I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 243 Past Events in Chenjiacun

When Aru passed through the ghost hand corridor, Chen Chu distanced himself because he observed the ghost hand.

When Ah Ru wanted to turn around and walk away together, Chen Chu actually held up the long yellow sword and dropped his left and right hands on the ground like he was chopping up rape flowers...

The deeper you go into the paradise, the more frequently ghosts appear.

Chen Chu really couldn't imagine how the heroine A Xin managed to get through the heavy siege, walk around inside, and then run out smoothly while screaming all the way...

Coming out of the haunted house is a tree-lined path.

There were more than a dozen clown bodies hanging on the branches on both sides. They swayed in the wind, like fruits from hell. Seeing the two people entering here, a bald clown suddenly opened his eyes, and the sling around his neck was like a halyard. Same, slowly descending, feet about two centimeters from the ground, soaring into the air...

Chen Chu took out a golden pistol and put it on its head: "Want to try whether you run faster or my bullets are faster?" The pistol has a skill effect of knocking back and random sealing. The prototype is a Buddha-natured pistol, which can deal with evil spirits. Has a damaging effect. The originally ferocious face of the bald clown became frightened.

It made an ahh sound and pointed its finger at the mouth. There was only a short tongue without a tongue. Judging from the broken place, it must have been pulled out alive.

The muzzle of the gun radiated scorching heat, which brought the clown back to his senses. He didn't know if he would be killed by the gun, but he knew that being hit by the gun in front of him would definitely not be easy...

boom! ! !

Muzzle smoke.

The bald clown had a blackened hole between his eyebrows, and his body fell softly.

It had a strong smell of blood and malice, all of which could not escape Chen Chu's eyes. Seeing the clown moving in pain on the ground like a worm, Chen Chu looked at Aru and saw her shaking her head and saying: " Unless it’s an emergency, sealing a ghost with a photo is a bit of a waste.”

Frugality is a virtue!

Chen Chu raised his gun and looked at the dozen or so clown bodies hanging on the tree pretending to be dead, and said loudly: "Is there anyone willing to come down and be our guide? If not, I will hire one myself..." He He raised his gun and pointed it at the clowns hanging on it, randomly selected a few, and bang bang bang, a few fell down immediately. Aru raised the camera and found a position, trying his best to include the clowns present in the lens. With a click, all the clowns on the ground disappeared...

Chen Chu raised his gun: "If no one comes out voluntarily, then I will continue..."


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

I saw a white-haired old clown falling down. It fell to the ground, its body twisted and reset with a few clicks. It turned around and waved its hands vigorously: "No... don't hit me. I am willing to be your guide and take you there!" His voice was hoarse, as if his throat was filled with sand.

Old Man Clown smells of blood but not very strong.

Chen Chu hummed and nodded.

Aru raised the camera and pressed the shutter button towards the row of hanging clown bodies: "There are 16 pieces of photo paper left." He took out the clown photo spot and burned it...

The old clown looked terrified.

Chen Chu said: "Introduce yourself..."

The old clown: "My name is Chen San. I am not a modern person. I died fifty-eight years ago and was just thrown into that cemetery. There is nothing I can do if I am pulled out to harm others. Master, please don't kill me!"

Chen is a master.

Or a local ghost.

Aru was shocked to see Chen Chu easily instigating a ghost to rebel. You must know that when she came here before, these ghosts couldn't communicate at all, and they were shouting to fight and kill, and they were incompatible with each other. She has no means to trap the ghosts, and her only weapon is a camera. The ghosts sealed in the photo paper cannot communicate with each other. If they are not burned in time, they will escape...

Chen Chu's hand holding the gun gently tapped the old clown Chen San's shoulder: "Don't be nervous, old man. We are all serious people. As long as you cooperate with us to understand the situation here. It will be no problem to send you to reincarnation safe and sound. Now, trouble Please tell me in detail what this dreamland is all about."

The pistol that had just shot several friends was shaking in front of Chen San. It really didn't tell that Chen San was a good person from any angle. In the face of the desire to survive, he said everything he knew, like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube.

More than seventy years ago.

This country was invaded by Japanese invaders, devastated all life, and staged many heinous tragedies.

Hong Kong Island was inevitably affected. Some Japanese came to the island, acted recklessly, robbed girls, and massacred several villages without humanity. Chenjiacun is one of them...

The cause was when a gangster in the village was idle and went out to the mountains to look for game. I was bumped into by a team of ten or so Japs, and they wanted to use the bastard's sacrificial knife on the spot!

Unexpectedly, the gangster actually knew a few words of Japanese language. In order to survive in a frenzy, he even said that there were many young ladies in the village where he lived...

Chenjiacun, which was originally located in a remote location, would never become a place where the Japanese would pass by, because just one sentence from the gangster would bring disaster!

When Chen San described it based on his memories, his body trembled slightly.

That night, a team of ten Japanese soldiers broke into the village and began to snatch the girl. The other villagers were afraid that resistance would lead to massacre by large forces, and prayed that the girl would be safe after being taken away. How could they know that the Japanese have no human heart at all, after insulting the girl.

With rifles in hand and bayonets attached, they were killing villagers crazily for fun, and even threatened their daughters to dance for fun...

Finally, a villager couldn't suppress his anger, grabbed a sickle and slashed at an unprepared Japs who only cared about killing. Blood spattered five steps, someone took the lead, and a battle against the Japs in the village started instantly!

The Japs had rifles and bayonets in their hands, while the villagers only had hoes and sickles in their hands. Countless casualties occurred just after contact, but hundreds of people from the village swarmed forward and they should not be underestimated. The battle ended quickly, and the Japs were torn into pieces! However, some villagers were horrified to find that there were only nine corpses out of ten Japs, and the gangsters who had attracted the Japs were also missing.

The villagers felt a bad premonition.

Everyone has thought about moving, but for decades, rural people have stayed in the village almost all their lives. Transportation is inconvenient. You can even travel to a county town, let alone move?

When you leave the village, the most familiar thing is the next village. Where can you move to?

Moving without any friends or relatives is not moving, it can only be fleeing. No matter where you go, you can put down roots...

In the killing at night, nine Japanese soldiers were killed and more than a hundred villagers, including men, women and children, were killed. As soon as the day broke, the scene became even more unbearable. Relatives of the dead and injured were crying, mourners were everywhere, children were looking for their parents, men and women were looking for their husbands and wives, and the elderly were looking for their children. The atmosphere of grief and sorrow spread throughout the village...

When he said this, Chen San clenched his hands subconsciously, dark red blood flowed from his eyes, blood also flowed from the corners of his mouth, and he exuded strong resentment! Aru, who was standing aside, put his finger on the shutter button, ready to go, and hinted with his eyes that Chen Chu should stay away from the old man.

I feel like I'm okay...

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