I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 332 The Forgotten World

This is the last thing on the note [I saw a grandson sneaking underground].

Dingyan gritted her teeth tightly, holding her cell phone and lowering her head, not daring to look at the mother-in-law and granddaughter. I don’t know why, but I always feel like their eyes are staring at me!

Dingyan has no clear religious beliefs. She has been to temples, Taoist temples and churches, and has knelt down to pray, but she has never been as pious as she is at this moment! She hoped that the elevator would reach its destination quickly, and that the mother-in-law and granddaughter would not hurt her. She did not know what gods she was praying to, but she only knew that she must be pious.


The elevator reaches the first floor.

Dingyan rushed out of the elevator immediately, panting heavily and looking back.

Her legs were almost weak. It turned out that what was called "seeing the mother-in-law and grandson sneak underground" was like this. The mother-in-law and granddaughter who came in on the seventh floor stared blankly ahead. As the elevator door slowly closed, their bodies slowly Slowly sinking and disappearing on the floor of the elevator...

The lowest elevator in this apartment building is only on the first floor...

Dingyan felt that his heart was beating at a very high frequency, his hands were shaking constantly, and the mobile phone in his hand had no signal at all.

That Chen Chu said he was waiting for him here, is he a good guy or a bad guy?

Dingyan doesn't know, she just hopes that the other party is a real living person!

She didn't dare to walk around. The small display screen next to the elevator door was beating with numbers, rising from 1↑ to 1, and then back to 1↓ after a while.

She didn't know what the difference between 1 and 1 was, but going up was very fast, and going down seemed to be as slow as passing through countless floors...


The elevator made a sound like gears getting stuck.

The door trembled, as if trying to stop something from escaping. Dingyan slowly backed away, ready to open the door and escape from the first floor of the apartment at any time...

boom! ! !

There was a violent noise!

Something is hitting the elevator door!

It was so loud that the door twisted.

Bang, bang, bang...

Wow! ! ! !

A large hole was blown out of the opening and closing of the elevator door, and a hand holding a seal stretched out.


The elevator door couldn't bear it any longer, so it broke away from the door frame and flew out!

Dingyan's eyes widened. She saw the man named Chen Chu whom she had met during the day slowly walking out. He put the yellow seal in his pocket, smiled and said hello to her with his hand outstretched: "Teacher Xu Xun, do you mind going on this trip together..."

He didn't take the little boy with him.

Dingyan swallowed dryly, stared at him and asked, "Who are you? Does all this have anything to do with you?"

"Relationship?" Chen Chu walked up to Dingyan, reached out and grabbed the door of the apartment on the first floor and said with a smile: "I'm just a stranger who happens to know something, and the person who has something to do with all this happens to be you, Teacher Xu Xun. Myself..."

After he finished speaking, he opened the door forcefully.

The cold wind blew in, blowing Dingyan's long hair flying in the air.

She blocked the wind with her hands and glanced outside. She trembled all over and walked out against the wind with some surprise. There were also residential buildings on both sides of the outside of the apartment, but the residential buildings in front of her at the moment seemed to have passed through the centuries. , ushering in the end, everything that can be seen is so broken.

Chen Chu walked out of the door and was not surprised to see this scene.

The first scene where Dingyan broke into the ghost world was here, and it was also the surrounding area of ​​her real life. Perhaps because she had lived for too long, she did not pay attention to recent things, resulting in only vague impressions, so these residential buildings were in a state of incompleteness. , looking dilapidated.

Ding Yan followed her original route.

There will only be near misses, because the child she aborted also came into this world, and grew up with the ghosts. It would not be a big deal when faced with ordinary wandering ghosts, and it even had a deterrent effect. When the child first appeared, he was only six or seven years old, wearing old red clothes, a ferocious mask, and riding a huge toy wheeled wooden horse.

It was so oppressive that the hanged ghosts in the forest were frightened and left one after another.

There are almost no fighting scenes in this plot. There is only a faceless female ghost chasing Dingyan, and she is too fierce to catch up...

In this drama, the biggest threat to the little girl is neither the restart of time and space that destroys everything, nor the faceless female ghost, but the yang energy emanating from the ghostly intermediary station leading to the human world...

The greatest threat to the heroine Dingyan is the ghost world itself, where everything is abandoned and forgotten. She comes in as a living person and is either eliminated or crushed and reorganized by the restart of time and space in the ghost realm and then stays forever...

When Chen Chu came out of the apartment building, he felt that this ghost world was eroding his body, but a little magic power could isolate the erosion on the surface of his body.

The two of them were walking between the ruined residential buildings. Dingyan asked, "Why do you think all this has anything to do with me?"

This is a smart heroine. Chen Chu said bluntly: "Because everything you see now is exactly the world created by you! The people or things gathered here are all forgotten and abandoned."

Even if she didn't tell Dingyan about this, in another scene, she would meet her grandfather whom she had forgotten when she was young, and he would tell her the reason for all this.

"Are you saying that this world is the "Ghostland" world I wrote? I... It seems that since I wrote the book "Ghostland", I have encountered some bizarre things one after another. At the beginning, things were relatively small. , such as the faucet automatically boils water, or there seems to be someone standing behind the bathroom glass.

But I am just an ordinary person, and novel creators have many imaginations. How can I have the power to create the world? "

Dingyan is in denial about himself.

She wanted to ask a few more questions.

Subconsciously, she looked up and saw an empty residential building. There were people standing in twos and threes, covered in filth like zombies, at the windows, doorways, and iron stairs. They didn't speak, just stared at her quietly.

The next second.

These people all fell out of the house and fell to the ground like rain.

The ground was covered with corpses. After more than ten seconds, they all stood up and walked aimlessly.

Dingyan's expression changed. This must be too much: "What are these people? Are they also forgotten people? Are they still human beings?"

Chen Chu could feel a heavy yin energy, but he didn't feel the ghost energy. He shrugged and said, "I don't know, if I have to say it, it should be more like a ghost..."

Among the ghosts walking around on the ground, there was a female ghost with bare feet and tattered reddish-brown clothes. She had no eyes, ears, mouth and nose on her face, only a layer of pale skin. Tall, twice as tall as an ordinary person, she slowly stretched out her finger towards Dingyan and made a dull sound.

Those ghosts stopped, turned around, and immediately ran over!

Dingyan yelled, turned around and ran away. Because she was worried about Chen Chu, she looked back and found that the ghosts didn't care about Chen Chu at all, they just stared at her and chased her.

She ran for more than two hundred meters and found that the end of the residential building was a cliff with nowhere to go. As a last resort, she broke into the nearby residential building, opened a door and got in! Strange to say, when she entered the house, a large group of ghosts seemed to have suddenly lost their target and were wandering around. Even the faceless female ghost was wandering around...

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