I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 270 The Soul Demon


In the original plot, there was no moving cakes when this happened.

Chen Chu looked at the salesman sign hanging on his left chest. He also didn't exist in the original plot. It was just reported today. He didn't expect that things happened so fast!

What he didn't expect even more was that the Pomo Demon's concealment method was really good. Even if he opened his eyes, he could only see the gray wind...

But what is incomprehensible is that the main purpose of the Pozai Demon is Tahara Hideki. Come on if you come. Why doesn't the real owner do it a few times, why just give it to Takanashi Shigeaki?

Could it be that this Takanashi Shigeaki also did something bad?

No, this is not necessarily the case, because after locking the target, the demon will also kill all obstacles that stand in its way, such as exorcists.

Takanashi Shigeaki seemed to be just an ordinary person, and Chen Chu was puzzled. But at this moment, a large amount of blood oozed from the back of Takanashi Shigeaki's shoulder. He was supporting Hideki Tahara who wanted to check the situation. He accidentally got blood on his hand and fell back in panic, yelling what was going on.

Chen Chu had no choice but to rush to Takanashi Shigeaki's side and tear open the suit on his shoulders with force!

We didn't see any wounds in the movie. Now we tore open the suit and the shirt inside, and the wound was immediately revealed. It was a hideous wound, almost exactly the same as the gray marks that Chen Chu saw just now. It was irregular, as if it had been torn apart by weird mouthparts. The next piece of flesh.

It's the size of a palm, and blood is constantly flowing out. I'm afraid the doctor doesn't know how to suture it after seeing it...

The gray breath remained in the wound. Chen Chu took off his suit and covered it, shouting: "Help call an ambulance, he is injured and bleeding!" Tahara Hideki, who was standing next to him, woke up from a dream. , with hands full of blood, he took out his mobile phone and frantically dialed the emergency number.

The lobby of the building was full of people, and Chen Chu helped Tao Li Chongming to a bench.

Putting his hands into the covered suit, he quietly released the Mengjie sponge. Hashimoto Yoshiharu said that if the use of Mengjie sponge is developed, it will be very useful. It can absorb a large amount of visible and invisible energy, such as ultraviolet and infrared rays, ghost energy, etc. Then it should also be useful for this gray aura...

This thing developed by Yoshiharu Hashimoto of the island nation should be useful for the weirdness of the island nation.

Meng Jie's sponge changed a few times, turning into a large number of small tentacles and slowly extending into the flesh and blood of Takanashi Chongming's wound. The pain immediately made him gasp. After a while of groping, Meng Jie's sponge really couldn't be brought out of the wound. There is a small amount of gray atmosphere, but it is only part of it...

Mengjie's sponge is a real particle, with entity.

Although it can be refined to the nanometer level, Chen Chu's spirit cannot be so detailed. More gray gas has entered deeper into Takanashi Shigeaki's body along the blood vessels, and if it is forcibly absorbed, it may kill him...

It still needs metaphysical means to deal with it.

The ambulance arrived, and the medical staff carried the half-dead Takanashi to the car on a stretcher. One of the nurses shouted: "The injured needs someone to accompany him when he arrives at the hospital. Which one of you is coming?"

Tahara Hideki sat in a chair and looked at the blood on his hands in a daze. When he heard the medical staff's words, he raised his head, then lowered it quickly as if he hadn't heard anything. Chen Chu, who was helping to carry the stretcher, said: "I'll go..."

The ambulance left the building.

The staff of Toanda Confectionery heard the commotion and stopped and asked what happened.

Tahara Hideki said that Takanashi Shigeaki didn't know what strange disease had happened, and he suddenly bled a lot. He just called an ambulance to take him away. He was very worried about Takanashi Shigeaki's condition. However, the new salesman Chen Chu volunteered to take care of him, so he could only stay and handle the company's business.

Everyone didn't know why, and they all tried to persuade Tahara Hideki not to worry.

In the ambulance and in the carriage, Shigeaki Takanashi was lying on a stretcher with an ugly face. It was when the ambulance staff needed someone to accompany them to the hospital.

He saw that his senior, Hideki Tahara, who usually nodded and bent down and licked him like a dog, actually ignored the medical staff's questions! This bastard, doesn't he care about his kindness at all?

Thinking of this, Takanashi Shigeaki clenched his fist and slammed it on the stretcher: "He really deserves to die..."

His eyes fell on Chen Chu beside him. This new employee who had only been in the company for less than a day could treat me so well. Damn it, what did I pay for before! It seems that there is no need to invest in that scumbag in the future. That person will always only think about packaging his own image. When he really needs it, he will immediately retreat!

Physically and mentally injured, he fainted.

Arrived at the hospital.

Some skin and flesh were cut off Takanashi Shigeaki's wound and re-sutured.

Chen Chu had already notified his father through the emergency contact number given by the company, but it would take some time on the way.

This is a single ward, probably because of horror movies. When the fluorescent lights in the ward are turned on, it seems as if they are not turned on. The ends of the light tubes are black and gray, and the brightness is very low. I asked the nurse and said that these lamps are quite old.

The hospital's funds are a little behind, so things like lamps, which are not very important, are slowing down.

Chen Chu couldn't bear it, so he went to the store to buy new lamps and replaced them. The ward suddenly became brighter, and the atmosphere became less hellish...

While buying lamps, he also went to a convenience store and bought fruits, mirrors and fruit knives. In the movie, the Pole Demon has two weaknesses: he dislikes mirrors and sharp weapons! It is a collection of abandoned babies, unformed fetuses, and all kinds of suffering children. It is averse to mirrors and sharp objects. Some children may have suffered something...

Takanashi Shigeaki is still in a coma.

Chen Chu took out a mirror and faced it at him. He saw Takanashi Shigeaki in the mirror with a gloomy complexion, like a zombie. However, the effect was limited to this. There was no special reaction. It was thought that it only had a visible effect. He pulled out the fruit knife, and a cold light flashed through the air and landed less than one centimeter between Takanashi Shigeaki's eyebrows. A faint murderous aura emitted from the tip of the knife...

Takanashi Shigeaki, who originally looked "peaceful", suddenly had blue veins on his forehead.

He opened his eyelids, his pupils shrank violently, staring at the fruit knife in front of him, and roared hysterically: "Asshole, don't point this kind of thing at me! Get it away! You bastard!"

An invisible force hit the fruit knife with a bang. Chen Chu held it tightly, but the blade couldn't bear it and broke. It ejected and stuck on the wall.

Chen Chu took out the Sanqing Big Hole Seal. Let’s not talk about how powerful it is. This guy’s voice is not ordinary.

At this moment, special words and white light on the white wax stone appeared on the ground [Commissioned mission, the Pomo Demon has been formed from the resentment of various abandoned babies, embryos, and suffering children since ancient times! It has been killed and resurrected by various exorcists, Onmyoji, in every era, resurrected and killed again, and has been reincarnated again and again.

He hates hypocritical and selfish humans, especially those "parents" who abandon their children after they have them. He has forgotten how many such humans he has killed, but humans are like pests and can't kill them all! It is a little tired and hopes to have a powerful helper to kill all the hypocritical and selfish humans in the world!

If that doesn't work, then have a good fight with it, and then kill it completely. If it can't be killed, seal it completely! Let it never have the chance to appear in this hypocritical world like purgatory! Because it no longer wants to accept the memories of those suffering children, and if it accepts it, it cannot take full revenge...]

Asking for monthly ticket

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