I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 26 Talent Show Time

Li Guoqiang is a responsible patrolman from beginning to end. But heck, in this regard, he is definitely not as knowledgeable as Huang Yaozu, who has been working in the miscellaneous department for 19 years and is still alive.

Starting to see ghosts from the serial murderer Chen Fulai, the impact on Li Guoqiang was no less than subverting the entire world view, causing mental trance and self-doubt, which is normal...

What Chen Chu wants to do is to help him quickly accept the reality of ghosts, cheer up, and become a useful assistant on his way to investigate the truth of the world!

Li Guoqiang looked at Chen Chu in disbelief. His hand was subconsciously pressed on the holster of the gun at his waist. Ever since he killed the serial murderer Chen Fulai, he had hardly slept peacefully since he was discharged from the hospital...

Huang Yaozu, the head of the miscellaneous department, pretended that there were no ghosts in the world, but they just killed a female real estate agent who was possessed by the ghost of an old man in an old theater last night.

He stared closely at Chen Chu, looking at this man who exuded a scholarly atmosphere, and said word by word: "I believe there are ghosts in this world, do you believe it?"

Chen Chu picked up a goblet, poured half a glass of red wine, and gently pushed it in front of Li Guoqiang: "Excessive wine can destroy people's sanity, and the right amount of wine can soothe tense nerves. Have some."

Seeing that Li Guoqiang was still unmoved, Chen Chu took a sip of the wine in the cup and asked, "Officer Li, do you care about my saliva?"

There was never a smile on Li Guoqiang's face. He slowly picked up the wine glass and drank the red wine: "Give me a reason why you don't need to be shot..."

Chen Chu patted it casually, frightening Li Guoqiang's tense nerves.

He took out his guns and took a closer look, only to find that there was a piece of yellow talisman paper on the table with a bright red talisman drawn on it. Li Guoqiang frowned: "Talk paper?"

Chen Chu said: "Yes, talisman paper, the kind that prevents ghosts..."

Li Guoqiang laughed: "There is no difference between talisman paper and waste paper. It includes all the things used to control ghosts in religious or literary works, such as garlic, crosses, chicken blood, dog blood, talisman paper and even statues of gods. They are all useless in reality. !A ghost is more like a deadly bacteria that will be infected as long as it is touched. If you want to put an end to the infection route of the bacteria, there is only one way to kill the possessed person...

You may have seen ghosts, but don’t think that just because you have seen them, you are familiar with them! You can easily die just by guessing. "

He helped Teacher May and was about to leave.

Chen Chu's voice came from behind: "This means that your experience is limited to this. To be honest, how many times have you seen ghosts in the first half of your life?"

Li Guoqiang turned around and wanted to ridicule this ignorant teacher, but he was horrified to see Chen Chu slowly open his mouth, and a small fire bead was spinning in his mouth. Like spitting, the fire bead flew out and hit Wall, coax! ! ! Immediately spread the entire wall and ignited a raging fire...

He was shocked. This was more dangerous than a ghost.

In the swaying light of the fire, Chen Chu's face was reflected in a fiery red.

He crossed his fingers and spoke slowly: "I come from the Chen family in the south of the mainland. My ancestors were lucky enough to learn some magic. They didn't see the suffering in the world and the rampant evil spirits, so they made it their duty to exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts from generation to generation!

I am the 19th generation here. Let’s get to know each other again. I am a substitute history teacher at St. Edena Girls’ High School. I am also a descendant of the southern Chen family of exorcisms, Chen Chu! "

Li Guoqiang couldn't even speak. The ghost had shattered the worldview he had cultivated for more than twenty years. Now he saw this person who could breathe fire... to exorcise evil spirits. He felt as if he was living in someone else's movie or novel.

He formally sat down and said: "Hello, I am the patrol officer of the miscellaneous section of the police station, Li Guoqiang. Nice to meet you."

