I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 22 The non-existent brother

Ksitigarbha Palace Temple has a busy day.

Mr. Zhang was wearing a robe and had a solemn face. He placed the glass jar containing the big black Buddha Mother on the table and started the altar practice!

There were many old men also wearing robes nearby, ringing bells, beating drums, suona, and unique background music, which made the atmosphere of the scene solemn and mysterious. In the smoke, the statues seemed to be moving. Same……

Chen Chu was wearing two large earmuffs, and his eardrum had been treated at the hospital. It was slightly cracked. The doctor said that if it was more serious, there would be sequelae after treatment.

He sat on the wooden chair and watched Master Zhang quietly doing his work.

As the mage continued to advance the process, the big black Buddha Mother in the jar, which looked like rotten meat, made a sound like bubbles. As Mr. Zhang held a peach wood sword and drew imaginary spells on the jar, it spun wildly and turned into black smoke in front of everyone. .

The peach wood sword shook slightly, and opened the lid of the bottle. It sprang out from inside, and then seemed to be pulled by something. It gathered into dark silk threads and fell into the incense burner in front of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva statue, and then stopped moving...

Finish these.

Those old men took care of their things and said goodbye to Mr. Zhang one by one.

Mr. Zhang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile, "I'm old and my body can't bear it after swinging the wooden sword for a while."

When the Great Black Buddha Mother first entered the Gonggong Temple, her body was immediately suppressed by the aura of the statues of the gods, and she almost burst open on the spot. It was only Master Zhang who pasted the talisman to save his life...

It turns out that in the process of exorcising evil spirits, if the evil spirits can be captured alive, then they should be sealed. Once more, the magician will be sent to the place where the main god of the palace temple is, and then it will be done and it will be considered a happy ending...

It is too merciful punishment for evil spirits to commit murderous crimes and simply be wiped out in ashes.

There are eighteen levels of hell in the underworld and countless smaller hells. This evil spirit from Southeast Asia who calls herself the Mother of the Buddha naturally has someone to arrange for her to go downstairs. She goes up to the mountain of knives and down to the oil pan, pulls out tongues and digs out eyes, presses the body with stone grinders, and saws in half. There is always something there. The right package for it…

Master Zhang put the fire lotus in Chen Chu's hand: "I asked several palaces and temples that enshrine the two generals who have increased and lost. The fire lotus is still in the hands of the general. You kid has lost the general's trident and has the fire lotus for the increase and general." , do you want to put together another set to add the shackles on the general’s clone to make a complete set?”

He spoke very loudly.

There is no way, Chen Chu's eardrum injury is equivalent to entering old age and hearing loss in advance, so he needs to be very loud.

Chen Chu's eyes lit up: "Okay, can you help me put together a set?"

The corner of Mr. Zhang's mouth twitched and he said: "Ordinary people can laugh for a lifetime if a god gives them a clay body magic weapon. Your mother really wants to get a whole set. I have been doing temple blessings in the palace and temple all my life, but I can't Dare to have such an idea..."

The two people were talking.

There was the sound of a car outside, and several men and women with the logo of the orphanage printed on their shirts came in.

The man at the front, who looked to be in his mid-twenties, was the most hurried. He looked around, his eyes fell on Chen Chu, and asked eagerly: "Where is Duoduo? I received a message from you saying that Duoduo is here. …”

In the back room, Duoduo heard a familiar voice and ran out. When she saw the man in front of her, she was stunned for a moment, and then she threw herself into his arms with eyes red from crying: "Thank you, Dad... Mom is gone..."

The man is a staff member of the welfare home and the person in charge of raising Duoduo. His name is Xie Qiming. He and Duoduo have a deep father-daughter relationship, although they are not related by blood.

Hearing that Duoduo was missing, he ran around like crazy until he received a message from Chen Chu...

Now he finally saw Duoduo, who looked a little haggard. Fortunately, she was okay. He breathed a sigh of relief: "I will help you find your mother..."

Chen Chu stood up silently.

