I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 10 Malicious People

When he got home, Chen Chu put on an apron, cooked a Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, steamed a rice, and served it to the table.

Chen Xiaoxuan's eyes lit up. He looked at the food and quickly took a bite. He gave a little thumbs up and said, "It tastes really good. I like it very much!"

Chen Chu took off his apron, moved a chair next to him, and sat with his hands on the backrest. Watching him wolfing down the food, he felt a special feeling. Maybe he was an only child and had never experienced what it was like to have brothers and sisters. He couldn't help but smile and said: "It's delicious but you should eat it slowly. Be careful of choking..."

He looked at the ash stone pattern on the back of his hand and wondered how powerful this thing was.

Currently, the known functions are time travel (film and television world), perception (strong desire of others), rewriting (forcible implantation of identity), and plunder (the so-called light ball reward after completing the commission)...

Chen Xiaoxuan burped, bringing Chen Chu back from his thoughts.

He took two cups, poured some warm water, and pushed one over: "You see, this happens when you eat too fast."

Then he drank a little to moisten his throat and asked casually, "Xiao Xuan, can you tell me a little bit about how you and Duo Duo met?"

Although Chen Xiaoxuan was scratched on his arm by Duoduo, he didn't feel any rejection.

Instead, he said excitedly: "I've seen Duoduo on the tablet!" He said, ran into the room, took out a tablet, opened the online video APP skillfully, clicked on the daily category, pulled it a few times, and clicked on it again A video: "I like to watch children's lives, and Duoduo appeared in this video."

Chen Chu took the tablet with one hand and watched the video.

This is a supernatural adventure anchor with a lot of fans. She is a woman with short to medium hair, probably in her late thirties.

Looking through her video records, it was basically some outdoor adventure videos six years ago, various supernatural and counterfeit videos, and she had a team of three to five people. But from six years to three months ago, during this period, she hardly posted any videos.

Three months ago, she, the video blogger, "returned the missing person."

It seems that in six years, she has become an ordinary housewife, and the videos she began to release were about her and her daughter Duoduo's daily life.

Check out the first video submission this month.

It is a blessing to see a woman suddenly promote a mantra and gesture to the audience, "Fire Buddha Xiuyi, xxxx!" The euphemistic name is such a blessing.


The glass in Chen Chu's hand showed a few cracks, and then bang, it broke!

His face gradually darkened.

This woman is none other than the heroine Li Ruonan!

To be honest, he didn't go to the cinema or watch the show "Curse" carefully and completely on the computer. But it is so popular that even someone like him who has never seen the movie knows roughly the plot of the show through hearsay.

The heroine Li Ruonan teamed up with her husband and her husband's cousin six years ago to engage in various adventure shootings and superstitious fight against counterfeiting. She heard that her husband's distant relatives lived in Chenjia Village. The villagers were extremely superstitious, including the elderly and children, without exception.

The three of them went as a team, and did not stop despite encountering various obstacles on the way.

The villagers of Chenjia Village refused to leave. When they heard that they were coming to see the "gods", they all welcomed them with enthusiasm.

Li Ruonan's three-person team, led by a girl named "Little Fairy Boy" who was the "spokesman of the gods" in the village, entered a damp, scary and dark tunnel in the village and saw the statue of the "god" that was their goal! Her husband went to lift the red cloth covering the statue of the "god" and was violently cursed on the spot and died...

His cousin died soon after.

Li Ruonan escaped because he was injured and did not go deep.

The "little fairy boy" told her that the "god" Big Black Buddha Mother was interested in the fetus in her belly. After the child was born, she needed to dedicate the child's name and complete the ceremony, otherwise she would not escape disaster! Li Ruonan panicked and was forced to drink a bowl of toad water...as a contract.

Li Ruonan left Chenjiacun.

After giving birth to a child, she did not give her a correct name, but instead sent her to an orphanage and asked someone to raise her on her behalf.

In an attempt to escape the curse of the Great Black Buddha Mother, during this period, she also hired a psychiatrist for herself, and continued to receive psychological counseling and self-hypnosis, but to no avail! Because as she gradually relaxed her vigilance, six years later, supernatural events began to happen around her.

Li Ruonan realized that the curse of the Big Black Buddha Mother was still there. She drank the toad water and signed a contract, leaving her alive in order to fulfill the contract and give her child's name in the future. And she has been hiding it, and the children don't know her name. Now the Great Black Buddha Mother is angry!

She panicked and felt like she was going to belch at any moment.

She was shaken to choose between her life and her child.

He took the child out of the orphanage, and even showed the DV of the "god" video he shot in the Chenjiacun tunnel six years ago to others...

She gave the child a nickname, Duoduo.

As soon as I picked it up, I started telling the child his name. I even spelled it out word for word for fear that he wouldn’t understand.

Just like that, Duoduo's real name was exposed, and the big black Buddha came to her door. Supernatural phenomena gradually appeared around her. This is why Duoduo said she could see a black monster named, Bad Bad! She had even sensed Li Ruonan's attitude and asked, "Is it because I'm afraid of monsters that I want to abandon her..."

The eight-word mantra runs through the plot.

When Li Ruonan was pregnant, he went to Yunnan and found an enlightened monk to explain it, so he knew the meaning. The meaning of the spell is that you are willing to dedicate your true name and share the curse.

Six years later, she re-produced short videos of her life, frequently making handprints in front of the camera, saying spells, and guiding the audience. The purpose was to spread the curse and try to dilute her curse with a huge number of viewers.

Later she realized that the curse might be diluted for others, but not for her.

Because her child was spotted by the big black Buddha demon, she herself drank the toad water and signed a contract, but she couldn't!

She felt that things were a little out of control and got scared. She tried to find an expert to solve the curse and found a pair of old wizards in a temple! After repeated requests, the old man agreed, with only one request: he must resist the temptation to eat or drink any food or water for seven days and nights during the practice.

Li Ruonan stayed up for three or four days and began to think wildly. Maybe it was because she was so hungry that she lost her will, or maybe she was afraid that her behavior would attract the revenge of the Great Black Buddha Mother!

With only the last bit of time left, she actually ate something and gave some to her child, instantly breaking the evil-breaking ritual of the two old men, causing the old man to die tragically...

In the finale, Li Ruonan felt that the Big Black Buddha Mother was difficult to deal with, so he had to go to the tunnel with the child's real name. She had protective spells written all over her body, and then brought her own flesh, hair and teeth as a sacrifice in an attempt to request The Great Black Buddha Mother, spare her life! Here comes the most disgusting part of this show...

She even had a video recorder! Pointing the camera at the Big Black Buddha, she covered her eyes. Instead, she took off the red cloth from the face of the Big Black Buddha and faced the camera. At this time, she still did not give up and was still trying to "dilute the curse" in the hope that the audience would share it. curse……

What she thought was that it was okay to cover her eyes.

The Big Black Buddha Mother in this drama is not very awesome or impeccable.

There were at least three opportunities for the heroine to escape the curse, but they were all avoided perfectly.

The first time was when she met an eminent monk from Yunnan when she was pregnant six years ago!

The second time, I asked the old man from the temple to help break the curse, and I just had to endure it without eating or drinking for seven days.

The third time, she encountered a palace official on patrol on the street. The child was on top of her body, and her strong aura made her feel guilty. She was afraid that the official would raise his head and kill her and the big black Buddha together with his fork...

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