Looking at Kotoko Iwanaga's malicious smile, Yuzhang couldn't help but have an ominous premonition in his heart.

"As long as you use the transformation spell again, use your original appearance to form a new group, attract fans again and gain their recognition, you should be able to change back."

"Well, but..." Yuzhang shook his head, as if he was not optimistic about this method.

Kotoko Iwanaga's method is theoretically feasible, but the actual feasibility is hard to say.

"No, let's not talk about whether such a male idol will be more popular than the beautiful girl I created using the transformation technique. The appearance of the three of them, Handwash Ghost, An Ya Xiaoseng and Inu Phoenix, are not suitable for being idols at all. Bar……"

Come to think of it, Hand Wash Ghost looks like a giant uncle, An Ya Xiaoseng and Quan Fenghuang don't even have human figures. Yuzhang can't imagine having them appear on the camera.

Hearing this, Kotoko Iwanaga smiled mysteriously, "Didn't I say that I must become an idol?"

"To put it bluntly, the way you want to regain your original appearance is to use your original image to gain the "fear" that can compete with the "beautiful girl" image. Since their appearance is not good, then why are you still obsessed with becoming an idol? "

"you mean……"

"Whether you're disguising yourself as a virtual idol or filming a tokusatsu drama, aren't there many opportunities to attract human attention?"

Tamaki is still a little hesitant. She always feels that Kotoko Iwanaga's plan is a bit inappropriate. If she messes up like this, will her image continue to change in other strange directions?

"No, I think there are too many variables in this method, and it might make the physical changes more serious..."

If he had no other choice, Yuzhang would not choose this high-risk method.

Hearing this, Kotoko Iwanaga shrugged and replied: "Well, if you don't mind, it might be a way to directly announce your true identity to fans. Even if it is regarded as a program by them, it will be more effective and help "idols" add new ones." The settings and impressions should be slightly modified, such as turning into a monster whose gender changes from time to time. "

"But this..."

As if sensing Tamaki's hesitation, Iwanaga Kotoko had no choice but to push her again.

"No need to think too much, don't forget that the "fear" of idols has been eroding you. At least you still need to find a way as soon as possible to test whether the physical condition can be reversed, right? "

Chapter 176 I, Kotoko Iwanaga, have a dream

"I see."

Tamaki thought for a while, and finally agreed with Kotoko Iwanaga's statement.

Indeed, Yuzhang currently knows too little information. Even if he knows that the "idol group" he founded is the cause of their physical mutations, the conditions that trigger the mutations are still unable to be analyzed in detail. Although only the body has changed now, But no one knows whether this change will continue. If even the original personality is replaced, they will be completely ruined.

At this moment, Yuzhang finally understood that although the "fear" gained from becoming an idol was a shortcut to making them stronger, it was also a powerful poison.

At this point, they can only find ways to figure out the rules of mutation as soon as possible before being completely backlashed by their idol's "fear", so that they can efficiently come up with ways to control mutation.

"I will find out the pattern of mutation as soon as possible."

After hearing Kotoko Iwanaga's analysis, the more Tamaki thought about it, the more he felt that the problem this time was more serious than imagined. At this moment, he finally couldn't control the panic in his heart. He quickly got up and left, dragging his elderly father out of Inoue's house.

"Ah, by the way..."

Before leaving, the Hidden God Xingbu Raccoon seemed to remember something, and then said: "Lord Kami, I heard that the one who came to Kyoto has appeared again. She is gathering the people who went there, and seems to be planning to do something terrible. Please You must pay attention to your own safety.”

When Inoue Ueya heard what the old tanuki said, he was stunned, frowned, and murmured in a low voice: "Is it a Kyoto monster..."

It seems that the Hagoromo Fox has finally appeared?

I don’t know if the hypnosis imposed on Tojizo was lifted after she was killed by Hanako.

Well, no matter what, I'm afraid Hagoromo Fox won't give up the opportunity to resurrect Seimei easily. It seems that he can't do without the battle with the Kyoto monsters. He needs to go to Kyoto as soon as possible to check the situation.

But why did the Yin Shen Xingbu Tanuki specifically remind Iwanaga Kotoko to pay attention to safety when the Kyoto Yokai appeared?

Does this mean that Hagoromo Fox will take action against Iwanaga Kotoko?

Suddenly, Inoue Ueya began to worry about whether the gods at home were in danger, especially since Kotoko Iwanaga often went out alone to carry out commissions. If she encountered any hostile monsters...

"Well, I've heard about this from other monsters."

Iwanaga Kotoko nodded to the Ginjin Xingbu Tanuki, her expression did not change much, and she seemed not to care much about the Kyoto monsters.

Watching the tanuki father and son leave, Iwanaga Kotoko nodded with satisfaction, stretched out her hand to hold Inoue Ueya, and said with a smile: "Yoshi! The guy who was the light bulb has disappeared, so let's go too!"

The time train is heading towards the entrustment location of Iwanaga Kotoko.

Ueya Inoue and Kotoko Iwanaga were sitting in the carriage, waiting for the train to arrive at its destination.

