrily, as if she was going to fight her.

Tan Ziyou laughed and flew away.

Hua Yu was still unhappy, her face was heavy, staring at Yingying's face, looking like she was about to bite off.

Knowing that he was jealous, Yingying wiped her cheeks, then leaned over: "Take a bite? Breathe out?"

Hua Yu looked down at her, bent down, and rudely bit her cheeks.

"Are you still angry?" Yingying smiled, "Aiya, she helped us a lot, and Leimu has been in our hands today, why are you still angry!"

Hua Yu lowered her eyes and said nothing.

"Hey, on your forehead—" Yingying looked at the center of his eyebrows and suddenly froze for a moment. What was she looking at just now, a red lotus appeared between his eyebrows?

The color was extremely pale, and it flashed by, as if it was just her dazzling eyes.

But it is difficult for monks to be dazzled and delusional.

She was stunned, her heart skipped a beat, and something flashed across her mind.

"What's wrong?" Hua Yu rubbed her forehead, looked at her in surprise and asked.

He was so calm, so natural.

Yingying looked at him blankly.

Because the heartbeat is too fast, there are even flowers in front of him - he, shouldn't he be the male supporting role?

Both he and the male partner appeared in Nirvana Red Lotus.

Zongzhi died by his side.

He and the heroine robbed Tianleimu together, and he finally got it.

One by one, too coincidental.

Yingying couldn't help but think again, before she went to Qinglian Valley, there was no male supporting role on the rivers and lakes. It was after she went with Hua Yu that the Nirvana Red Lotus was finally picked.

That night, he happened to "run away from home", and something happened in Qinglian Valley that night.

What a coincidence.

It's all so coincidental.

A series of coincidences made Yingying unable to think too much.

What shocked Yingying even more was that he denied picking the Nirvana red lotus, after she said she was willing to help him pick the Nirvana red lotus.

At this moment, he faced her question so calmly, as if the glance just now was her dazzling.

Her pure Xiaoyu, kind younger brother, thoughtful and considerate Taoist companion... What kind of person is she?

Yingying was a little confused.

At one time I hoped that he was Hua Yu, but at another time I thought he was the male supporting role.

"Nothing." With a hand shaking in front of her, Yingying came back to her senses and lowered her head.

The Bodhi Fruit has been obtained, and the Tianlei Wood has also been obtained. Yingying is not in the mood to stay in Qingming Island anymore: "Let's go home."

Hua Yu couldn't get what he wanted. He didn't want to see that guy who was neither male nor female, so he said, "Okay, let's go home."

Leaving Qingming Island, sitting on the flying lion, and heading towards Zhuoshan.

Along the way, Yingying became more and more silent.

She thinks back over the years. When she picked up Huayu in Danzong, he was being bullied by a group of people.

The "Ecstasy Bullet" that was stuffed over.

She no longer simply thought the "Ecstasy" was an accident. Thinking about it now, he was only eleven years old at the time.

At the age of eleven, his mind was so deep.

She remembered a few times that she caught him secretly eating other people's spirit beasts. He looked innocent and guilty, as if he was just a little greedy and secretly took a few bites.

She didn't blame him at that time, thinking in her heart, those people are not good people, they have bad intentions and want to harm them, and they all die, so what about the spirit beasts that eat them?

Although she doesn't think it's wrong for him to eat those spirit beasts now. However, he kept it from her.

He induced her to think that he was just a little bit greedy. What she saw of him was just the tip of the iceberg.

He tried to play a "simple" and "kind" image in front of her.

Yingying remembered Su Lingling's complaint again. Complaining that Hua Yu broke her pot and intimidating her, Hua Yu is like this, Hua Yu is like that. She didn't believe it at that time, because Su Lingling had a history of lying and tricking people. Come to think of it now...

Su Lingling teased her for two years, and she has never been close to her since. And Hua Yu pretended to be in front of her for ten years, she didn't notice it at all, got closer and closer to him, and became a Taoist partner with him.

ten years. He covered her eyes so she could only see what he wanted her to see.

"What's the matter with you?" When she entered the inn, Hua Yu took care of everything, and when she sent Yingying back to her room, she stopped her when she entered the door.

Yingying has either lowered her eyes or looked away, trying not to look at him.

Still haven't looked at him. She listened to his voice, discerning the tone of it.

She used to think his voice was soft and soft. Now I don't know if it is preconceived or not, I just feel that his voice is not soft or light. Faint, calm, low, like a strong and dangerous man.

Her heart skipped a beat and she looked up at him.

She no longer felt that he was a man with a sharp appearance but a soft heart.

He looks fierce, and his heart is even more fierce.

"You took Nirvana Red Lotus, didn't you?" she asked, looking up at him.

Hua Yu's pupils tightened for a moment.

Yingying saw it, she stared straight at him, waiting for his answer.

There was something surging in Hua Yu's eyes, surging up, being pressed down, and then something surging up.

"Why do you ask this?" he asked in a low voice.

When he used to call her sister, he was a very sad and innocent brother.

He later called her Yingying, a very shy little Taoist companion.

Now that he omits the title and asks her directly, he shows a faint tyranny and domineering.

It was as if the prey had been lured into a trap by him, he could do whatever he wanted, and he would no longer have to pretend and act innocuous to make her put down her guard, accept him, and like him.

"Between Taoists, be honest with each other." Yingying looked at him and said, "Secrets are the obstacles between us, preventing us from getting close to each other."

Hua Yu did not speak. Dark, unfathomable eyes stared at her, thin lips pursed slightly.

"See you tomorrow." Yingying waited for a while, but without waiting for the answer she wanted, she pushed his hand away and entered the room.

Keep him out.

Outside the door, Hua Yu hasn't moved for a long time. Standing there with his head down, his eyes were full of turmoil.

she found out?

He clearly noticed that she had been a lot colder to him recently. She used to hook his neck and kiss him, but now she refuses to even pull his hand. In the past, she would lean against his arms when she was on the road, but now she crouches on Fei Shi's back, staying away from him intentionally or unintentionally.

The Taoist companions agreed to be intimate, yet she treated him so coldly.

He guessed that she had discovered his true colors, and although he didn't think he was showing his fault, he didn't offend her anywhere else.

She distanced herself from him, and only this was possible - he was exposed.

And her words confirmed his guess.

After a long time, Hua Yu turned and left.

The next morning, the two were on their way again.

Yingying didn't take the initiative to ask, and Hua Yu didn't take the initiative to mention it, as if that never happened.

Yingying felt a little cold in her heart. Emotionally, lying on Fei Shi's back, he seriously thought about this relationship.

She likes him. So, does he like her?

Such a thoughtful man, what kind of mood does he have when he was picked up by her, followed her to recognize his adoptive father, played the role of a well-behaved younger brother perfectly for ten years, and married her along the way?

In the original book, he is a ruthless, cunning and treacherous man who is devoted to cultivation. He has never been emotionally involved with anyone, including friendships.

The only time she was in love was when she silently took the initiative to fall in love with a woman after she lost her memory. And after he regained his memory, he felt disgusted by this, and even though he tried desperately to block the heroine, he didn't want to look at her.

Until his death, he was disgusted and repulsed by the relationship.

The author has something to say: Hua Yu: I am not! I do not have! Don't talk nonsense!

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