In the ash stone space, Chen Chu was lying on the sofa playing with the mask of the Yin official. He never thought that trying out a new gadget would cause Master Zhang in the Curse World and General Zeng in the Netherworld to fall into silence...

There are still unused sublimation coupons.

Chen initially thought that this coupon was quite valuable, but its text description did not mention the upper limit of objects that could be sublimated.

In other words, when he obtains multiple items and fuses them together to become a high-quality prop or skill, he can use sublimation coupons to upgrade it...

Of course, Chicken Leg Boy also comes out of the light ball. Sublimation coupons are also useful, but we have to look at the specific situation later. If the coupon is used accidentally, Chicken Leg Boy will turn into a giant monster and he will be under great psychological pressure! Because there is a prequel movie in the world of the little girl in red, and there is a huge BOSS in it that seems to be a demon child.

Keep the sublimation coupon for now.

No travel vouchers, no vacation vouchers.

Chen Chu used divine fire to light the stone tablets in the Mantra Paradise in the ash stone. Like last time, he sat among the stone tablets to practice. He liked the feeling of reaping rewards for his efforts. The mana is accumulating in the body bit by bit, and it feels like harvesting wheat in autumn.

Half a month.

Chen Chu felt that he was almost done. The spiritual energy provided by the stone tablet did not seem to be endless, and there were times when it became sluggish.

He plans to continue doing missions, save a few more interesting and novel coupons, and improve his strength. Even if he has weird skills, he can make the enemy crazy...


The chicken drumstick guy was wearing a small apron and came out with a plate of standard-style fried chicken drumsticks and placed them on the table.

The ingredients in the lounge are unlimited, and the trash can can also handle unlimited waste. It learned the fried chicken leg frying technique from TV. After more than ten failures and hundreds of improvements, it can be said that it can almost be made with the current ingredients and seasonings. To the extreme, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, golden and beautiful all over...

Chen Chu took two bites of a chicken drumstick and cleared the plate. He couldn't live up to Chicken Leg Guy's good intentions.

The entrance to the lounge.

The drumstick boy wiped his hands on his apron and waved reluctantly.

Chen Chu smiled and waved goodbye.

Come on, Pewter, get to work!

Perhaps sensing Chen Chu's wishes, a circle of white light appeared under his feet, as well as many milky white runes.


Chen Sihua disappeared as a breeze.

The world is upside down, black and white are chaotic.

After the familiar dizziness passed, he slowly opened his eyelids and found himself sitting on top of a van.

There were five other people in the van, including the driver and two couples. The driver saw Chen Chu in the passenger seat waking up and said with a smile: "This job is not easy, I see you were asleep all the way. It doesn’t matter, we’re still about half an hour away from our destination, let’s continue to rest for a while…”

Chen Chu was stunned.

Not the Bay Island or Hong Kong accent, but the language of Sawadika.

"I'm really tired. I'll sit quietly for a while."

After going through the Ten Dharma of Hell last time, he almost forgot that he had ever come to this country to do a mission.

Now that he was actually back, he politely echoed the driver's words. The man and woman behind were still sleeping soundly, and there were several boxes beside them, which seemed to contain some kind of equipment.

Chen Chu found that there was still a duffel bag under his feet. The reason for the damage to the triangle cover may have been melted. The duffel bag was a little smaller. He opened the bag and took out the documents in the small bag inside.

ID card, passport, work permit, simple identity statement.

This time he is no longer a flower-growing tourist, but an adventure enthusiast who likes photography. He met several common lovers of Savadika on the Internet. Someone proposed to shoot some supernatural subjects and put them online, which will definitely be absorbed. There are a bunch of subscribing fans, and a few people think there is nothing wrong with it and hit it off!

So Chen Chu came to Savadika country from the flower-growing country, and was picked up by these enthusiasts. Maybe they were too tired, so they continued to sleep after Chen Chu fell asleep...

Four lovers, two couples.

They are Fiocchi Visserpaibun and Aliang Jia, as well as Shanyan Dayagu and Xena Songticha.

The names were relatively long, so Chen Chu simply called them Qiqi and A Liang, Shan Yan and Xue Na. When Chen Chu just finished reading the identity description, the two men and women gradually woke up, which may be the reason why netizens showed up for the first time.

Chatting with each other is still a bit awkward.

Chen Chu didn't care, but there were two couples among the four teammates. What was Bai Shi doing? They just chatted and hugged each other.

That’s it, don’t work anymore?

Shan Yan was the initiator of this event and naturally became the team leader. He gave each team member an A4 paper with the destination of the event written in detail on it.

