I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 120: Damage to the general, let’s get going!

When the shop owner saw Chen Chu, he had already completed the facial makeup painting. His face, which looked like a green-faced ghost, stopped the shop owner from running wildly. It seemed like something that often appeared at flower-planting folk temple fairs...

I didn’t think about it, and I couldn’t think too much about it.

The shop owner's knee wound was severely rotten. When he reached the hillside, his bones and flesh had been separated. His calf fell on the grass. What was strange was that although he no longer had his calf, he stood on the ground as if he still had his calf.

The rate of decay is increasing.

The stench spread upwards, and the stench hit your nostrils. Flesh, flesh, and bones kept falling to the ground. Your thighs, hips, waist, abdomen, and chest were just fine for a while. It became a monster with only the upper body floating, not just the half body, because there were also internal organs like bunches of grapes hanging from the chest down, and the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were all hanging on it, making it impossible to look directly at it.

The shop owner actually practiced the famous Flying Head Drop in the head-lowering technique. When practicing this kind of head-dropping, every few days, the head will leave the body and fly around with a bunch of internal organs, killing people or animals, and eating other things. Internal organs, flesh and blood, and then returned to the body before dawn.

If you don't come back in time, you will be burned to death by the sun.

If the body is destroyed, it will also lose nutrients and dry up and die.

But when Fei Tou descends to a great level, he can completely abandon his body, survive with only his head and internal organs, avoid the sun, and be able to travel thousands of miles at night without seeking death...

As long as there is a supply of flesh and blood, you can always live.

Flying head down!

Very exciting!

Chen Chu felt the excitement that he had not seen for a long time.

He took out a remote control and pressed it gently.

The shop owner heard the sound of wind coming from all around, and saw four or five nets flying out from the shadows to cover him. After struggling hard, it turned out to be nets with thin wires hidden inside!

I looked at the place where the barbed wire flew out. There were several large-caliber spring guns there. Behind each gun was a toy car with a tall antenna, and there were many round rubber bands scattered next to it...


What a trap made of such a childish thing!

He picked up the dagger in his right hand and cut the barbed wire!

Sound that breaks the sky!

An arrow was flying towards him. He saw it clearly. He ducked and the arrow pierced into his shoulder. Another arrow flew towards him and pierced into his chest. The shop owner grinned in pain and raised the pistol in his left hand, regardless of the effective distance. Just aim at the altar on the top of the mountain and shoot. It will be difficult to hit the target if the bullet exceeds fifty meters...

You have to be trained to hit within fifty meters.

Chen Chu saw the pistol unexpectedly, and was shrouded in shadow. He subconsciously rolled to the ground. The bullets of the pistol missed a lot, and if he smashed a candle, he didn't know where to fly.

He touched the body armor he had worn almost all the time since the First Commandment.

He stood up carefully, bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot arrows continuously from a high position. He only stopped when the shot was empty. The shop owner was very flexible. Except for the first three arrows that barely hit the body, the subsequent arrows almost missed!

The shop owner's body was also rotting from the neck down. He handed the pistol and dagger to the snake-like viscera, and with a strong shake of his body, all the shoulder blades of his two arms fell off, leaving only his head and a string underneath...

The dagger finally cut through five or six layers of iron mesh.

He got out of the gap and let out a gloomy laugh: "Haha... What's the use of opening the altar so high? It can't make up for the huge gap between you and me! You, tonight, must die!"

The wound on Chen Chu's face that was scratched by the utility knife started to ooze blood again. He looked no better than the shop owner.

His eyes were fixed on the pistol in the shopkeeper's hand.

There was also a gloomy smile on his face, and he said jokingly: "Really, do you think I will come to fight with you if I don't have a trump card? Jie Jie Jie... Today I will let you know what it means to have people outside of you. If there is danger, just shake them off!"

He reached out to the incense burner and pulled out three incense sticks. He picked up the transparent tape and fixed it between the back of his neck and his collar. Ignoring the shop owner who floated up quickly, he took two steps back and sat on the small bench...

"Please, General Damage, get up and drive!"

Make a seal with your hands to ask for the seal of the gods, recite the mantra in your mouth, and pour it into your body with a trace of cold current.

Chen Chu trembled all over, and his head began to shake from side to side with increasing frequency, like a swinging doll. The corners of his mouth gradually rose, and the red light in his eyes turned blue, cold, violent, and full of murderous intent...

A wisp of white smoke came out of his mouth.

He lowered his head and looked at his hands and body, then stood up slowly...

The trident had been placed on the altar for a long time. Chen Chu picked it up with one hand and weighed it a few times. His eyes met the shop owner who rushed over...

The shop owner was shocked, his eyes... seemed like a different person.

He raised the pistol with his intestines and pulled the trigger continuously. A silencer was installed on the muzzle, but there was still a loud banging sound! Chen Chu glared angrily and dodged sideways, circling twice with the stainless steel trident in his hand, clanking, and blocking a bullet...

What kind of monster is this?

The shop owner’s eyes twitched!

It is impossible for anyone to avoid bullets and block them with weapons, not even him, unless he dies and becomes a ghost to penetrate through!

Chen Chu clenched his teeth and made a sound like a cow. He spun around and raised his foot to kick the entire altar flying out and hit the shop owner!

Incense burner, yellow paper, candles, peach wood sword, various props such as the goddess scattering flowers! The shop owner was caught in a trap and was knocked upside down. His gun fell from under the table...

He pushed the table away angrily and roared: "I have become a flying head descender. I am different from ordinary people. No matter what tricks you do to yourself, you can't do anything to me!!"

After Chen Chu finished reciting the mantra to invite gods.

Not another word was said from beginning to end.

At this moment, when he heard what the store owner said, his ferocious expression revealed a smile.

His body flashed and he appeared straight in front of the shop owner. He grabbed his hair with his left hand, lifted his whole head and slammed it on the square table of the altar on the ground. The solid wood table shattered!

Then with a slight throw, his right leg hit him on the bridge of his nose like a football shot. The force was so strong that blood spattered and his head flew out in a parabola.

The store owner is in a state of confusion at the moment.

Who am I and where am I?

His head and internal organs fell on Gumantong, who was still burning. The fire spread and the pain made him scream, trying to get out of the flames...

Chen Chu weighed the trident in his hand again, with a fierce look in his eyes. With a flick of his right hand, the stainless steel trident turned into a silver light and shot out, instantly pinning the shop owner's head into the flames.

He clenched his fists and ran down.

When he came to the shop owner, he took a deep breath and blew out a brighter flame to blend into it. His head immediately began to rot and his internal organs continued to char.

He was laughing silently, in an exaggerated way, and raised his right foot to crush this thing completely...

His body suddenly trembled.

He spoke: "General Damage, wait a minute, I want to have a few words with this old man..."

Chen Chu's raised foot slowly retracted, he let out a snort from his nostrils, and the cyan light in his eyes immediately dissipated, returning to the representative red light of fierce eyes and spiritual eyes. Chen Chu was back.

He flexed his muscles and bones for just a few minutes. The movements were not difficult, but his back ached as if he had done some big project on the mountain and sea...

"Look at you, I said I was going to shake people off, but you... ugh!"

Gumantong was in a state of shock.

Chen Chu gently stepped on the shop owner's head and carefully pulled out the trident. For fear of breaking it, looking at him who was about to die at any time, he quickly moved the flames away with a branch to make the flames smaller, and said softly: "You can't Damn it, hold on, let’s seize the time to chat for a while..."

My health is well, I will resume the third update tomorrow, please give me a monthly pass, please give me a monthly pass.

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