I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 235 New Cultivation Method

The chance encounter with Master and Uncle, although there was a slight misunderstanding, brought quite a surprise. The current exercise "Breathing, Breathing, Breathing and Health-preserving Exercise" is also good, but the accumulation of mana is a bit slow. There is a problem with his current method of opening a forum. It’s not big, but in encounters, casting spells immediately is not enough…

The golden light spell can only cover the nail of one index finger, which is a bit embarrassing to cast...

Not to mention that Master said that in addition to the Golden Light Curse, there is a Great Golden Light Curse. According to book records, it is stronger and more powerful, but no one can verify its effect...

Sanshanzi looked at Chen Chu's back as he left with the drumstick boy.

He turned back to the Golden Arch Restaurant and ordered two glasses of coconut water. He picked up the unopened hamburger left by Chen Chu's "father and daughter" and ate it while telling his senior brother about the secret book. Senior brother is older than Sanshanzi, seventy-eight years old, and will be eighty in two years. He looks like he is in his sixties. He is old and follows his junior brother around when he has nothing to do. It shows that he has a very strong body.

Hearing that Sanshanzi, who had always been bored with reading, took the initiative to ask for books, the senior brother looked him up and down: "Let's get the books for your precious disciple..."

After the turmoil of more than 80 years ago, many of the books in our Longhu Mountain Library were stolen, robbed, and taken away in the chaos.

You see, the library is now full of books. In fact, more than 30% of the books were copied by the masters and uncles based on their memory. There will inevitably be errors in manual work. It is not recommended to show those books to your apprentice. And those authentic books are worth reading and understanding. Each authentic book has a special mark to distinguish it..."

Sanshanzi rubbed his hands: "There is such a saying! Good brother, help me get a few books on cultivation techniques. It doesn't have to be too good. It's similar to the martial arts novel The Great Shift of the Universe and the Nine-Yang Magic. It takes off after just a little practice. Just plant it.

Of course, if the senior brother can get something better, the gratitude of the junior brother will be doubled! Haha, no matter what, Sanshan Palace will leave half to that boy and the other half to you..."

The senior brother took a hamburger and patted it: "You haven't liked reading since you were a child. How did you know that there are so many rules in the library! Forget about Sanshan Palace, your apprentice is young and strong. I don't know how many years he can survive. I don't want to compete with the juniors. Thing! Besides, you, this old guy, are suddenly so generous. Senior brother, I’m really a little scared.

Speaking of which... I need books on cultivation. Is it possible that your precious disciple... has found a way to practice? I remember that you took several magic books earlier, maybe they were also given to this kid.

I have lived for seventy-eight years and read books for sixty-eight years. I know all kinds of Taoist scriptures and mantras by heart, and I also know how to exorcise evil spirits, catch ghosts, and feng shui. But in this life, let alone mountain spirits and ghosts, there are even slightly abnormal things. nothing! The Yin Qi, Yang Qi, Wealth Qi, and Five Elements in Feng Shui are of no use...it's just that the house is simply warm, well-lit, and well-ventilated. "

Speaking of which.

The senior brother looked at Sanshanzi with sharp eyes: "So your apprentice has got the opportunity, right? He can practice and use magic in some way! Or, in other words, he has reached a place suitable for using these things!"

The air on the dining table was somewhat solid.

Wiping his palms with a tissue, Sanshanzi sighed slightly and said: "Senior brother, juniors have their own opportunities. To be honest, people's hearts are unpredictable. We have known each other since childhood, and I understand your character!

I'm looking for you to get a book. The main reason is that you have always been called the walking library by the Longhushan brothers. You love to read books. Almost all types of books in the library can't escape your clutches. You also like to think about it. You go to get the book. If so, as long as you don't use a truck to transport it, your behavior will be normal no matter how you take it.

I'm different. I don't like reading. Those senior fellow students are old and too idle. They sit there all day long with nothing to do and just like to observe this and that. If they see me, I will be very stressed..."

