I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 124 Moving forward in the eternal night

Fortunately, in the world of "The First Commandment", although there is the Internet, the level of mobile communication is still at the standard of the real world in the late 1990s. Color screen flip phones have just become popular, but the vast majority of people are still using green screen candy bars. cell phone.

And things like monitors are still in the stage of closed-circuit monitoring and hard disk monitoring. Either someone sits in the monitoring room 24 hours a day and stares at the monitor, or something goes wrong and the video in the hard disk is retrieved for playback. , there is no regional dynamic monitoring, human figure tracking, face recognition, low-light night vision, scheduled patrol and other functions...

The kind of tiny ball camera that his photo was secretly photographed and uploaded to the Internet last time is not owned by ordinary civilians or the lower class. There is even a conspiracy theory that maybe only ghosts have that kind of thing. It is used to take photos and upload them after encountering threats. Group sharing is dangerous. Character information, jointly design means to eradicate the target...

However, Chen Chu was not careless. After leaving the apartment, he bought a new coat from a street shop and put it on. He took a taxi to the vegetable market and then walked through the path to the original Nanyue Emperor Temple. He was a little shocked. But as expected, the plaque of the Nanyue Emperor Temple was taken down, chopped into pieces and thrown to the ground.

The doorkeeper on the door was also chopped until his face was unrecognizable.

At the door, there are even fragments of statues of various gods and goddesses in many temples. They are in such a mess that it is hard to imagine what happened here...

Chen Chu saw an old woman worshiping Nanyue Temple with three sticks of incense in her hand. The Five Thunder Talisman in her clothes slowly emerged. He walked over slowly and said, "Grandma, this temple is in such a state of ruins. How can you worship me?" What's the use? People are so short of money nowadays, it's more practical to put some banknotes at home to provide for them..."

Grandma respectfully put the incense on a small incense burner in front of her, stood up and looked at Chen Chu: "Young man, don't talk nonsense, be careful the gods will be angry!

Alas, come to think of it, my old lady won’t be able to pray for much longer. I heard that some unscrupulous real estate developers are planning to build some kind of department store in this area. The Nanyue Temple is in the area and must be demolished. The temple inside refuses to do so. , he was dragged out and beaten until he was dying and sent to the hospital...

These unscrupulous people actually attacked the gods, smashed all the idols and threw them everywhere. "

She was so close that the Five Thunder Talisman didn't react at all.

Chen Chu immediately understood that building a department store on real estate was just an excuse to destroy the temple. When he left last time, the statue of the gods appeared and the gods began to revive. The ghosts who occupied a high position were afraid. He used money and Entitlement drives ignorant humans to destroy their own protective umbrellas themselves.

Although Nanyue Temple is called a temple, it actually covers a large area. Even it was destroyed. So you can imagine what the situation is like in other small temples...

Grandma walked away chattering.

Chen Chu walked through the broken wooden door and came to the main hall. The incense burner fell over and fragments of the gods and statues were scattered on the ground.

The huge statue of Emperor Nanyue that was originally located in the center of the main hall was now in pieces. Only two feet were left on the ground. The majestic face was also broken into several pieces on the ground...

Chen Chu picked up the largest piece and placed it on the concrete throne of Emperor Nanyue.

He formed a seal with his hands: "Emperor Nanyue, and all the gods, all complained that Chen Chu came here for help that day and caused such a disaster for the temple. Chen Chu made amends to all the gods!"

He swept the dust off his knees, knelt on the ground, and was about to bow down.

Unexpectedly, the fragments of Emperor Nanyue's face on the throne emitted a faint light, and Chen Chu felt a gentle force preventing him from bowing down...

How can the gods appear after the statues are broken into pieces like this?

Chen Chu was overjoyed. He was not a coy person. Since the gods were not strange, he would be acting coyly if he continued. He immediately stood up and asked respectfully: "Emperor Nanyue, gods, Chen Chu doesn't have much time to come back this time. He mainly wants to see Look at what happened to the world and those few friends that day.

It’s just that the world is so big and the sea of ​​people is vast. How should I find them, and at the same time, how should I bring real light to this dark world? "

As soon as he finished speaking, a fragment suddenly floated up from the debris on the ground and flew slowly over. Chen Chu stretched out his hand to catch it. It was a small finger of a god. It was a statue of a god other than Emperor Nanyue. Because he was not the main god of this temple, So the statues are much smaller...

His fingers rotated twice in Chen Chu's palm and then settled in one direction. He suddenly realized that this was a compass specially made for Huang Yaozu and others.

But what about light?

He wanted to ask a few more questions, but the light from the fragments of Emperor Nanyue dissipated and broke into countless small pieces with a snap. There was no response at all...

There was silence for a long time.

Chen Chu said: "Thank you so much, Emperor Nanyue, and thank you all the gods!"

He left the Nanyue Emperor Temple with the finger of an unknown god. Instead of calling a taxi, he went to the nearest second-hand car market and bought a second-hand van. This kind of car was not necessarily very comfortable, but Chen Chu didn't know Why, driving this kind of car gives me a warm and familiar feeling...

Put the finger of God on the dashboard and use it as navigation.

What happened to the Nanyue Temple made Chen Chu feel a little complicated. Although the world has regained the power of the gods, the ghosts still have the ability to take the initiative to attack these temples...

What is a temple?

Explain in plain language.

The temple is equivalent to a signal station for the gods. Different gods are communication companies of different brands. The existence of the temple can absorb the prayers and wishes of believers and transfer them to the gods, and the gods can also transmit information to believers through the existence of the temple. It can even use specific spells and secrets to bring divine power to believers to help them break evil obstacles...

Before he accepted Huang Yaozu's commission.

These temples are just unactivated signal stations. The ghosts don't care and ignore them. But now that the signal stations are activated, the gods who don't know where they are have noticed the existence of this world...

The ghosts were anxious, so they used human hands to cut down mountains, temples, and signal stations for the lame excuse of "developing real estate."

The van was driving alone on the road, and the originally cloudy weather began to turn gloomy. Lightning flashed like a snake in the dark clouds ahead, disappearing and appearing, accompanied by rumbling thunder, as if a giant was pushing a giant The millstone passed overhead...


Rejecting God.

Although the gods' signal stations were lit up, the gods could only deliver messages and provide some power, but they still could not come. Chen Chu subconsciously clenched the steering wheel with both hands.

In other worlds such as "Kui Jian, Zong Xie, and the Little Girl in Red", gods cannot come to the world, but there are many local mountain gods and ghosts who can come to the world through jitong, and the evil forces can only hide in the darkness from time to time. To do evil, to achieve the general trend that good will suppress evil...

But in Huang Yaozu's world, the ghosts took the lead and almost ruled the world.

The gods were too late to light up their respective temples. In addition, the true spirits could not come. They only wanted to use their power to let special believers such as Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang hold "candlelight" to disperse this "eternal night" in a short time. The world is so difficult...

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