I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 154: Sneaking into the True Immortal Temple

If the mites cultivated by Xie Yali can be analyzed so thoroughly by instruments, how to explain it? How to make the hallucinations seen by the deceased before death and the state of death after death strictly follow the five hells of ice, fire pit, intestine extraction, and exhumation? Heart, what are the steps for pulling out the tongue?

You must know that people have thoughts every day and dreams at night. Human thoughts are very complicated. Even if the mites spread along the nasal cavity to the central nervous system of the brain, they cannot reach this point...

Especially in the finale, Xie Yali's illusion skills were so sneaky that he wanted Huang Huotu to see whatever he wanted, and even made Huang Huotu completely unable to distinguish between reality and illusion. He shot him to death in excitement, completing the final liberation of the Five Prisons. Law! The Five Prisons seem simple but are actually very difficult. Otherwise, Xie Yali would not have said the words of repayment: "I have become an immortal, so you can follow me..."

This commissioned task is very troublesome.

To save a lot of police officers who were killed in the show.

Chen Chu rubbed his forehead. The method shown by Xie Yali in the play seems to be single. Who knows if she has other methods? Even if not, don't forget that she was born as a twin. Her sister (Shengxian) died and was possessed by Huang Huotu's daughter. In order to ensure that her sister Xie Yali can successfully become an immortal, her sister has been protecting Huang Huotu...

Chen Chu was not going to sleep anymore.

He once again realized the importance of cultivation and asked God every day. Even if his body could be repaired, he couldn't owe too much for this favor. Immediately sit with legs crossed, hands in mudra, and the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth. Think of the method of breathing and breathing health-preserving skills in your mind, and start practicing!

His eyes that had just been closed suddenly opened!

It's amazing. Before he could feel the presence of spiritual energy in the air, two streams of energy, one cold and one hot, automatically emerged from his Dantian and flowed along the meridians. It was obviously not spiritual energy, but it was purer than spiritual energy and easy to absorb. So refining!

Come to think of it, it’s the tokens of the Sun God and the Night God. Standing in the sun to kill ghosts can break them into sun essence. Standing in the moonlight to kill ghosts can break ghosts into moonlight. It’s the so-called sun and moon essence infusion. That’s what it means! Store it in the body and use it directly as spiritual energy during cultivation...

Good stuff, just use it quickly...

At four o'clock in the morning, the essence of the sun and moon was used up, and Chen Chu could only sense the surrounding air and absorb the thin spiritual energy!

This feeling is a bit like spending all your millions in savings and starting all over again, moving bricks on the ground, but since you feel that cultivation is important, you can't give up just because of a little hard work! In the future, he will truly cultivate and become an immortal, find a way to bring his master out of the real world, and experience the world where the Tao and Dharma truly exist.

This is his current clear goal.

Master is done. If possible, he will bring his uncle, uncle, and the big bosses from the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain. He can't imagine what terrifying achievements those people will achieve if they are separated from the real world...

At dawn the next day, I felt energetic after practicing all night and felt great.

Yesterday I went to the police station to report that today Chen Chu asked for leave, citing a stomachache after being drunk. The team leader Li Fengbo expressed his understanding. It was a miracle that he didn't go to the hospital for gastric lavage after drinking so much last night. It was just a stomachache. What else do you want? What about the bicycle? Lin Shulin wanted to see Chen Chu in the hotel.

He declined politely.

He doesn't like (travelling) to have extra relationships with female friends at work, unless Lin Shulin can show that she is valuable to the entrusted task...

Otherwise, if an accident occurs, she will only become a burden, and it will be very troublesome to go back and save people.

As Chen Chu, who has watched movies and has a God's perspective, he naturally knows where the True Immortal Temple is. Now the plot has only progressed to the death of the Christian priest, and the criminal team has not found any clues related to the True Immortal Temple...

Chen Chu called a taxi and went to the Science and Technology Building in the bustling area of ​​​​Wanbei. After entering the door, he walked naturally into the elevator and pressed the button for the 99th floor...

Wearing very simple casual clothes, he arrived at the 99th floor.

I saw two glass doors opening automatically. There was a front desk behind, and there stood a smiling girl in her early twenties. When she saw Chen Chu walking out of the elevator, she was slightly surprised, but she quickly returned to her original expression. : "I wonder what happened to you sir? Do you have an appointment?"

Chen Chu formed a seal with his hands and said with a smile: "I am a wandering Taoist priest at the beginning. I passed through a precious land. I felt in my heart that a noble person was here. I also came here in search of opportunities. Please report something to the fate master..."

The girl at the front desk only understood half of it, but she also understood that this young man was not ordinary.

She pressed a button at the front desk and said, "We have a distinguished visitor."

After a while, an aunt in plain clothes walked out with the same smile as the front desk: "Distinguished guest, follow me." Then she turned around and walked in front of her. She was obviously a living person of flesh and blood, but she gave Chen Chu a kind of The feeling of an inflatable doll walking is hollow...

Very strange feeling.

Chen Chu was very sure that she was alive and that all her internal organs were intact, because in the drama, when the police and believers clashed and a massacre occurred, these believers were shot and stabbed, and their bodies were torn to pieces. , parts flying around, the scene was like hell on earth.

After passing through a room and a door, my eyes suddenly opened up.

What comes into view is an antique Taoist temple. The contrast between the visual impact of ancient religious beliefs and modern technology is vividly displayed at this moment. It is more enjoyable than watching a movie!

The size of the Taoist temple is okay, similar to the Sanshan Palace, but it is a bit awesome to be built in this research and development building.

According to the investigation results of the original drama's detectives, this Taoist temple is called Zhenxian Temple. It is a Taoist temple located in Luofu Mountain in Jiaozhi, the ancient mainland, and is run by two Taoist priests.

Two returnee management talents who ran a technology company in the Bay Island suddenly went crazy and sold the company at a low price of 2 billion. They traveled thousands of miles to the mainland and to the border of the Great South Vietnam to sell this hidden place. The Taoist temple in the deep mountains and old forests was dismantled, all the parts, bricks, tiles, wood, etc. were moved back and reassembled completely in this building...

These two talents don't appear in many scenes and barely speak, but they seem to be ruthless and capable of magic.

After the believers and the police officers died together, in order to close the case as soon as possible, the two technical talents simply confessed to all the charges. It seemed that they wanted to die, so being shot would be a relief.

What is it!

It allows two talents in the modern technological world to drop everything and pursue immortality!

In the play, although they are taciturn, their eyes are different from those of the believers. They are spiritual and spiritual, not in a state of zombies. It seems that Xie Yali convinced them by showing them strong enough evidence to stand up.

Follow the female believer to lead the way.

Chen Chu walked into the True Immortal Temple. The place was filled with smoke and some ceremony was being held. Two people stood in front of the incense table and burned incense.

Please give me a monthly ticket, please please.

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