Chen Chu looked at him, the heat was almost over, and went straight to the topic: "Officer Li came in just now. I saw that Officer Li's hall was blue, his eyes were dull, his eye sockets were sunken, and his body was wrapped with Yin Qi. Therefore, I judged that in the recent period, During that time, Officer Li’s life may not be so good..."

That’s why I asked myself if I believe there are ghosts in this world.

Li Guoqiang suddenly realized that he had unknowingly come into contact with several ghosts recently, including the little girl in the swimming pool, the old woman in the nursing home, and the ghost of the old man in the theater who had just been killed last night...

This young man named Chen Chu has real abilities!

He had a ridiculous feeling, as if he was confused at this moment, drifting in the boundless ocean, and suddenly saw a guiding lighthouse on the distant coastline...

Chen Chu snapped his fingers.

The raging fire burning on the wall suddenly went out, as if it had never appeared before. Even the wall was extremely clean, without any trace of being burned by the flames.

Two days before coming to this world, he had played with this "fire breathing" skill in the house he inherited. It was particularly fun, but the flame behind the outlet lasted only a short time, about fifteen seconds. Unless he doesn't breathe when breathing fire, how long he can breathe depends on his lung capacity...

Li Guoqiang's mood has never been calm since he entered this box.

The flames burning on the wall were so hot that the hair on his face curled up. This Chen Si could actually control the flames to burn and extinguish at will. This was simply inhuman!

He didn't dare to hold it for himself anymore. The yellow talisman paper on the table came into view again. No matter how he looked at it now, he found it so pleasing to the eye.

Chen Chu pushed the talisman in front of him and said with a smile: "Officer Li, it is easy for people in this world to be blinded by all kinds of falsehoods. In addition, the true Dharma is not easily revealed to others, so it is normal that there are some things that you cannot access.

Today is the age of Dharma Ending, and many things are no longer as glorious as before. Just like the production of this evil-proofing paper, it is also extremely difficult. "

So precious?

Li Guoqiang picked it up and observed it carefully. Judging from the feel, it was indeed ordinary yellow watch paper...

He asked what the function of this talisman was?

Chen Chu told him that the evil amulet could warn evil spirits in advance and prevent them from getting pregnant once.

Li Guoqiang was shocked. Although he didn't imagine that he could eliminate ghosts with a snap, the presence of ghosts meant that the person was no different from being dead. Being on guard was just like having an extra life.

He grabbed Chen Chu's hand as if he were holding a rare treasure, and did not dare to let go. His voice was filled with a hint of pleading: "Teacher Chen, no, Mr. Chen! We in the Miscellaneous Department need talents like you very much! Please do it." Come with me, I believe our leader will welcome you!"

Chen Chu said with a troubled look on his face: "The Chen family has ancestral precepts, the world of mortals refines the heart, and one should not get close to the official family..."

Li Guoqiang hurriedly said: "Well, we are not particularly formal. There are only three people in the entire miscellaneous department plus me. We will never bring unnecessary confusion to you, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Chu's face suddenly straightened up, and he said calmly: "Oh? Three people,... it just so happens that the three talents of heaven, earth and man have gathered together, that's all, this is my bottom line! I will make an exception this time, as I have said in advance, if my ability and identity are eliminated by you, No one except the three people knows!

I will leave immediately at that time, and your future misfortunes and fortunes will depend on your own destiny! "

Li Guoqiang was warned by Chen Chu's sudden and solemn warning, and he became more cautious and said that with the profession he loved all his life, he swore on that police hat that he would never break the agreement...

Chen Chu was not afraid of the three of them.

I'm afraid that the officer in the police station who only showed half of his face in the shot from beginning to end would be so exciting if he was really a big ghost as imagined and his identity was exposed!

There is another chapter in the afternoon. Starting today, there will be two chapters every day. I also ask book friends to support me and don’t let the book gather dust on the bookshelf. I will also work harder and add another update from time to time based on the second update.

Please recommend votes, monthly votes, and all kinds of support.

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