I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 284 This male protagonist is a bit bad

Respected officers and generals, I am adding or losing two generals. Please, you are here to execute the eight-foot girl, not me...

The eyes of the second general Zeng and Loss finally fell on the eight-foot girl. They were slightly confused as to what kind of monster this was, but it didn't matter. The world that Chen Chu traveled through was not weird. Last time General Xiangshu encountered a ghost who could reverse time and space.

The two red and green lights on the left and right eyes of the Yin official mask glanced at the eight-foot female, and the general said: "This evil spirit looks ordinary, but it actually contains a trace of incense divinity, and its body is tough and weird. With our consciousness, I have attached it to the beginning." It may be difficult to subjugate it, unless it is assisted by a Buddhist magical weapon of high quality to drive it into the Abi Hell and never be reincarnated..."

General Zeng hesitated for a moment and said: "The upper limit of your initial cultivation level is too low. If you forcefully use big magic, it may damage your foundation. Let's use the Bodhisattva Dharma Sutra to block it first.

I think it’s time for his energy and energy to come to an end…”

The words fell!

Chen Chu made a different mudra on each of his left and right hands, changed it a few times, and put it together with force: "You evil beast, look at how powerful I am!"

The eight-foot girl was shocked by Chen Chu's upper body methods. At the moment she reacted, three black holes on her face rotated and made a rapid pop-pop-pop sound!

With a solemn and solemn expression on his red and green face, he spoke: "I heard this. At one time, the Buddha was in the Trayastrim Heaven, teaching the Dharma for his mother. At that time, in the countless worlds of the ten directions, all the indescribable Buddhas, as well as the great Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas, were Come to the assembly. Praise the Buddha Sakyamuni for his ability to manifest the incredible power of wisdom and supernatural powers in the evil world of five turbidities, to tame strong living beings, to know the Dharma of suffering and happiness, and to send his attendants... (omitted a few hundred words later)."

Fujita, who was lying on the ground, just heard the sound of reading scriptures and endured the severe pain to sit up.

This is a passage from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Ksitigarbha Sutra. I have recited it many times in my daily life. The feeling of reciting it from Chen Chu’s mouth tonight was so extraordinary!

He put his hands together and listened to the Buddha's voice. He felt warm and comfortable all over his body, as if he had received enlightenment.

The heart of the eight-foot girl was shaken. This Chen Chu was just chanting sutras alone, but she made two voices, and the two transformed into four, and the four transformed into eight, layer upon layer, like an overwhelming mountain. When she was sealed, she faced a whole temple of monks. The sound of chanting does not have this feeling!

The scriptures seemed to turn into substance and surround them.

She stretched her hands toward the sky, and the sound in her throat became more urgent. Golden lines appeared on her pale skin, which were scriptures that were slowly seeping into her flesh and blood...

ah! ! ! !

Get out of my way!

Blood oozed from the corners of her eyes, blood also flowed from Chen Chu's nose, and blood also flowed from his mouth.

The eight-foot girl roared, and her invisible aura rippled. The crops within ten meters around her were suddenly cut off and shortened. She tore them open with both hands in the air. The sound of the scriptures suddenly stopped, her mourning clothes made a sound, and her whole body floated. , his black eyes glanced at Chen Chu with hatred, and flew away towards the dark mountain...

Why run when you can fly?

The pattern of the Yin Guan mask on Chen Chu's face began to twist.

General Xiang made a voice: "The evil spirits are so thorny that they won't stop killing them, and they will come back to life. The only way is to send them to hell and never be reincarnated! Find a Buddhist magic weapon, and then summon us when you feel it is suitable. At that time, it will be Drag the evil spirits into hell!"

Chen Chu said weakly: "There is also a soul demon. It is said that abandoned babies, embryos and other resentments gather together. As long as there are abandoned children in the world, this demon will be reborn!"

General Zeng said: "Your cultivation level is too low, and the will of both of us has reached its limit when it comes to you at the same time. Although we are the ones who cast the powerful supernatural spells, but as the medium, you continue to deal with such evil spirits, and I am afraid that your body will collapse and die afterwards." , Okay, just practice hard, let’s go.”

The Yin Guan mask fell off his face.

Chen Chu caught it and stuffed it into his pocket, took out a tissue and wiped the blood from his mouth and nose.

His eyes fell on the old monk Fujita Go, and he sighed slightly. Three people were seated on a motorcycle, and they were slowly taken to the hospital...

He has already sent three people to this hospital, making him the best business partner.

After various examinations in the hospital, it was found that Fujita Tsuyoshi had three broken ribs, varying degrees of bleeding in his internal organs, and many skin injuries on his body. After the operation, his vital signs were much more stable.

the next day.

When the old monk woke up and saw Chen Chu, he didn't need to speak.

He immediately said that the Kiyomizu Temple where he was located had a Buddhist magical weapon brought across the ocean by a monk from the flower-growing country of the Ming Dynasty more than 200 years ago. It was called the "Vajra Subduing the Demonic Pestle". The entire body was made of pure copper and could repel many enemies. An evil spirit that brings harm to the world. As he spoke, he took out his cell phone and called the monk at Kiyomizu Temple and asked him to bring this treasure over.

After encountering the incident, the old monk was really efficient!

Although it had little relevance, Chen Chu couldn't help but think of a line from an online game character in the real world: "Preaching is useless, broken bones are the best textbooks..."

More than three hours passed.

Several monks came to the hospital and escorted Vajra to the demon pestle.

The Demon-Conquering Pestle is placed in a rectangular rosewood box, which is wrapped in layers and protected by various spells. Fujita Tsuyoshi said that the vajra demon pestle has been placed in front of the Buddha for a long time to enhance spiritual power, and the incantation prevents the spiritual power from leaking out and reduces its power...

Chen Chu held it in his hand. It was golden in color, with a head of a glaring King Kong in the middle. The two ends were sharp and beautifully shaped!

Fujita grabbed Chen Chu's arm tremblingly: "This... the Demon-Conquering Pestle must be used well. Don't waste the meaning of its existence!"

Chen Chu said he would.

Just then I received a call from the company leader. As soon as I said hello, the other party greeted me like crazy...

It turned out that the boss knew that when he left the company, he did not look for the customer promotion products in those materials. He was furious. He felt that he had been deceived by Chen Chu and threatened to tell him to get out!

Chen Chu hung up the phone silently.

The office leader in the company was completely stunned. He had never seen such an arrogant new employee in all his years! And on the chair outside the glass door of the office...

Tahara Hideki looked at the representative leader with a smile on his face. He rotated the ballpoint pen a few times in his hand and inserted it into the pen holder!

The newcomer was so arrogant that Chen initially thought who he was, but he dared to do this and that after meeting him twice! The survival rules of this company are not suitable for you!

It was he who sent an anonymous email to his boss, revealing that Chen Chu had not been working at all these days.

The angry leader received an email, which was a photo. In the image, Chen Chu was taking care of a monk in the hospital, and there were several monks around him. He was holding a pastry album in his hand to promote it. The email contained text, saying that Kiyomizu Temple expressed its willingness to work for a long time. Cooperate to order vegetarian pastries...

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