It seems that the kid named Chen Chu really got a chance.

The senior brother's hand holding the hamburger was trembling: "Well...does this kid have any chance of sharing your fate?"

Sanshanzi scratched his cheek with his index finger and said, "No, but I can rest assured about my initial character. Although I'm a little cheeky, I don't treat people around me too badly...

I don’t know exactly what opportunity he got. What’s certain is that he didn’t tell me clearly.

There should be some resistance or danger! We were kind-hearted at first, but maybe this opportunity was reserved for someone special and he gave it to us rashly. If we didn’t use it, wouldn’t it be a bigger blow to us? "

After learning that Sanshanzi didn't get the opportunity, the senior brother's hands were no longer shaking so much. The junior brother was right. They had studied Taoism and Taoism for a lifetime, practiced Taoism for a lifetime, and finally died with the status quo, nothing but regret. Just be afraid. It would be sad if someone else gave you a real opportunity and you can’t use it. When you put delicacies in your mouth, you have no teeth and can’t bite down...

He sighed softly: "You know my character, senior brother. If this kid is sure that he can share the opportunity, don't forget to ask for a point for me. No matter whether you get it or not, you have worked hard..."

Such a thing as chance.

It doesn't appear, the master doesn't take the initiative, and it doesn't happen, it all belongs to fate.

After a lifetime of experience in the world of mortals, people are often deceitful and I have never seen anything outrageous. If I look into it more deeply, it is much scarier than monsters and monsters...

The senior brother is eager to practice, but he can't do it by robbing the younger generation's things. This kind of behavior goes against the original intention. Obtaining it by force will only become the seed of inner demons and won't go far! He paid homage to Longhu Mountain in a dignified manner and walked the righteous path. Now that there is a turning point in his life, he must embark on a new path without any burden and true to his original intention...

The brothers happily reached an agreement in the Golden Arches Restaurant.

After eating, instead of continuing to wander around, the senior brother got on the high-speed train and headed to Longhu Mountain with a clear goal, while Sanshanzi also returned to Sanshan Palace to find some practical things...

Time flies.

Two days.

Gone in the blink of an eye.

Chen Chu told San Shanzi about the time to leave.

Sanshanzi repeated a few words to his senior brother, fearing that he would miss the time when Chen Chu left. The senior brother was reliable and took a dozen books from the library, including an authentic one, registered, left Longhu Mountain, and took the high-speed train in a hurry. After arriving at Sanshan Palace, Sanshanzi led him to Chen Chu's apartment.

Chen Chu was shocked that his master and uncle were so efficient in doing things. He was afraid that the express delivery would not be able to deliver, so he actually ran away by himself.

Entering the house, the uncle looked around the apartment and then at the drumstick boy.

He already knew about this special child and nodded with a half-smile. The prestige of the elders cannot be lost, although he did not see any difference between the drumstick boys and ordinary children...

He put the original copy on the table and said solemnly: "This is the "Zhang Tianshi Inner Alchemy Sutra" that I borrowed from the library. According to the introduction, practice this sutra technique and practice it to the extreme. You can ascend to immortality! But except for Zhang Tianshi , so far, there is no record in the book of any fellow disciple who has become an immortal through this cultivation..."

Chen Chu took the Taoist scriptures, which were very simple and old. After flipping through them, he found that there was also a thin booklet inside. His uncle said that Taoism should not be taught lightly, and those who are afraid of doing evil are those who encrypt the Taoist scriptures. It is necessary to Only by practicing the morning and evening lessons can orthodox Taoist priests interpret the contents of the Taoist scriptures based on this booklet.

It turns out to be a decrypted version, so be aware of copyright protection!

The uncle took out another notepad, which was densely written with an explanation of the decryption book in block letters. On the train, he thought that Chen Chu had become a Taoist priest for less than a year, and reading the decryption book was probably too boring, so he wrote a copy for him. Decrypted instructions for use.

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