I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 205 Hate is not a long-term choice

Hashimoto Yoshiharu sat up straight and seemed to understand what Chen Chu meant.

He got up on crutches and went to the room, took out a set of cups and a jar, poured the black powder inside into the cup, and then began to boil water: "This is my treasured coffee, ground with pure cat poop coffee beans." It comes out with a mellow taste and is worth sharing with friends. Mr. Chen Chu, I feel like you are my friend."

After experiencing strong winds and waves, Chen Chu was shaken all over.

Let’s just chat, and you still have to cook shit for me to drink!

He knew about this cat poop coffee. He fed the coffee beans to civet cats, fermented them in their stomachs, and then pulled them out. After special treatment, they became expensive cat poop coffee! It is a hobby of many high-end people. Chen Chu thinks that his class is not high-end enough and he cannot taste this kind of bean powder pulled out of his butt...

The bubbles in the glass kettle kept rising.

Hashimoto Yoshiharu gently tapped his lame leg and smiled bitterly, saying that it is actually difficult for people to live well in this world.

As long as there are flaws in the body, when a small mistake is made, it will be infinitely magnified and become a point for anyone to attack. The attacker never cares how much pain the person being attacked feels…

He suffered from severe diabetes, which prevented him from walking normally on this leg and could only limp, even with his status as a scientist. But the existence of this leg makes him suffer from strange eyes in human society...

The surface of this world is not flat and smooth. It is irregularly round and uneven. When the sun shines on it, there is still darkness on one side, but there are still various shapes of black shadows on the bright side. He has seen too much such darkness. Sometimes he feels very tired and wants to completely free himself, but he is unwilling to do so...

Chen Chu's eyes kept falling on the bubbling kettle: "The water is boiling." You suddenly showed your true feelings to me, can you give me a little foreshadowing so that I can feel a little bit more involved?

Hashimoto Yoshiharu poured boiling water into the coffee cup and stirred it gently with a spoon. He smiled and said: "Facing death, it only takes a moment of courage to get relief, but facing life, you need a steady stream of courage. .

I want to die, but I am not willing to accept the nothingness after death.

Later, when I researched this anti-gravity element, I accidentally discovered the existence of ghosts. It seemed like a whole new world opened before my eyes. If human beings do not turn into nothingness after death, but continue to live in another new form, death seems to It’s not that scary either…”

Chen Chu looked at the cat poop coffee pushed in front of him and waved away the heat floating on it with his hand: "So Mr. Hashimoto was attracted by the form of ghosts and tried to make himself a ghost, right? But you have to know , people become ghosts after death, and not everyone is so lucky to survive for a long time.”

"Yes, before I caught this little ghost, I took Mengjie Sponge to many places, hospitals, cemeteries, and even battlefields. I saw many ghosts, but their existence time after leaving the body was very short. The shortest one did not More than one second, and the longest is only forty-eight hours. The form is stiff and not as flexible as this kid...

So I was thinking, what is the reason that allowed this little ghost to remain for so long without dissipating? Ghost is a kind of energy. Maybe there is something that restrains this energy from dissipating. Maybe the place where he buried the body may be Obsession and the like..."

Chen Chu stretched his muscles and said straight to the point: "It's obsession, it's love and hate."

Hashimoto Yoshiharu's eyes lit up and his voice became sunny: "Oh? Mr. Chen Chu, please tell me in detail. If it is really helpful, I am willing to pay any price as a thank you!"

Just wait for your words!

Chen Chu's eyes also became clearer: "According to my years of experience, the reason why ghosts can remain in the world for a long time is nothing more than obsession. Obsession is the concern for something, something, or someone. It can be It can be love or hate. In short, if the obsession is strong enough, it can support the ghost from dissipating...

Does the Doctor want to be such a ghost, with love, hate or other important concerns? "

Hashimoto Yoshiharu thought for a while and said that she particularly cares about this body, but she has been insulted by her boss for a long time. If I say hate, it is this boss who bears the brunt! If his obsession was reliable, he wouldn't mind going to his boss's house to see if he hated him enough, and then kill the boss before committing suicide and turning into a ghost.

Chen Chu laughed out loud.

Ask him, he has killed the resentful people with his own hands. Are you sure there is still resentment after committing suicide?

Hashimoto Yoshiharu was a little confused in the game, but he came to his senses after being nudged like this. Yes, it was only his boss who could bring him a steady stream of resentment. But this is not safe. The boss is not young. If he died in 20 or 30 years, wouldn't he lose another target to resent...

since he became a scientist.

What I face every day is either research data or the hateful faces of various leaders. My heart has long been paralyzed and I have forgotten many things.

Looking back now, I have mixed feelings in my heart. In addition to resentment, he did have many strong obsessions, such as wanting to accompany his old mother to a happy life, helping his daughter fulfill her wish and becoming the greatest doctor... and he himself wanted to pass The power of science helps people all over the world live happy lives and no longer suffer...

Now, I am lame, and my strongest obsession is actually my boss who scolds me for being lame every day.

How ridiculous!

Hashimoto Yoshiharu's entire aura was changing.

He looked at Chen Chu seriously, stood up, bowed at 90 degrees, and said in an apologetic tone: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen Chu, I had bad intentions in the beginning of the conversation. Actually, I just wanted to get your opinions and experiences about ghosts!

Now after an in-depth conversation, I appreciate your selflessness and clearly realize that I have been placed in a narrow position! However, the idea of ​​becoming a ghost as an eternal existence is still firm! But if I want to support myself with obsession, I think I should have a better choice than resenting my boss for personal attacks!

Thank you, I will look for an obsession that suits me and when the time comes, I will transform the ghost. Please watch it! "

It didn't matter that Yoshiharu Hashimoto revealed his own affairs, but he didn't expect that Chen Chu was an attentive listener, which brought a ray of sunshine to his heart that had been shrouded in haze all year round.

He groped around on his body for a while, and took out a Rubik's Cube with a square hole in the middle and more small holes that resembled a sponge. He said that this is the large version of Meng Jie's sponge, which has more functions and effects than the nano version. The important thing is that he has figured out the control of the large Meng Jie picture through technology.

Spreading his palms, Meng Jie's sponges immediately dispersed, forming a large number of smaller Meng Jie sponges. Following his consciousness, they instantly returned to their original size...

Watching it up close, Chen Chu's eyes lit up. You are a scientist with a bit of metaphysics!

In December, there is a big sprint for monthly tickets at the end of the year...

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