I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 239 I am the pioneer of the gods

A bloody disaster.

Hearing these four words, Chen Chu felt no fluctuation in his heart. He was joking, no matter which task he did without losing blood, he cared more about the results, so he said: "So I can achieve my goal in the end, right?"

According to common sense, ordinary people have only two reactions when they hear the bloody disaster.

The first is feudal superstition, where old Taoist priests scare people and talk nonsense! The second is to quickly ask for a solution...

The young man in front of him is actually concerned about whether he can achieve his goal?

He picked up the small book and pointed at the twenty-three annotations inside: "No, bloody disaster, don't you care about yourself?"

Chen Chu picked up the bamboo stick on the table and said with a smile: "Thank you for your concern, Taoist Master. As long as you want to do anything in this world, there is no risk associated with anything in this world. It's just a matter of high or low..."

I have to do this to open up the market this time. If you want something, you must pay something. This bloody disaster should be the price you ask for..."

This theory made the old Taoist's squinted eyes widen a lot.

He looked Chen Chu up and down carefully: "You are a person who can achieve great things, but the old man misjudged you, but you still have to be careful. Disasters are always changing..."

This young man has great potential.

During the brief silence between the two, the old man broke the silence: "I will continue to prepare the medicine..."

Chen Chu nodded. It seems that this old Taoist priest is not the type who likes to chat very much. Anyway, reducing ineffective communication is also an important decision to enrich his life...

He walked out of Wong Tai Sin Taoist Temple, looked back, and then walked down the mountain path, thinking about the reaction of the statue in his mind. Why are the gods in the world so difficult to communicate with, and why are their settings so different?

Kui Jiangli said that true gods cannot take on human bodies, but in other movies and TV series, all kinds of gods can take flight...

When he returned from the Silk World last time, as his body was reshaped, Pewter Stone also picked up some of the scene after the explosion.

The God of Day and Night and the Second General of Increase and Loss should have known each other, but it turned out that they knew each other, but neither of them was the version of the "Second General of Increase and Loss (The God of Day and Night)" that the other party knew...

We have been teaming up across servers since the beginning!

And later on, in order to fight against the dark sky, he risked his life to use the method of opening into the dark sky. The purpose was to knock on the door of the police station in the middle of the night, hoping that some powerful uncles would come out to help catch the bad guys...

Unexpectedly, the ghost gate closed and went directly to the earth to absorb ghosts, complete the rules, and help the world consciousness to crowd out the dark sky. With the appearance of the Gate of Hell, Chen Chu, the instigator, and the second general, Day and Night, were both confused. The key is that neither of them recognized this version of the gate.

This means that they come from three different worlds...

Afterwards, Chen Chu had such a speculation.

In the world of the heavens, there are thousands of clones of gods in various worlds, each with its own consciousness. They can all be regarded as independent individuals. Without the recall of the main body somewhere, they don't even know that they are clones...

There is another speculation, that is, there is no such thing as a subject at all.

One thing is for sure, from the beginning of Kuishan to the final world of Weisi, that world has more or less rejected or even isolated the gods. The world has become a paradise for ghosts and monsters, and humans have become lambs in the sheepfold, fenced and raised. slaughter……

The gods did not turn a blind eye.

Last time in the world of the First Ring, before obtaining the Day and Night Wandering God Token, an unknown black and white ghost and god came, just to bring the Token and the decree, but they disappeared into thin air...

According to the description of the black and white ghosts and gods, it has come a long way and has exhausted its power...

From that moment on, Chen Chu suddenly understood his importance in the eyes of the gods.

With the magical ash stone, he can travel between worlds at will, and can penetrate into the worlds of various "excluded" gods. He is quite capable of breaking into the enemy's camp, providing information to the gods, building base stations, and opening channels...

Think about things going downhill quickly.

Chen Chu was basically certain that this cursed paradise world was also a place that seriously rejected the power of gods and magic! It's just that the special effects of the spell are still there, so it can be used majesticly, and then push the opponent to stagger...

After going down the mountain, he hailed a hitchhiker on the side of the road. When he returned to the city, Chen Chu started to spread the news, hoping to find a reliable master to help exorcise evil spirits...

Due to special reasons, we can only find female masters over thirty-five years old. On Hong Kong Island, apart from journalists, the four or five young people at the bottom of various societies are the most well-informed.

They wander around the streets and live in different areas. Because they are idle, the neighbors will notice if there is any trouble...

Just spend a little money, no need to do it yourself.

Chen Chu found more than a dozen masters who met the requirements, with names and even photos. Among them was Master Aru. According to the description of the fourth and fifth boys, Master Aru was the most powerful!

Other masters procrastinate in exorcising evil spirits and cannot finish it for several days, but as long as the person who has been possessed by evil spirits is sent to Master Aru, enters the house and goes out, the whole process takes less than ten minutes at least.

Other masters used charms to ward off evil spirits, but Master Aru also paired it with a camera!

Following the information provided by Si Wuzhai, Chen Chu found Aru's residence, which was a suite. Compared with most Hong Kong people who were still crowded in the apartment buildings, Aru's family lived a relatively well-off life. .

When I arrived at A Ru's house.

There happened to be an old woman dragging a teenage boy standing at the door, seemingly queuing up.

Chen Chu walked over to open the door, but the old woman hurriedly blocked the door handle: "Please, first come, first served. My grandson is so serious that he can only wait in line! Young people don't seem to have any problems, so don't jump in line...

It's not that I'm stingy, it's that Master Aru pays special attention to rules. It's easy to get angry if you cut in line. If you have anything to do, wait a moment. "

Chen Chu smiled awkwardly, sat down on the chair outside the door, and looked at the young man standing next to the old woman. His eyes were dark, his eyes were dull, and he kept chewing despite having nothing in his mouth...

He asked curiously: "Excuse me, what's wrong with your grandson?"

Before Master Aru came out, the old woman glanced at her grandson and said with a sad face: "This child and his classmates went to an abandoned office building a few days ago to play some kind of courage test. The name sounds like something for a little devil, isn't it? ?

They didn't know what they saw in the building. When they came back, they were lost and didn't answer any questions. We didn't know at first and thought it was something unhappy that happened at school.

Just the day before yesterday, a classmate in their school jumped to his death. It was so tragic. He was the classmate who was playing a courage test with my grandson! Who would have thought that my grandson would clap his hands and scream when he found out that his classmate had jumped to his death? It would be his turn to play next...

When the parents of the classmate who jumped to his death brought the police to our house to investigate, we found out that our grandson had participated in such a thing. At midnight last night, his grandson climbed onto the balcony of the living room. Fortunately, I got up to take a pee and caught him..."

Today I feel a little coughed, dizzy, and blurry in the wind. I will update one chapter first. I will write down what I owe in this chapter in a small notebook and make up for it later.

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