I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 216 The witch has a gun

In a lonely village, four men walked out of the village entrance holding torches. The leader was a man with wooden-framed glasses on his face. He was talking to the people around him as he walked, dancing and exaggerating, showing his vulgarity. And the people next to me actually listened with interest and chimed in from time to time...

The man with glasses is Aqiang. He is the captain of the security patrol team in the village. He has the power of life and death over outsiders when it comes to the security of the village.

The four of them were getting further and further away from the village entrance, gradually approaching the large forest. At night, the temperature in the forest was lower than in other places.

Aqiang put the torch and machete into the hands of the boy next to him, rubbed his hands against the flames, and complained: "It's cold as hell, just like the one I had after being rejected by Xiaoli from Yixianglou." Heart! Hey... I have to patrol every day. I am exhausted. The weather is so cold. We are afraid of the cold and those horse thieves must be afraid of the cold too... "

The younger brother who was holding a torch to keep A Qiang warm was named A De. He glanced in the direction of the village behind him and said, "According to the information received by Uncle Jiu, it is estimated that the horse thieves will only attack our village in the past few days! Captain, you don't want to Our village was cut down like melons and vegetables, and there were corpses everywhere, right? Xiaoli might be among them!"

"You opened your mouth to curse my Xiaoli, Ade, I think you are a bit wicked!"

Aqiang kicked Ade hard on the butt, grabbed the torch and steel knife, played with it twice, and said angrily: "Forget it, for the sake of Xiaoli's heart, I deserve to work harder, you guys will do it when the time comes I want to publicize my efforts more when I go back, just like a storyteller, making people excited and unable to stop... Do you understand?"

They are all men in their twenties.

Holding a steel knife and playing around like children, they headed towards the woods.

Ade, who was being chased and beaten by Aqiang, suddenly stopped, put the torch in his hand into the sand on the ground and extinguished it, and lowered his voice: "Captain, hurry up, put out the fire quickly, there seems to be a situation ahead!"

The other four people extinguished the torches in a tacit agreement and hid behind the bushes. Captain Aqiang pulled Ade's head: "Where is the situation? Why didn't I see it?" Ade pointed to the darkness in front, Aqiang followed. Looking in the direction of his finger, something was really moving...

"Damn it, you're trying to scare me. Do you really think that I, Aqiang, am a bluff? It doesn't matter if he's a human or a ghost, just take my knife first!"

"Captain, is there any danger?"

"What are you afraid of? Don't you have a knife in your hand?"

Aqiang walked into the darkness, his pupils shrank suddenly, he wiped his glasses, and looked ahead with some disbelief: "This... this..." His usually eloquent mouth was stuck at this moment! Because he saw a girl in her early twenties sitting on a flat stone, holding a luminous object in her hand, looking at something...

This girl can't be said to be very beautiful with delicate facial features, but her skin is as fair as jade, and... she also has an indescribable temperament...

Aqiang held it in for a long time and finally came up with four words, "Out of the ordinary!"

Anyway, they are different from the women and girls he has seen since childhood. They have a very unique temperament. When his eyes were a little blurred, Ade, who was crowded next to him, swallowed his saliva: "Captain, in the wilderness, a serious girl can be alone. A person appears here? Even if you are not afraid of bad guys blocking your way, you should be afraid of wild beasts...

Do you think she could be a vixen or something who came to seduce us? Look at her wearing a simple ponytail. How can a woman not even comb her hair? "

When these words came out of Ade's mouth, Aqiang was shocked. There was a room in Uncle Jiu's house filled with wine jars. Each jar had ghosts sealed with spells, some strong, some weak, and some extremely beautiful. Where’s the female ghost! He only saw it once and almost got carried away. Fortunately, Uncle Jiu woke him up...

I heard that this female ghost sucked the essence of a dozen men before she was subdued...

Thinking of this, Aqiang observed carefully and found that the girl had a shadow. It seemed that it was not a ghost, but a spirit or something like that. That would be easy. As long as you have a body, you must be afraid of steel knives! After a few whispers and discussions, they quietly moved around the girl and slowly approached her in a semi-surrounding manner, followed by a gesture.

He shouted loudly!

Five people jumped out in unison, the blades of the five steel knives glowing!

The girl was startled. She closed the thing in her hand and looked around with the glowing thing in her hand. She saw five men with evil faces holding steel knives. She was silent for a moment, took out a large bunch of copper coins from the bag and threw it over. : "This money will be used as tea for all of you to relieve your boredom. Please don't embarrass me, a weak woman, okay?"

"Haha, even the spirits know this!"

"Take her down, let's touch her bit by bit...cough, let's find out!"

The girl's expression changed, she stuffed the things into the package, put it on her back, and pulled out a bright long sword in her right hand: "Since you are not good people, don't blame me for being rude..."

Pre-emptive strike, the sword is straight between Aqiang's eyebrows!

The sword is powerful!

Aqiang's eyes twitched, he raised his knife to block, clang, and sparks flew everywhere!

The girl's long sword struck the blade with considerable force! Ah Qiang yelled, pushing back the sword and taking a few steps back. His eyes fell on the blade, and there was a deep dent on it! He was slightly panicked: "Why don't you hurry up and wait for me to collect the body?" The four boys were actually frightened by the girl's decisiveness.

At this moment, it was like waking up from a dream, raising the steel knife and slashing at the girl!

It's hard for two fists to defeat four people, let alone one person to defeat five people? The girl's swordsmanship is so strong that she can defeat any one of them, or even two of them, in a single fight! But the five people's steel knives slashed at random, from all angles, without any structure. It was extremely difficult for the girl to block. Just when everyone thought they had a chance to win...

The girl grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground and threw it out!

The donkey rolled back a few meters. When he got up, he took out a short thing from his backpack with his left hand and pointed it at Aqiang! Others raised their swords and yelled to continue!


With a gunshot.

Ade's steel knife fell to the ground, and he made a painful sound while covering his right arm, and blood slowly seeped out from his fingers...

Only then did Aqiang clearly see what the girl was holding. It was a pistol. It looked very noble and exquisite! No matter how good your kung fu is, you are still afraid of a kitchen knife; no matter how sharp your kitchen knife is, you are still afraid of being shot! Things like guns are firmly controlled by the warlords who are fighting for territory everywhere, making it difficult for ordinary people to deal with them...

He raised his hands high with a mournful expression on his face: "Monster... bah bah, fairy, don't shoot. This move of yours really opened our eyes. Now that we are convinced, please let us live!"

at this time.

There was a sound like a horn in the distance.

It turned out that one of the five people ran away and stood more than a hundred meters away blowing a rhinoceros horn. The dull sound suddenly spread far in such a night...

In less than five minutes, I saw a lot of torches coming from a distance.

Aqiang showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "It's none of my business, it was all that bastard's own idea. Damn it, it really killed me now..."

As the firelight got closer and closer, the girl's face gradually became clearer. It was beautiful, really beautiful. Aqiang swallowed subconsciously.

The girl put her finger on the trigger, hesitating, and finally gave up on killing Aqiang: "Even if you catch me, I want to see who among you villains is eager to get the bullet!" After saying that, she turned around and ran away very quickly, In just a few breaths, he disappeared into the depths of the woods...

A dozen people holding torches came over.

One of them was a man in his forties, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a little gray hair on his temples. He was very agile and rushed the fastest. He pulled Ad from the ground up and glared at A Qiang: "What happened? Why didn't you blow the trumpet immediately when you were attacked? Are you a horse thief? Now let them know that our village is prepared..."

Please give me a monthly ticket

Chen Chu will end up anyway, don’t panic

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