It turned out that Shan Yan learned from his own information channels that in the northeastern part of Savadika country, in a remote countryside, there was a long-abandoned factory that had claimed hundreds of lives!

It is said that this is a factory founded by the local Asa family. The boss did not manage it well and the factory was facing bankruptcy. The boss was so angry that he burned the factory to cheat the insurance. This ruthless man burned himself and hundreds of people in the factory to death! This is the result of the subsequent investigation by the insurance company and the local police...

After the team members read the information.

Shan Yan said solemnly: "Friends, any activity is accompanied by a certain degree of danger! Whether it is motorcycle racing or bungee jumping! But this activity, to be honest, not only may it be dangerous, but it may also be dangerous. There are horrific phenomena that people cannot understand..."

He took out an exquisite wooden box from his bag, took out four yellow pure copper plaques and distributed them.

Then he continued: "My mother knew where I was going this time, so she went to the Buddhist temple to buy five Buddha amulets from the master. I will keep one for myself and the remaining four for you.

You must remember one thing. If the amulet you wear is rusty or damaged, you must quit the activity group and go home immediately! This is also a way to protect our own safety! "

Everyone understood.

Chen Chu stroked the Buddhist amulet in his hand, and the magic power invaded. He could feel the faint warmth flowing from the amulet flowing through his fingertips.

It seems that Captain Shan Yan is quite reliable and did not deceive everyone. Thinking of this, Chen Chu felt much better about him. He admired responsible people.

When Chen Chu woke up, it was already approaching dusk. As the van drove into a village, night fell.

The village was quite lively. Shan Yan invited everyone to have a meal in the restaurant and opened three more rooms. The two couples and Chen Chu temporarily rested to put away their belongings...

Rest is over.

Shan Yan knocked on the door.

They brought a lot of equipment, including searchlights, chest-mounted video recorders, protective gear, and even self-defense tools. After putting them on, the van set off...

The factory Shan Yan mentioned was not very far away. It was in the suburbs. The van drove more than 20 kilometers to get there. The factory was located alone in the suburbs. There was a simple iron mesh fence, but it was already in decay. The ground was covered with half a person. What tall weeds.

Everyone got out of the car.

Looking at this factory, I suddenly felt a sense of oppression.

The factory had been burned, and the exterior walls were covered with charred marks. Over time, it had been exposed to wind, sun, and rain, and it looked more like some kind of black sticky substance had been splashed on it...

There is no good piece of glass in each window.

Chen Chu took out a spotlight flashlight and shined it on the window. The factory structure was simple, more like a rectangular box. When the light of the flashlight passed through the windows, a human-shaped black figure stood in front of one of the windows. The dark figure stood In a dark environment, if Chen Chu had not had good eyesight, he would not have been able to see it!

The flashlight light returned to the window just now, and the human figure had disappeared without a trace. No matter what it was, it was definitely not a human being.

The pupils in Chen Chu's eyes slowly returned to their original state, and he reached out to touch the Yin Official Mask in his pocket. The original Day and Night Wandering God Token could absorb the essence of the killed evil spirit after it was disintegrated, and transform it into spiritual energy for him to practice.

Curse World had brought him a set of "Grudge-Reincarnation Sutra" that could absorb resentment and temper his body. Chen Chu couldn't help but look forward to the factory in front of him!

Hundreds of workers died here.

Innocent ghosts, salvation.

Evil ghost, kill.

Regardless of whether he kills or transcends, he will definitely make a profit without losing any money. It is really a one-stop service after death. I have all the packages you want.

At this moment, there was a scream from beside me, and I saw A Liang's short, round-faced girlfriend slumped on the ground, looking at the window of the factory in horror: "Okay, there seems to be something!" She was wearing a T-shirt and shorts. Wearing jeans, he fell to the ground and his arms were cut a few times by weeds. They were not deep and only blood seeped out.

Qiqi was in her early twenties and still in school. Her round face was so frightened that she didn't feel the wound on her arm at all.

Shan Yan touched the video recorder hanging on his chest that was not turned on yet, sighed softly, and pointed the light to the window in the direction pointed by Qiqi, but there was nothing! He saw the wound and it was like this just after setting off. Is it really okay? He asked A Liang to stay and take care of Qiqi, while he, Xue Na and Chen Chu went into the factory to take a look...

"If this place is really weird, wouldn't it be worse to be alone?"

Chen Chu didn't know which movie he had traveled to, but he knew the common routines in horror movies, such as ghost movies, where you will die if you are alone, and you will die if you are in a group in disaster movies...