"Hey, is this a long-lost date for the two of you?" Kotoko Iwanaga said happily.

However, Inoue Ueya just stared at Iwanaga Kotoko silently without making any response.

"Don't look at me like that! Since the number of people at home has gradually increased, the number of times we go out together has become less and less. It's natural for us to look a little excited. This is not expecting to be attacked by Zhiya-kun, but I It’s just that I don’t hate this kind of thing…”

Inoue Ueya sighed, and finally couldn't help but said: "Qinzi, you must have something more important to explain to me, right?"

For some reason, Inoue Ueya always felt that Kotoko Iwanaga had been avoiding this topic, so he had to ask it himself.

"What on earth is the Kyoto monster that the old man said about?"

"Ah, ah, ah, Ueya-kun, are you worried about me?"

Iwanaga Kotoko glanced at Inoue Ueya with a shy expression.

"Don't worry, those Kyoto monsters are just a little resistant to my existence..."

Although the God of Wisdom is not the lord of monsters that controls darkness, this identity still allows Kotoko Iwanaga to become a leader with strong cohesion in the world of monsters.

In fact, not only Kyoto monsters, but also many monsters were very resistant to this little girl with a human body when Kotoko Iwanaga first became a god.

It was only through the efforts of Iwanaga Kotoko, who solved the troubles of the monsters and prevented the crisis of conflict between humans and monsters many times, that they gradually changed their view of this girl. The monsters gradually began to respect her, and even Nura Huatao The great monsters such as the Hidden God Xingbu Tanuki also began to recognize her existence, not just because of her status as a "god", but also because of the rewards she had earned through her own hard work.

There may have been other gods of wisdom before Kotoko Iwanaga, but she is the only one who has received the title of "Princess of Yokai".

"I, Kotoko Iwanaga, have a dream, which is to make all monsters in the world recognize my existence and my beliefs, even Kyoto monsters..."

At this moment, Iwanaga Kotoko put away her usual frivolous appearance, then raised her head and looked at Inoue Ueya seriously.

After becoming the "God of Wisdom", Kotoko Iwanaga knew very well that creatures like monsters are actually straightforward fools. Although they like to make trouble, most of them are not bad people. She wants to do her duty to guide these guys and protect them. This is a world where humans and monsters coexist.

Listening to Iwanaga Kotoko's confession, Inoue Ueya couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his head. Why did his painting style suddenly become the protagonist of the King's Road series of stories as he spoke...

After talking to this point, how could Mr. Inoue have the nerve to stop her from contacting those dangerous people in Kyoto?

Inoue Ueya has not forgotten what Seimei's ambition is. The old guy who attempts to reorganize the world order as the Lord of Darkness probably cannot tolerate the existence of Kotoko Iwanaga, who is a human being and drives hundreds of ghosts...

As that guy's subordinates, those Kyoto monsters would naturally have the same idea. After all, they have a rather extreme object of allegiance, and even regard Seimei's resurrection as their biggest goal. How could they easily accept the existence of Kotoko Iwanaga? Woolen cloth?

The Namba crutch given to her by Inoue Ueya did not have the effect of causing the enemy to rebel if thrown to it. A little thinking would tell that this was impossible.

If Iwanaga Kotoko insists on her own ideas and Inoue Ueya fails to prevent Seimei's resurrection in time, she may need to face the Kyoto Yokai or even Seimei herself in the future.

In any case, it is a bit inappropriate to let Kotoko Iwanaga run around alone now. The little monsters following her are probably not strong enough to deal with those Kyoto monsters. Any one of them should be able to wipe them out.

"We probably know the situation. In that case, Mr. Inoue also has a condition!"

Chapter 177 Are you angry?

"Hey, conditions? Is this something strange?" Iwanaga Kotoko's face turned red and she suddenly became shy, "If it's Ueya-kun, that's fine..."

Seeing that the atmosphere was gradually becoming strange, Inoue Ueya said angrily: "That's not the case! What I mean is that you take me with you every time you go out, and I will protect you when the Kyoto monsters attack. You’ll be fine!”

Now that Iwanaga Kotoko's goal has been decided, Inoue Ueya is not going to try to persuade her to give up her dream. Now she has no choice but to try to ensure her safety. She must find someone who can resist the attacks of Kyoto monsters to protect her.

"But the problem of going to school..."

"I don't care about this kind of thing. In the worst case, I'll just skip class."

Judging from Inoue Ueya's current grades, not going to school will not be of much help to him. It seems that there is no problem in skipping classes with Iwanaga Kotoko. School attendance and other things are not as important as her life safety.

"Well, although I feel a little moved, do Ueya-kun think Sadako and the others will agree to what you do?"

Kotoko Iwanaga shrugged and sighed.

"Zhiya-kun, you were just an ordinary person before you transformed. Will they really allow you to take risks yourself so easily?"

When Inoue Ueya heard this, his expression was suffocated, "Ugh... Could it be that Mr. Inoue is really that much of a war scumbag! After all, I have also experienced Sadako's special training from hell!"

