I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 266 The Strongest Psychic Medium

God Bayan said that he wanted to break away from this stone statue in the deep mountains and old forests, enter Min's body and be reborn as a human, carrying his own power in a flesh and blood body, and wanted to become a flesh and blood god. This setting came to Chen Chu's mind...

In the first world "Kui Jiang", isn't that what the ghost master had this idea?

What a coincidence, the ghost master seems to have come from the country of Savadika. At that time, he hanged a few people on the Bay Island and was born into the world with the help of ghosts!

Chen Chu was really puzzled. In the orthodox cultivation of the Flower Planting Country, everyone had to take off their bodies and ascend to heaven, and their souls turned into gods to become immortal gods. Even ghosts can directly cultivate ghosts and immortals. They can travel thousands of miles at night, come and go freely, and be very happy.

The ghosts and monsters in Savadika country are going in the opposite direction, and they are all going to be reborn...

However, in orthodox cultivation, it is not impossible for people to practice reincarnation and practice again. In Buddhism, there are many people who practice reincarnation and practice in the afterlife. Especially in Western Tantric Buddhism, reincarnation practice is commonplace!

It's just that unlike things like Bayan God and Ghost Master, you need to sacrifice other people's lives to enhance your own strength in order to be reincarnated and practice.

Wind blows.


Chen Chu's shirt rustled in the wind.

He didn't immediately use the Yin Guan mask to borrow strength. Wearing the mask just gave him some protection.

In this cold valley, there is a lot of gloom and resentment, especially on God Bayan. Chen Chu pressed the thumb of his left hand on the nail of his ring finger, stood it upright on his chest, and started running the Bible of Resentment. In an instant, his whole body felt like a ghost. The vacuum cleaner absorbs the resentment around it like crazy...

The black patterns gathered on the eyebrows, and after several changes, they were fixed into the word "Emperor".

He pointed his sword at God Bayan: "Come...I'll give you death!" Chen Chu himself didn't realize that the voice he spoke was as if two or three people were speaking at the same time, with overlapping sounds and a very oppressive feeling!

Bayang Shen saw Chen Chu exuding a strange aura, and felt a bad premonition in his heart.

But how could a god who had been a god for hundreds of years be frightened by a mortal body? The scent of incense burst out, and the scimitar held in his four hands shone with white light! He must kill this person in the shortest possible time! God Bayan completely separated from the stone statue and floated in the air like a big moth: "You monster, you will die today!"

A mouthful of undigested black resentment overflowed from Chen Chu's mouth. He squinted his eyes and kept accumulating power on the long sword in his hand...

The magic power is running, and the Golden Light Curse is silently recited. At this moment, he looks weird, and the whole person is constantly overflowing with resentment, but the long sword in his hand is shining with golden light and even a long talisman appears, which is the evil-destroying talisman engraved with the Golden Light Curse!



God Bayan swooped down, his four scimitars shining like the waning moon!

Chen Chu's lower plate took root, and his long sword was like the scorching sun at noon!


The blood dragged two long traces on the ground...

Chen Chu had deep wounds visible on his shoulders. He dodged the two scimitars in front but not the two in back!

Originally these two swords could directly remove his two arms, but his sword is much faster!

The two swords clashed and passed each other. There was a golden wound across the body from the left waist to the right shoulder of God Bayan. The golden light spell used the long sword as a medium to invade the wound when it cut open his body and prevent its recovery. …

Bayang Shen found that the resentment overflowing from the wound continued to enter Chen Chu's mouth and nose.

This monster...

Chen Chu's shoulders were injured and he could hardly lift his arms. He released the Mengjie Sponge, which turned into a sleeve and wrapped it around his arms. Instead, he grabbed Bayang Shen's head with his right hand and said, "I will find a position more suitable for you. people!"

The mask of the Yin official turned into the face of the Night Traveling God. With a twist of his right hand, the head of Bayan God was taken off, and his body wanted to escape...

Chen Chu kneaded the secret with his left hand, and something like a willow branch formed in his palm. He hit Bayang Shen's body as he was trying to escape, and actually separated his most primitive soul, leaving only his strength in place. Chen Chu squeezed the power into a small ball, put it in his mouth and tried to swallow it. He found that it was stuck in his throat, and the power seemed to be repelling his body...

That’s it, spit it out and keep it.

Use the same method to extract the soul from the head and crush it into pieces!

God Bayan received hundreds of years of incense and became a "god". He eventually lost himself and went astray, and he died here today...

At the same time that God Bayan died, Nim, who was sleeping at home, felt a chill all over her body, and something was pulled away, but she didn't care, pulled the quilt and continued to sleep...

Chen Chu struck the face of the stone statue of Bayan God several times with his long sword.

The next day, Chen Chu sat in the living room, took out a bucket of Malinois and asked Nim to taste it. This kind of stuff was very sweet. Nim was repelled at first, but couldn't resist Chen Chu's enthusiasm, so he had to take one. After tasting it, Nim immediately put on a mask of pain and asked: "This is Malisin, why is it so bitter?"

She looked at the description on the lid and it said Super Bitter Malissa.

To be honest, this was the first time she had tasted such a disgusting taste after living forty years. Chen Chu picked up one and threw it into his mouth. "It tastes okay. Don't you dare to eat bitter food? Come again," she said. One stone may be different.”

Chen Chu ate it with gusto, and Nim was a little doubtful about life, so he had to take another one and put it in his mouth. It was so bitter, like shit.

Seeing Chen Chu staring at her, her heart skipped a beat and she swallowed the glutinous rice ball-sized piece of Malisin directly. A round shape could be seen outside her throat slowly passing through her neck...

very good.

The power of God Bayan has been sent into Nim's body.

Sure enough, only people with the blood of Bayan God can perfectly accept this power.

Chen Chu thought of the appearance of God Bayan last night, and thought to himself: God Bayan, your power has not fallen into the hands of outsiders. If you give it to Nim, I think this is a candidate that both you and I can accept... …

As for the sister Noi or the heroine Min?

Sorry, it's more appropriate to flush this power directly into the toilet.

After receiving the power of Bayan God, Nim's body immediately changed. In the next few days, he was either eating or urinating crazily in the toilet. His body lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his skin became better and better. The pores are reduced, the skin is white, and the face with particularly masculine features also looks like a woman...

Half a month later, at the age of forty, she looked like she was thirty.

Nimu's body reacted and she was so scared that she went up the mountain to worship the Bayan God. She found that the face of the Bayan God seemed a bit like her. When she thought about the transcendent power in her body, she thought that the Bayan God really recognized it. Own. Chen Chu did not expose all this...

Ashite's reminder comes.

Chen Chu completed the task, the Asa family's problems were solved (the curse was released, all the damn ones were dead, crippled, and weak, the children were fine, and they would no longer be tortured by the curse), and God Bayan The psychic problem was also solved.

Nim directly inherited the power, she is a medium and a bayan god!

Chen Chu did not forget his career as a video blogger. After editing some supernatural videos, he handed them over to Shan Yan before leaving this world...

It’s almost four o’clock. The third update is here. Please vote for me.

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