I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 114 Weird Bookstore

The little ghost under the tree was watered with urine, crying and making trouble, and an adult ghost also appeared on the tree, looking down, leaning towards Gao Hui with an angry expression.

Chen Chu broke off a branch and threw it towards him, and it fell into two pieces with a snap! Gao Hui thought May was looking for him, so he hurriedly picked up his zipper and ran in the other direction.

Gao Hui was deceived, but the two ghosts were not deceived. They raised their heads and looked at Chen Chu.

The big ghost opened his mouth and let out a hissing roar, pointing at his position. Then the big ghost flashed and suddenly appeared in front of Chen Chu with his hands raised high...

Chen Chu made a wait gesture.

For this situation, we have already prepared in advance...

He took out 200 baht from his pocket, looked at the ghost in front of him, and burned it to ashes with a fire. The big ghost fished it up in the air, and the 200 baht turned into a stack of ghost coins in his hand...

Chen Chu put his hands together and nodded.

The big ghost held the Ming coins in his hands and nodded with his hands clasped together. The little ghost was obviously dissatisfied and wanted to seek revenge on Gao Hui. The big ghost raised his hand and knocked him on the head, grabbed his arm and disappeared together...

Gao Hui and his party could never have imagined that the kid who would have been the cause of their group's demise would be solved by Chen Chu with 200 baht.

He also thought about the situation where ghosts don't want money.

The so-called everything is easy to discuss.

Discuss it patiently and it will be done.

Soon Gao Hui was also found by May.

Chen Chu jumped down from the tree and hid in a "not too hidden" place, and was found within a few minutes.

May was a little disappointed holding the black cat. When she returned to Changgui's house, she flipped through the book "Ten Ways to See Hell" and sighed. It was just a weird book to attract attention. It was of no use at all. After three games, what? Didn't see it either.

Chen Chu also pretended that he could not see ghosts like May.

He took the book "Ten Ways to See Hell" and flipped it through with interest, then turned directly to the last page. In the lower right corner, it read that the original price was 100 baht and the discount price was 50 baht. There was no publisher or author.

Changgui can speak the language of flowers. Seeing Chen Chu flipping the pages of the book back and forth, he smiled and asked, are you interested in this kind of book?

Chen Chu nodded and said that ancient books from foreign countries like this are worth collecting, but he just doesn't know where to buy such books?

Changgui scratched his wavy hair with his hand, and remembered the time when he got this book, and said that it was one night when he got on the wrong bus and got off the wrong bus stop and saw it in a small shop on the roadside. There appear to be many other books.

Then he used his mobile phone to send Chen Chu the approximate location of the bus stop and shop.

After playing three games that night, they all fell asleep from exhaustion. There were many rooms in Changgui's house. Gao Hui and Dezi slept in one room, the two women slept in one room, and Chen Chu slept in another room...

It was around three o'clock.

Changgui's mother went out on an old bicycle.

When Chen Chu heard that the bicycle was not ringing except for the bell, every part of his body was ringing. He opened the window and jumped out secretly to see what the old man was doing without sleeping at three in the morning.

As soon as he came to the street, he was startled by two ghosts. They were the floating female ghosts he met at the midnight intersection. She came over and brought another ghost with her.

After hearing what she said hoarsely, the other shorter ghost spoke quietly: "She wants to ask for your help. Her soul is being tortured all the time. Please help her get out of the sea of ​​suffering..."

Judging from her appearance, she is from the country of Savadika. She can actually speak the language of Zhonghua. She probably saw Chen Chu's expression and said that she had studied abroad in Zhonghua Continent when she was alive.

Chen Chu could no longer hear the sound of Changgui's mother's bicycle. He sat down on a stone on the side of the road and asked her what happened and why she chose to find him...

After the translation by the female ghost studying abroad, it turned out that the floating female ghost was also a student before she was alive, and a college student at that.

Her name is Lina.

She and some of her friends from college also played the game of knocking on dishes and chopsticks at crossroads. Unfortunately, an evil spirit was attracted to her, and she was pushed to the ground when her classmates fled in panic.

If she stopped knocking on the bowl, she would be seen by the ghost. Unluckily, Lina was discovered by the evil ghost. She was so frightened that her legs went weak. Her classmates ran away again, and she couldn't even lift up her strength. The evil ghost bit her and sucked away the yang energy. She After returning home, he fell ill for two days and then died.

From then on, she often appeared at this intersection to drive away the living people who stayed here at night to prevent them from encountering ghosts and dying like her...

It lasted three months.

When she was nearby tonight, she was attracted by the sound of tapping bowls and chopsticks, and saw that there were actually six people playing this summoning ritual.

He floated over with a terrifying attitude and tried to scare everyone away, but he ran away. However, Chen Chu got up slowly, without any fear on his face, and even took the bowl away. Lina guessed that Chen Chu was very angry. Maybe she was a capable person who approached her with the attitude of giving it a try. Now it seems that she was right...

Lina said that after she became a ghost, her head would hurt so much at midnight every night, and she would feel like something was being withdrawn from her body little by little. She even had a premonition that if she continued like this for a few months, she would slowly disappear. , nothing will be left.

I've asked other ghosts and they don't have this symptom, not even the other people who died after their yang energy was sucked away by that evil ghost.

Lina suspected that it had something to do with the crossroads ritual, and this ritual was learned from a black book called "Ten Ways to See Hell," which she and one of her classmates bought from an old bookstore.

After becoming a ghost, she wanted to go to the used bookstore to investigate the situation, but every time she got within fifty meters of the bookstore, she was always repulsed by an invisible force.

She tried it with other ghosts. The evil ghost with strong resentment could only get closer to about twenty meters at most. When she saw that Chen Chu was so bold and might have real abilities, she wanted to ask him for help to go to the bookstore. have a look.

When Lina talked about "Ten Ways to See Hell".

Chen Chu didn't need to look at it to guess that there must be something wrong with this old bookstore. In the original drama, there was a plot where friends were killed while playing games...

Chang Gui was suspicious, so he went to the used bookstore to investigate. He found that there was another "Ten Ways to See Ghosts" on the bookshelf where he originally bought "Ten Ways to See Ghosts". Opening the pages of the book, he found that there were text descriptions in Cup Fairy. The simple illustration suddenly turned into a scene of a few of them playing Cup Fairy...

And inside the room of the used bookstore.

There was a scene where the boss was writing and drawing crazily on a book.

Changgui was about to go deeper when he was suddenly pulled home by his mother who appeared here for some reason and told him that this store was very dangerous and he should not approach it casually...

There is a movie plot plus this description of Lina.

The image of the old bookstore suddenly became mysterious in Chen Chu's mind. Lina couldn't get close, indicating that there was a barrier around the bookstore, and the new "Ten Ways to See Hell" illustration on the bookshelf had the image of the protagonist group, indicating that all this was not accidental. But a calculation...

The description in the commissioned task [Destroying the spread of "Ten Ways to See Hell\

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