Putting aside other people's thoughts, Iwanaga Kotoko was not sure about letting Inoue Ueya follow her.

Although Iwanaga Kotoko has never really encountered Kyoto monsters, she has heard that there are many powerful old monsters there. If the other party becomes serious, Inoue Ueya may not have time to transform and be directly killed. Knocked down.

The previous Book of Shadows incident alone is enough to explain Inoue Ueya's situation. Even if he cannot use his transformation ability, that idiot will still fight desperately, right?

After all, Iwanaga Kotoko was still worried about letting Inoue Ueya go into this muddy water. She shook her head and continued: "Let's forget about this matter? I don't want Ueya-kun to take risks..."


Hearing this, Inoue Ueya was a little angry. He was not the kind of guy who only talked. He had already prepared to fight monsters to help the God of Wisdom. How could he do it because of this? Take risks and retreat!

"Really, why do you think I took the risk?"

Since experiencing Ku Yin's incident, Inoue Ueya has noticed one thing. He is actually a person who hates separation.

Because he didn't want to watch Ku Yin disappear, Inoue also risked his life to fight in the dream state where he lost his ability to transform.

Now that he knew that Kotoko Iwanaga might be in danger, how could he turn a blind eye?

Dangerous incidents happened one after another, and all he could do was to continue fighting.

"As the God of Wisdom, you are not much different from ordinary people. What qualifications do you have to say to me? Aren't you the guy who always puts himself in danger!"

Inoue Ueya became more and more excited as he spoke, and unknowingly grabbed Kotoko Iwanaga's shoulders, "Don't just focus on helping monsters, why don't you also care about your own safety? No matter what, you are the God of Wisdom, but You are also an important member of our Inoue family! Neither I nor Sadako and the others want you to be in any danger!"

Kotoko Iwanaga was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and fell into silence.

Only then did Inoue Ueya come back to his senses. He realized that the tone of his words seemed a bit too strong, and his momentum instantly weakened. He said a little embarrassedly: "Uh, I'm sorry, at least let the girls at home accompany you. , Is this okay? I, I just hope you can come back safely."

"I understand this kind of thing..."

Iwanaga Kotoko still lowered her head and seemed to whisper something, but Inoue Ueya didn't hear it.

To be honest, there is no way that Kotoko Iwanaga didn't know what Ueya Inoue said, but she didn't point it out. The God of Wisdom is the God of Wisdom after all. Since Kotoko Iwanaga chose to become a "god", she has solved the troubles of monsters. , it is her duty to balance the order between humans and demons.

Compared with the information that other monsters know, Kotoko Iwanaga, who has the ability to communicate with spirits, understands the terrifying aspects of Kyoto monsters better than them. The goals of the Hagoromo fox and the Kyoto monsters have not changed in the past, to resurrect "Nu" and control them. The darkness in the world reorganizes the order of the world.

There is no doubt that the goals of Kyoto Yokai are contrary to the responsibilities and ideals of Iwanaga Kotoko. It is estimated that a battle between the two sides is inevitable, and it will definitely be a dangerous battle.

But unlike Sadako and the others, Inoue Ueya has no obligation to help her. She doesn't want to implicate them because of her status as a god.

Even though Iwanaga Kotoko knew that Denou possessed great power, she did not dare to gamble with Inoue Ueya's life. The enemy was the strongest onmyoji and the strongest monster!

"Kyoto monsters are more dangerous than you think. Are you really not afraid, Ueya-kun?"

Hearing Iwanaga Kotoko's suddenly unusually calm tone, Inoue Ueya's heart skipped a beat, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes that he hadn't seen in a long time.

——She is angry, definitely angry, right?

If Ueya Inoue were asked to play games, he would think that his skills were barely second or third rate, but when it came to coaxing girls, he would be a newbie who knew nothing about it.

"Um, Kotoko? Are you angry?"

"No, it's nothing, I just wanted to ask..."

Saying that, Iwanaga Kotoko suddenly stretched out her hands and hugged Inoue Ueya.

? ? ?

Inoue Ue, who was hugged tightly, was a little confused about the current situation. He began to wonder whether the god in front of him would suddenly throw him on his back in the next second and leave him open and closed. He had been used by Sadako a long time ago. Such a terrifying move. Although I have forgotten what happened that time, according to Sadako's explanation, a girl can do anything when she is extremely angry, even difficult wrestling moves are not a problem... …

Thinking of this, Inoue Ueya swallowed, and his body froze. Because he was afraid of being killed suddenly by the god in front of him, he didn't even dare to move casually.

"Of course you will still feel scared when you participate in a battle or something?" Inoue Ueya responded intermittently.

Chapter 178: Let’s read the book before Zhiye wakes up.

That being said, Inoue Ueya was more afraid of being suddenly thrown from his back than fighting monsters.

Although he still didn't quite believe Sadako's frightening statement, it was better not to stimulate Iwanaga Kotoko too much in this situation.

"But I have a reason why I have to fight."

Inoue Ueya sighed, lowered his head, and looked at Kotoko Iwanaga who was hugging him.

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