I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 329 Awarding the Seventh Grade

How can we be in the air force when we are back?

After a heart-to-heart and rational conversation between Chen Chu and his uncle, his uncle finally agreed to use his personal connections to help the sole heir of Sanshan Palace with the matter of conferring the throne. I have to say that my uncle's connections are really great. I just picked up the phone and made seven or eight calls to this senior brother and that junior brother, and the matter was finalized very quickly.

For matters such as conferring gifts, there is a designated time for joint conferring of gifts every year.

But Chen Chu was pressed for time and there was no telling whether he could make it in time. Under the operation of his uncle, the Tianshi Mansion agreed to take time out to consecrate Chen Chu in the past few days!

In the few days before the engraving ceremony, the enthroned student needs to purify his heart, mouth, and body. This is the most basic courtesy and attention to the engraving ceremony!

Soon Chen Chu was ready, and his uncle informed him to go to Longhu Mountain to participate in the enshrinement ceremony. On that day, in the hall dedicated to the enshrinement ceremony, three masters, the supervisor, the recommender, and the transmitter were responsible for controlling the entire ceremony. The ceremony went smoothly, and Chen Chu was assessed at the same time...

The content of the assessment is his homework, as well as his understanding of the Taoist scriptures, etc., his personal cultivation, etc.

Finally, the ceremony of imparting the urn was formally carried out, and Chen Shi's "Third and Five Du Sutras" were passed down. Before that, the contents of "Morning and Evening Work Sutra", "Laozi's Tao Te Ching" and "The Book of Savior" were specially examined. Finally, the urn was successfully imparted. If you reach the seventh grade, you can obtain the corresponding soldiers and horses awarded by heaven according to your birth date...

Theoretically, there is such a process, but the gods are not revealed, and the Celestial Master himself has never seen it, so he can only go through it based on the records in the books.

The ceremony is completed.

When Chen Chu was about to leave, Tianshi especially praised him, saying that this young man looked the most energetic in the past few years.

The conferment process took a lot of time.

The uncle and the master stayed in Longhu Mountain to thank the brothers and uncles who had contributed in the enshrinement ceremony. Chen Chu didn't have much time left, so they rushed him back to the apartment to wait for his departure.

dark night.

Sanshanzi and his two brothers, who had just said goodbye to their Longhushan brothers, were walking down the mountain.

The mountain road is very quiet, and you can occasionally hear the sound of insects. Sanshanzi has not been to Longhu Mountain for a long time. He looked at the distant lights of thousands of families at the bottom of the mountain and said with some emotion: "Brother, I have been immersed in the memories of the past. I didn’t expect that during this meeting, my former brothers and sisters would have aged so much, I’m afraid..."

Of course, the senior brother heard what he wanted to say, but at this moment, he was in Longhu Mountain, and he didn't know if the walls had ears. He could only vaguely follow the words of his junior brother Sanshanzi, and said lightly: "Yes, I have been cultivating the Tao all my life. What is the goal? Woolen cloth?

Humans, as long as we live in this earthly world, it is difficult to avoid the grudges, resentments, joys, anger, sorrows, and the daily necessities of life brought about by human nature. Among the brothers and sisters up and down, which one is not fettered by the worrying things in the mortal world? Those who can truly cultivate their minds are the ones who are alone...

Junior brother, don’t force opportunities in anything. When we try our best to seek opportunities for ourselves, aren’t we also seeking opportunities for other fellow apprentices? I am very confident in my vision, and I very much believe in that child's character. You have gained a good apprentice. He is worthy of our efforts and worthy of our efforts to protect him. "

Sanshanzi looked back at the buildings on Longhu Mountain and sighed heavily: "The inheritance from generation to generation must have a soul in it. At present, we are just empty..."

Inside the apartment.

Chen Chu.

When the time is up, he disappears.

Returning to the ash stone space, I don't know if it was an illusion, but he was at the seventh level after being conferred.

As soon as I arrived here, I suddenly felt a different feeling all over my body. The mana flowing in the muscles and veins in my body seemed to be much smoother than before.

He used divine fire to ignite the stone tablets in the worlds of "Uncle Zombie" and "Zombie Taoist Master 2", and began to practice sitting among the stone tablets, absorbing the warm spiritual energy emitted by the stone tablets. His Dantian was filled with warmth, and his mana contained red, blue and faint He couldn't see inside yet, but he could feel the changes in mana and the color of the arc, which was magical...

Practice for three months.

This is the minimum standard he has set for himself. After completing the task, he must practice for at least three months.

In the white wax stone space, there is no shortage of food and drink in the lounge, and there is also a drumstick guy serving tea and water. He almost doesn't have to stand up when he sits down to practice, making the best use of his time. Strangely enough, when eating here, he didn't think about going to the toilet. He didn't need any size, and he didn't know what the real raw materials of the food were.

The practice time is over.

Chen Chu predicted that the next world would be the "Ghost Land" on Hong Kong Island!

He carefully watched the entire movie in the lounge. The show still had a suspenseful atmosphere. The ending was a bit warm, and it also brought out a new suspense route...

The story goes like this:

The well-known novelist Ding Yan, known for her highly immersive romance novels, wanted to challenge herself to write a supernatural novel called Ghostland.

But because it was the first time she tried this kind of content, she lacked experience and inspiration. She wrote many manuscripts but was not satisfied. When she was upset, she discovered weird supernatural phenomena in her life. Although she was scared, she believed that this was a valuable source of inspiration. .

So he followed the supernatural phenomenon and wandered around. After accidentally entering an elevator, he came to a bizarre and absurd world. Everything here was created by people and then forgotten and abandoned.

Like books, like stories, like old friends, like childhood toys, like a place, like a child who was aborted after pregnancy...

This "abandoned" place is called the Ghost Domain. The first person Dingyan met, the old man, told her that she created this world and that all the abandoned things would appear here. Every once in a while the world destroys everything and starts the cycle again, which is very painful.

Dingyan discovered that in this ghost world, there was a faceless and long-haired female ghost who had been chasing her.

During her escape, she met a five- or six-year-old little girl who helped her through many dangers. Then she met the old man and learned that she could return to the world through special methods and channels. Follow the little girl as she breaks through a forgotten cemetery. She is accidentally spotted by a ghost when she crosses the Naihe Bridge. She hurriedly jumps into a well, where there are abandoned children, both formed and unformed. Everything they see is... There was blood and crying.

Finally arriving at the destination, the little girl told the truth.

The little girl was a child who was aborted when she was pregnant. She grew up in this world. Because she still loved her mother, she showed up to guide her. The faceless long-haired female ghost is the big villain BOSS in Dingyan's works. She was later abandoned, so she resented why Dingyan created and abandoned her, so she hunted her down...

The biggest flip is coming

Definitely return to the earthly world.

She encountered another affirmation, and then she realized that she was also false.

She is just the protagonist character created by Dingyan of the real reality based on herself. She is also a novelist. Everything she experienced was arranged...

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