taxi! No matter how poor you are, take a taxi! I've traveled across all the heavens and worlds, what's wrong with spending money to take a taxi?

The funds for the mission activities given by Pewter Stone this time are limited, so they cannot spend money lavishly, but it is still no problem to take a dozen taxis.

Chen Chu sat in the taxi and took out a small notepad from his jacket pocket. He took notes while watching movies and novels in the lounge. The notepad was densely packed with plots from the world of "Come". There are also key characters and props.

Mainly based on the plot of the film and television version, supplemented by the content of the novel version.

The plot of "Coming" is not complicated, but more of a mockery of the hypocrisy of human nature.

story content:

First, let’s introduce the main character, the Pole Demon.

The Pole Demon is neither human nor ghost, and is close to a demon. According to the legend of the island country, the Pole Demon is formed by the resentment of abandoned babies. It hates humans who are selfish, hypocritical, and abuse their children! If it finds that a child has been abused by his parents, such as indifference, violence, inaction, etc., he will punish the child's parents and then take the child to the mountains.

The plot begins with the protagonist Hideki Tahara. He has been a hypocritical person since he was a child. He is good at hiding his heart and packaging himself. When he was a child, he was a lively and happy child in front of outsiders. When he grew up, he worked and was a perfect gentleman in the eyes of company people. After getting married and having children, he became the image of a parenting dad again on the Internet!

Why do you say he is hypocritical?

When he was a child, he was cruel and liked to torture life, tearing butterflies and so on for fun. When he grew up and joined the work, he appeared to be a good person, but secretly messed around with female colleagues in the company, and even asked junior colleagues to help him lie. After getting married, he only cared about doing things on the Internet. Upload various photos of children on your blog to portray your own experience of loving and raising children.

At home, he didn't care about the feelings of his wife and children at all. When the cup was broken, his wife knelt on the ground to clean it up with a big belly, taking it for granted. However, after the child was born two years old, he fell and broke his head, and he didn't bother to look at it. It was just a matter at home. I don’t do it either, and I get angry when I see unwashed pots and pans in the kitchen...

He only likes one thing.

That is to create an image of yourself as a good child, a good colleague, and a good man, and enjoy the exclamation and admiration from people!

So Hideki Tahara was targeted by the Pole Demon. He had been targeted since he was a child. At the beginning, the Pole Demon came and left several times. The time span was quite large, and Tahara Hideki himself forgot about it.

Until one time (at the beginning of the film), he took his girlfriend Kana back to his hometown to commemorate his grandfather's death, and was targeted by the Pomo Demon again. But the problem was not big, it was just that he was too hypocritical, and he was focused on.

Later, he married Kana, and Kana became pregnant and gave birth to a child. Tahara Hideki's true nature was exposed, and his wife and children were tortured by his hypocrisy. The Pomo Demon finally came.

Tahara Hideki realized that the legend of the Pozamo was real, so he looked for help from his friends.

He found an exorcist named Higa Makoto to help. Higa Makoto sensed the existence of the Pole Demon. After doing the method, he knew its purpose, so he told Tahara Hideki to be nice to his wife and daughter, and the Pole Demon would naturally not come again!

As a result, Tahara Hideki was exposed, unable to accept this statement, and continued to act like a monster.

The Pomo Demon came to the door again. Tahara Hideki panicked and asked Higa Makoto for help. However, she was not strong enough and almost gave up. So she quickly rang the phone to her sister who was far away from the country, a powerful exorcist in the island country and even the world, Higa Kotoko. My sister said that she had no time to deal with powerful monsters abroad, so she arranged for a capable friend to help.

That was a famous blind old lady.

She had rich experience and good strength, but she couldn't stand Tahara Hideki's stupidity. When she saw Tahara Hideki received a call from the Pole Demon, she was told not to respond no matter what, but in the end she had to shout at the phone!

In order to save Tahara Hideki's life, the blind old lady broke an arm at the cost of delaying his death and asked him to go home and hide quickly. As a result, on the way home, this guy received a call from Pomo Moxin, who pretended to be the strongest exorcist Higa Kotoko in the island country. After returning home, he smashed all the mirrors and hid all the sharp weapons, and invited Pomo The Radium Demon enters the door.

And then died...

In the following plot, his wife Kana cheated on Tahara Hideki's friend, ignored the child, and even wanted to give it away! The exorcist Makoto Higa (sister) has no children and wants to adopt her. However, the Pozamo comes. In order to give Kana and the child a chance to escape, he blocks the attack and goes directly to the hospital.

But Kana failed to escape and died in the toilet. The child was taken away by the Pomo Demon.

The most powerful exorcist sister Higa Kotoko, who was far away from abroad, learned that her sister was almost dead. She rushed back and invited exorcists from various sects at home and abroad to exorcise the demons together. In the end, only half of the work was done, and the other half was still there. On the way, he was intercepted and killed by the Pomo Demon. In the final grand exorcism scene involving hundreds of exorcists.

It should have been a sure win!

Higa Kotoko discovered that the child abducted by the Pozaimo was too deeply bound to the Pozaimo, so they had no choice but to seal it together and fight in another world.

As a result, sister Makoto Higa and her boyfriend suddenly had a surge of virginity and wanted to save the child, disrupting the exorcism ceremony. As a result, the demons took advantage of the situation and madly slaughtered hundreds of exorcists!

Higa Kotoko had no choice but to challenge the Pozamo that had grown to its limit in a one-on-one fight in the building, and defeated it. The ending of the movie...

While watching the movie, Chen Chu's blood surged up and down like a pirate ship. He was mainly angry because almost half of the named characters were bad!

Hideki Tahara is hypocritical, selfish and messy!

His wife, Kana, had no relationship with Hideki. They only got married because Hideki helped pay off debts. Later, she cheated on Hideki's friend. And this friend was just jealous of everything Hideki had and wanted to rob him of it. Even later, the Pomo Demon once again targeted Kana and her daughter, which was also the reason why he cast the magic spell...

The boyfriend of Half Bucket of Water exorcist Higa Makoto once forced his pregnant ex-girlfriend to have an abortion because he didn't like children. However, he still had some conscience and was always feeling guilty afterwards.

The taxi stopped in front of an office building.

Chen Chu rubbed his forehead and got out of the taxi. He looked at the company name behind the glass door, picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number, saying a few words. I saw a young man in his twenties running out of the elevator. When he saw Chen Chu, he immediately smiled and said, "Welcome, Chen Chu!"

This young man's name is Takanashi Shigeaki, and he is also a newcomer who has only been in the company for two years.

After taking the elevator to the company, he first took Chen Chu to report to his superiors. After coming out, he led him to introduce everyone in the company. When he introduced one of them, Chen Chu smiled meaningfully. This person is none other than the male protagonist of this movie, Hideki Tahara!

He has a very good image and is enthusiastic. Others just sit at their posts and nod and smile. Tahara Hideki is different. He insists on standing up, holding Chen Chu's hand with both hands, and drawing a pie. No matter how he works in the future, Or if you need anything in life, just look for him...

Chen Chu nodded, OK, OK, thank you, senior...

Takanashi Shigeaki, who was standing next to him, was smiling, but there was a trace of disdain deep in his eyes. He had heard Tahara Hideki's words two years ago. This hypocritical man was really good at what he did on the surface. He was a scumbag. !

Asking for a monthly ticket. . .

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