I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 144 This is the power of the crowd

Chen Chu knew that in the early 1990s in the island country, various economic indicators reached their peak and were unmatched, plus there was not enough industrial support! This huge bubble economy finally burst and ushered in an economic crisis...

In those years, the rooftops of the island country were crowded with people, and new corpses were hung in the forest, the so-called suicide sanctuary, every day.

The living people are anxious and worried from top to bottom. Unfortunately, Kayako died at the time when the resentment was the most intense in the past few years.

Coupled with the fact that society has begun to age seriously, the elderly are clinging to their jobs and refusing to let go at this critical moment. Young people have been unable to find jobs and see no hope. Resentments have exploded again and are growing every day.

Chen Chu led the children to the homes of residents with grievances. Almost all of them had sad faces and asked questions about work and money...

However, Chen Chu's crazy feeding of chicken soup and the cute faces of the children still put smiles on the faces of many residents who were despairing of the world, and their resentment disappeared a lot!

But Chen Chu’s purpose was to provide coconut milk, and he didn’t really come here to do social charity volunteer work...

But the work of dissolving resentment cannot stop. What should we do?

He thought of the teachers in school who cursed him in private and were afraid that he would go crazy and take over, and he immediately hatched a plan! Chen Chu was exhausted at school and could not stop working no matter how hard or tired he was. His reputation among students and parents reached a huge level...

Then he hid in the bathroom, waiting for a few specific times to return to the bathroom to lazily chat with the teacher, squatting in the cubicle, pretending to be on the phone, saying how rare this job is, how great it is, and how many benefits it has...

The teachers felt itchy after hearing this. They knew Chen Chu's purpose of doing this. After thinking about it together, they decided to join in...

They went to the principal to raise this matter and simply asked all the teachers to participate. The reason was very simple. Only a few of them could easily be targeted if they did this job...

And something magical happened.

The teachers and students of their primary school go out every now and then to be social volunteers, bringing warmth to the lonely elderly and cheering up frustrated young people. They have attracted the attention of many surrounding schools!

More and more teachers and students are participating, from elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and even college students.

Learning from each other, no one is willing to give up the action of gaining reputation, or even if there is no way to gain it, the chicken soup loses its effect after talking too much. Some people begin to use their personal connections to solve problems, help lonely elderly people find companions, and help unemployed people find jobs. ! Rolling is a crazy trend. When one person starts rolling, others will inevitably follow...

Chen Chu stood on the rooftop of the department store.

Looking at the residents near Kayako, their resentment is decreasing day by day. The Feng Shui Bureau of Feng Shui absorbs all the surrounding atmosphere.

Nowadays, the resentment has become thinner. During the day, especially in the afternoon, every household is laughing and beaming with joy. The resentment rising like a flame in the Kayaba House has also stopped growing...

Gaoyao was injured last time.

She never appeared again.

Kayako must take revenge. She will kill everyone who has entered the house and been contaminated by the curse, and those who have indirect contact will also die...

Through the binoculars, Chen Chu saw Toshio Saeki squatting on the wall of the courtyard. This poor boy, pale and with dark circles under his eyes, was walking around in only his underwear, as if he had been looking for something.

Toshio Saeki felt the gaze from Chen Chu. He turned around and saw Chen Chu looking at his home with a telescope on the rooftop of a distant department store. He made a sound like a threatened cat in his throat, and his eyes were wide open, as if in warning. Chen Chu, please don’t peep secretly...

Chen Chu smiled slightly.

He took out a handful of milk candies from his pocket, spread them out in his palm and shook them a few times. He made an invisible voice to Toshio Saeki and said word by word: "Kids, uncle has a lot of candies here. Come and share them together. Uncle, don't you?" I will do anything to you...believe me!"

But Toshio Saeki was already six years old and was not so easily fooled. He screamed twice and jumped out of the yard and disappeared...

This unlucky kid...

Kayako only loved herself. She still had a little maternal love during her lifetime, but she didn't care about it after she died. Toshio Saeki's existence was more like a tool she used to attract living people to be contaminated by the curse...

Chen Chu observed for a while, but didn't see Gaoyao.

He put away the binoculars and left the department store. When he was downstairs, a teenage girl passed by. The unique cold aura of resentment caught Chen Chu's attention...

The spiritual eyes are open!

The girl looks cute, young and immature, and looks like she has just entered high school.

Behind her was a black figure who looked exactly like her. The black figure moved as the girl moved. It was not that Chen Chu had never seen a black ghost before, but they were all black, and at least there were transitional colors, black, white, and gray. This black figure looked like it was fished out of ink, it was extremely black.

The girl walked further and further away, but the dark figure of the girl following her suddenly turned around. It was not completely black, because there were still whites in her eyes...

The dark girl exuded a strong evil aura. Wherever she walked, the grass in the flower bed withered. She stretched out her hands and reached towards Chen Chu's neck! Why do you like to strangle your neck so much? If I were a fat man, wouldn’t I be immortal?

Chen Chu silently took out his trident and made a come on gesture.

The dark girl was stunned. She thought that Chen Chu couldn't see her, but she just had an inexplicable disgust towards this man, so she wanted to come over so blatantly and try to strangle him to death...

Her look made Chen Chu couldn't help but think of the anniversary edition of the Grudge series.

They are "The Grudge: The Black Girl" and "The Grudge: The White Old Woman". According to the plot timeline, the story of the Black Girl happened before the White Old Woman and left behind a house that generated a new grudge. This is how the White Old Woman movie came about.

The plot of Black Shoujo is simple.

There was a girl named Fujie. Her parents found a cyst in her body. They thought it was a disease. In fact, the cyst was a curse caused by a fetus that could not be born smoothly.

Fujie was originally a twin, but was absorbed by Fujie in an accident. The other fetus that was supposed to be a sister turned into a cyst and existed in Fujie's body. It was a black girl with the same appearance as Fujie. Her strong resentment killed the nurse who took care of Fujie, the nurse's neighbor, her father, her mistress and colleagues, killing, killing, killing.

Sensing something was wrong, her mother invited her sister Mariko, who had spiritual power, to help remove the spirit. Unexpectedly, she was deceived by the black girl and accidentally expelled Futee's soul. The black girl visited at night and killed Mariko and her family (the house they lived in became the big house of the new curse in the white old woman).

The mother was reminded by the ghost of her sister Mariko that her daughter was dead, so she jumped off the rooftop with the black girl who possessed her daughter's body, intending to die together. However, only she and her daughter's body died, and the black girl still existed...

The black girl inside is wearing a dark high school uniform. Her whole body is so dark that she can only barely make out her two eyes! Although it is the anniversary edition of The Grudge, it has little to do with the story of Kayako. Only Toshio Saeki is looking for his black cat, and there are a few scenes where he shows his face...

It’s the last day to hit the monthly new book list, please vote, I feel like I’m going to get fucked, please!

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