Master Zhang was burning incense for the gods when Chen Chu suddenly gave him a hug, which stunned him: "What, what are you doing? I'm doing business, are you crazy?"

Chen Chu looked at Mr. Zhang carefully, as if he wanted to imprint his appearance in his mind. After a moment, he smiled and said: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang. In my future world, if there are more people like you , I won’t have too many regrets in my life..."

Mr. Zhang was stunned: "What did you say?"

Chen Chu waved his hand and went to the side room. The status of the Great Black Buddha Mother at this moment is equivalent to "sealing" or "disappearing", and Chen Xiaoxuan's commission has been completed.

Words appeared on the ground to remind him that the commission had been completed.

He pushed open the side room where he was staying temporarily, and found Chen Xiaoxuan sitting on a chair painting.

Come over and take a look.

Chen Xiaoxuan took a crayon and scribbled on a piece of white paper, drawing four people.

Chen Chu recognized it.

The one on the far left is Chen Xiaoxuan's father, Chen Weiguang, the second is Chen Xiaoxuan, the third is Chen Chu, and the last one is a woman. The four of them are holding hands, standing on the grass, with the sun shining above their heads, and they are enjoying themselves.

This... is a "family portrait", Chen Chu thought to himself.

There was not much time left to leave this world. Chen Chu gently stroked Chen Xiaoxuan's head: "The painting is really good. When I was your age, my brother could only play with mud."

Chen Xiaoxuan stared blankly at the four people in the painting. Tears suddenly fell from his eyes and fell on Chen Chu's face in the painting. He was anxious and wiped them with his hands, but he didn't expect that Chen Chu's face was completely blurred...

He said with a trembling cry: "Brother, it would be great if you were really my brother... You are leaving, right?"

Chen Chu's body froze slightly.

Isn't the task being entrusted without the knowledge of the entruster? Is there any effect like memory shielding?

Chen Xiaoxuan still knows that he has no brother at all?

Chen Xiaoxuan immediately solved Chen Chu's doubts.

He saw a black shadow monster before going to bed not long ago and was very scared.

I hid under the covers and prayed that I would have a strong brother to protect me. Unexpectedly, there was actually an extra brother in the family, as if I had really lived together since childhood...

The memory of the prayer disappeared from his mind.

But just ten minutes ago, this content suddenly resumed.

On the contrary, the memory of Chen Chu being a member of the family is slowly disappearing. I can only recall the past few days together. Going forward, everything is blank...

Chen was initially silent because going forward, he was not in this world at all, so it was naturally impossible for him to have memories.

He hugged Chen Xiaoxuan tightly in his arms and said softly: "No matter who I am, where I came from before, or where I will go next, you just need to remember that you really have a brother. His name is Chen Chu. No. He stays with you because he wants to help more people in need..."

Chen Xiaoxuan's eyes were filled with tears, and he desperately breathed in the breath of Chen Chu's body. Wanting to remember this brother, I cried and asked: "So, are you the one I made a wish for? Can we meet again?"

A whirlwind surged around Chen Chu. Knowing that the time was almost up, he gently let go of Chen Xiaoxuan and said with a smile: "I'm leaving. Maybe we can meet. After all, I can't lie to you... Maybe there will be a chance."

He turned around and walked to the bed, picked up a large net bag, and made an Ultraman transformation gesture for Chen Xiaoxuan: "Okay, brother is leaving..." He went out and closed the door behind him.

The strong wind howled, and he completely lost his figure.

Dark space.

After experiencing severe dizziness, Chen Chu opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the big net bag in his hand was still there.

He has to wait for the Great Black Buddha Mother to open the altar for this custom-made net bag, metal mesh, and stainless steel handle, all of which are waiting for this moment...

He clearly remembered last time that several golden light balls would appear in this dark space at once...

Light balls appeared, more than a dozen of them!

The moment they appeared, they all got stuck when they saw the large metal mesh bag in Chen Chu's hand. They seemed a little unbelievable, and then their speed suddenly increased and they flew towards them!

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