This is logical. When ghosts appear, priority is given to those with weak yang energy to attack! In disaster movies, there is chaos when there are a lot of people, and you run around with the crowd without thinking of your own! Running alone can also use your brain to think about plans and so on...

Shan Yan actually had the same idea. Seeing that Qiqi was not as bold in real life as when chatting on the Internet, he was worried about something happening and wanted to ask her to go back to the village hotel directly, but he was afraid of hurting her self-esteem.

Qiqi stood up at this time, and she rubbed her pale face vigorously: "This... I must have done worse the first time. Don't worry, as long as I scare you two more times, I believe my mental endurance will skyrocket! Captain, don't worry , If there is really no other way, I will ask to leave here as soon as possible and never cause any trouble!"

A Liang: "Don't be brave."

Qiqi: "I'm not trying to be brave."

Shan Yan nodded, he had already come, and Chen Chu, an international friend, came all the way here, but his performance was so poor, it was almost embarrassing in the face of foreigners...

Xue Na is Shan Yan's girlfriend. She is taller and bigger than a small model like Qiqi. She should be about 1.8 meters. She has a neat ponytail, a white sweater, and overalls. She doesn't talk much. She seems to have practiced a lot, and her waist is There was also a dagger in his hand, which seemed to be painted with talisman patterns. Chen Chu guessed that Shan Yan felt that passive protection by Buddha cards alone was not safe enough, so he also equipped it with offensive props...

However, the dagger was hanging on the man's waist and he could not touch it, so he could not judge whether it was effective.

Set off.

Through the weeds, through the wire fence.

When you come to the factory gate, there is still the smell of grass and soil outside. When you walk here, you can smell a faint smell of burning, plastic, barbecue, and a variety of weird smells mixed together. The rusty iron door was ajar. Shan Yan turned on the video recorder, first picked it up and introduced himself, then hung it back on his chest...

He made a silencing gesture to everyone.

He took out a clear plastic bottle from his pocket and poured it on the iron door shaft.

A Liang lowered his voice next to him and began to explain Shan Yan's behavior: "This is rust-removing lubricant. I don't know if it can remove rust, but the lubrication effect is very good. The captain did this to ease the door shaft when pushing the iron door open. The sound of friction is to prevent alerting...some friends here."

He was explaining to Chen Chu.

At the same time, you are also explaining to the viewers who see these videos in the future. Otherwise, the viewers will not know what you are doing and will easily lose followers.

After Shan Yan applied the lubricant, he placed his hands gently on the iron door on the right and gradually applied force. Unexpectedly, when the iron door moved forward a little, it made a sharp friction sound!

The sound especially irritates everyone's eardrums in the silent night.

Shan Yan was dumbfounded. When he looked down, he realized that there was a crowbar behind the iron door. It was the culprit of the sound. A Liang's eyes twitched and said: "You made a sound, it must have woken up something sleeping. Do you want to continue going in now?"

Chen Chu thought to himself that when the van stopped outside the factory, the ghost inside had already discovered it.

Qiqi patted A Liang's head directly: "The scream I made outside was enough to wake up the things inside. Is the sound of the iron door missing?"

Shan Yan stood at the door and shined a flashlight inside. The powerful flashlight was not low in power, but when he entered the dim environment inside through the gap, it was as if he had lit a candle. It was dim and oppressive.

He picked up the crowbar and stuck it on the iron door, and whispered: "Our main purpose is to shoot supernatural phenomena. Here we are, as long as everyone has no problem, just go in! No matter what the supernatural phenomenon is, run away after shooting it." , go back the way we came, and don’t look back no matter what sound we hear in the process, the Buddha amulet will protect us from leaving.”

That's what adventure is. Without danger, it's just wandering.

Everyone is OK.

Shan Yan glanced at Xue Na: "At critical moments, the safety of the team members comes first!"

Xena touched the charm on her waist and nodded.

Shan Yan walked in the front, Xue Na followed in second, followed by Qiqi and A Liang, and finally Chen Chu. A Liang was worried that Chen Chu was afraid of this kind of environment and wanted him to come in front of him, but Chen Chu declined. , with such a good heart, then I should walk behind.

Inside the factory, the equipment was in pieces and swaying around.

There are many stains on the ground that are as sticky as tar. If you don't pay attention, they will be stained on your shoes. Under Chen Chu's eyes, these tars are simply a good thing, because there is strong resentment on them. It seems that the tar is the result of the materialization of resentment...

Now the 29th is the time for double monthly pass. Please support me. Today is a two-in-one chapter. Because I have a fever and cough, I forgot to write the chapter name.

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