I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 221 The evil guest comes in the night

After being drunk and well-fed, the industrious Master Chen left Tanjia Village. He had never felt that being a woman was such a troublesome thing.

The junior sister's appearance after cultivation, the body was refined and decontaminated, and her appearance has changed a lot. Her skin is fair and her eyes are watery. She looks like a twenty-year-old girl who has not yet left the palace...

I was just having a meal at the Tan family. Mr. Tan was looking at me randomly, and the servants were also looking at me. However, the eyes of several women were very hostile to me. It was really boring...

He got information from Mr. Tan that the horse thieves had settled on the top of Maple Grass Mountain a few miles away. There were more than ten horse thieves. They looked a bit dark, but everyone had simple homemade leather armor. There are five horse thieves named Wang, four men and one woman, the fifth siblings!

But I don’t know what the specific names are. I heard that they usually call each other by nicknames, wild boars, wild horses, etc...

A few miles doesn't sound like much, but almost all the roads outside the village are mountainous. It's still a bit difficult to rely on your feet alone, so Mr. Tan specially called a driver to give Chen Chu a ride.

The ox cart drove around in the mountains for a long time and finally arrived at the foot of Maple Grass Mountain. The driver did not dare to go any further. He even refused Chen Chu's temptation of money power and said he would rush back before dark and the sun set! Because the mountains are scary in the dark. There are not only vicious people doing evil, but also jackals, tigers and leopards. If you are unlucky, you may encounter mountain spirits and ghosts!

Having said that, Chen Chu had no choice but to go up the mountain by himself.

The mountain road was rugged, but fortunately the junior sister's shoes were suitable for mountaineering, and there was a hiking stick in her bag. In order to maintain her strength, Chen Chu kept a leisurely pace. When he felt tired, he stopped to rest for a while, eat some dry food and drink some water. . In the mountains, there are overgrown weeds and trees. As the sun approaches the top of the mountain to the west, the light in Maple Grass Mountain quickly dims.


Chen Chu didn't know how many skeletons he encountered on his way up the mountain.

There were clothes worn by women, men, old people and children, and the smooth cuts on some of the frames could be seen to be man-made.

The sun finally set, and Chen Chu approached the top of the mountain. There was a faint light of fire, and his pupils were swiveling in his eyeballs. There were no ghosts, but there were three houses. There were braziers hanging on the wall outside the door, and an unkempt man in a trousers suit stood on each of them. A man in leather armor holding an ax is on guard...

There are really only a dozen or so people in this horse thief category.

Horse thieves are different from bandits. They are very mobile and will rob wherever they go. When they encounter a relatively wealthy place, they will stay for several months. They have enough to eat and drink. When they want to leave, they come with a big one!

Chen Shi crouched, flicked his legs, and ran up the branch like a monkey. The Five Immortals Horse Thief was good at witchcraft. He took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket and silently recited a spell to activate it. This is a Qi-condensing talisman, which can greatly The amplitude of the aura emanating from itself is narrowed.

Then he took out another piece of talisman paper and folded it into a yellow paper crane, cut his middle finger with a dagger, dripped blood on the head of the paper crane, made a seal, recited a mantra, flicked his palm open and saw the paper crane fluttering a few times before flying out...

He gently broke off a small branch, aimed at the distance and threw it, and whoosh, it hit a stone!

The horse thieves who were on guard outside the small house heard the noise. You looked at me and I looked at you. Two of them made a gesture, raised their axes and tiptoed towards the place where the noise was made.

In the field of vision of Chen Chu's eyes, these three horse thieves exuded a faint smell of blood, and they had obviously killed many people.

While the branches attracted the other two horse thieves, Chen Chu jumped lightly from this tree to another tree, and came to the top of the remaining horse thieves' heads. The paper crane that had just been released fluttered from the other direction. . The horse thief was stunned for a moment. Under the light of the night fire, he didn't even recognize what it was...

As I got closer, I discovered that it was actually a paper crane.

He turned around to warn his friends in the room, but he saw a girl with a hot figure and a pretty face standing silently next to her carrying a huge package! The cold murderous intention in the girl's eyes, how could the horse thief not know that the person who came was evil? But before he could make a move to resist, the girl stepped forward, spinning the dagger in her right hand and pierced his trachea, blood gushed out along the wound, the color Some are dim and smelly...

The horse thief wanted to make a sound, but the massive blood loss made him feel cold and weak.

The girl covered his mouth and nose with her left hand, and stabbed his neck twice with the dagger in her right hand!

The girl was Chen Chu, and the Five Immortals and Horse Thieves were causing trouble in the village. Mr. Tan was afraid that Chen Chu would think he was talking nonsense, so he produced a lot of evidence and invited the remaining villagers who went into the mountains with him...

On the way up the mountain, I encountered many corpses, some of which had been killed with sharp weapons and some had signs of being bitten. After checking the time of death, it was found that they were all within the past few months. There were also three people on sentry duty. The texture of the ax head was black and red with a strong smell of blood, which was obviously caused by the blood being soaked in and not washed away.

The two horse thieves who were led away returned.

Chen Chu squatted in the corner of the house, repeating his old tricks, and the paper crane attracted attention from another angle.

And holding the ax that killed the horse thief in his hands, he sprang out from the shadows, raised it, slashed diagonally, and directly chopped off the head of one of them! The other person subconsciously rolled on the ground and escaped the second chop. He made a weird handprint with his right hand and touched his forehead, and let out a hoarse gasp from his throat!

The attacker was seen to be a girl.

He laughed evilly, pointed at his chest, and strode over...

Chen Chu rushed over with his ax in a murderous manner. The horse thief stretched out his neck to signal Chen Chu to chop here! The ax was raised high, but unexpectedly, a blood-stained dagger fell down and stabbed into the horse thief's neck!

The horse thief felt tearing pain and couldn't believe it. He had activated the indestructible body in witchcraft. He should be invulnerable. Why was he easily pierced into the neck with a dagger...

Chen Chu went back and forth a few times.

With an ax in the left hand and a dagger in the right hand, killing someone is always stained with blood.

There were specks of blood on his cheeks and clothes, and he seemed to be accompanied by an evil spirit in such a dark night. Killing the horse thief is very simple. When he set out, his weapons were stained with blood. In the original book, the horse thief was invulnerable and killed many villagers. In the end, Uncle Jiu found a flaw and used blood to draw blood and break their indestructible bodies!

In the following explanation, child urine and rooster blood have the same effect...

At this time, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood. Chen Chu approached the room at the end and looked inside through the gap. He saw two men sleeping on a simple thatched bed.

He took out a long and slender tube from the bag, took out a packet of powder and stuffed it into it, lit the fire, put on the mouthpiece, and blew gently inside. The end of the tube that extended into the room sprayed out thick smoke. It filled the air.

Drug powder is a very common thing in movies. When he asked Mr. Tan for something, Mr. Tan didn't know what to give him, so he took out the box and asked Chen Chu to choose. He introduced which one he saw. Obviously, this man was not a fuel saver. The lamp, there is actually a drug powder in the box...

Blow this room.

Coming to the middle room, he lay on the window and looked through the gap!

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