These hanged ghosts had gloomy faces and thin bodies, like meat hung to dry outdoors. They hung down to surround Chen Chu. The nearest hanged ghost lowered its chin and let out a hoarse roar.

The faceless female ghost strangled the hanged ghost's neck with one hand and tightened it more and more. Chen Chu held down her arm and said, "Don't be impulsive. There are all kinds of ghosts for all kinds of people. It's normal for it to communicate loudly. I Let’s see if it needs help first.”

After being consecrated at Longhu Mountain.

The old master who came as a supervisor repeatedly reminded him that after being consecrated, he is no longer an ordinary Taoist priest. He must pay more attention to his behavior, etiquette, integrity, etc., and always reflect on himself. Only in this way can his heart be truly sublimated.

Chen Chu decided to start by communicating with others. Unless absolutely necessary, there must be no behavior such as yelling or swearing.

He looked at the hanged man and smiled and said, "If you have any questions, please tell me. I will try my best to help you if I can."

The hanged man made a rattling sound in his throat and said: "I...I don't want to be here...Who am I? Please help me get rid of it. It's too uncomfortable, it's really too uncomfortable..."

These people seemed to have committed suicide, and suicide is a very serious sin.

It looks like they are hanging, but in fact the vine branches have penetrated deeply into their flesh and blood, using their dry bodies as nutrients.

Chen Chu heard the words and began to recite the Sutra to Save People. The sound of reciting the sutra spread in the forest of hangings, and the hanged ghosts slowly raised their hands with expressions of relief on their faces. Unexpectedly, at this time, a deafening roar came from the distance! The faceless female ghost ran up and came back. She said that the reset of time and space had come here.

She hugged Chen Chu, and the tattered clothes on her body turned dark red...

The flying speed of the faceless female ghost was not as fast as it was at the beginning for some reason. The height could not even reach the treetops. She was obviously a ghost, but there was a faint sound of breathing.

Chen Chu took out the Qi Condensation Talisman placed close to his body. The Yang Qi had been restrained a lot, and it shouldn't be injured like this. Perhaps feeling the concern from Chen Chu, the faceless female ghost scratched her face and sprayed blood and said: "I...I feel...the plot seems to be over..."

His heart sank, the end of the plot seemed to mean death.

But I am not sure about this statement.

In the final scene of the movie, the world fades away. At the intermediary station between ghosts and the human world, the faceless female ghost leads a large number of wandering ghosts to chase the heroine Dingyan all the way. Just when she is about to succeed, a joking scene happens! As if time and space were frozen, all the ghosts were frozen in action, and the whole thing was sliced ​​into countless pieces by time and space...

The final word is unclear, so I ask what happened.

Her daughter simply said, "That's the end of her story."

From Chen Chu's point of view, this was simply off the mark. The faceless female ghost appeared several times with a fierce momentum. In the end, she didn't even touch the corner of Dingyan's clothes and just had a weird plot kill. What the hell was it written? Son!

As someone who has watched the movie, Chen Chu knew that the last minute scene was the biggest twist...

Dingyan, who can enter the ghost realm, is just a created character. The reason why she can enter the ghost realm is because Dingyan, the real person in reality, is not satisfied with the manuscript and plans to delete it and rewrite it.

But the setting of the ghost realm in this drama has become a reality.

The final word in reality not only creates a ghost realm, but also creates a final word in a novel, and even affects the real and imaginary worlds.

At this moment, the faceless female ghost was flying lower and lower, breaking out of the Hanged Ghost Forest. What they saw was an endless desert. When they turned around, they found that the Hanged Ghost Forest had disappeared, and there were deserts in front, back, left and right...

The female ghost half flew and half walked away with Chen Chu in her arms. There was no expression at all on her gray filmy face, but Chen Chu could tell from her movements that she seemed a little confused. He asked, "You know you were created, but do you know what the plot is about you?"


She had never thought about it.

It seems that from the time she gained consciousness, she only knew one thing. She was born from scraps of a discarded manuscript of a novel, and this creator kept creating and discarding, resulting in more and more lonely ghosts arriving. this place. She had a strong desire for revenge...

She didn't know what the plot about herself was in that novel "Ghostland".

The faceless female ghost slowly stopped, her feet stepped into the hot sand, as motionless as wood, blank, a huge blank filled her heart...

When I first met the creator, she confirmed that her idea was very simple: to keep this hateful woman who created her but then abandoned her in the ghost realm forever, and stay together forever! The appearance of Chen Chu gave her a sense of strangeness in the huge void. He said that he would ask the creator to continue the plot about her and help her have normal facial features.

The faceless female ghost suddenly felt that her arms were empty. She subconsciously looked around "hurriedly", and finally breathed a sigh of relief. The man named Chen Chu stood on a bulging sand dune and looked into the distance...

He turned around, the sky behind him was bright and sunny, and his body was covered with a circle of golden light.

The faceless female ghost froze.

She felt that everything in front of her "eyes" was covered by this golden light.


Name, what do you need a name for? In this forgotten world, there is only sorrow and fear. Those named ghosts have long forgotten their former names, so what is the use...


The faceless female ghost looked up in surprise.

Chen Chu blocked the sunlight shining on his face with his hands, and he replied readily: "How about naming? I'm very good at it." In the ghost world, the scene has always been gray. Why is the sunshine in this desert so fierce? What a ghost...

He looked up and down at the faceless female ghost. There was a lot of knowledge in choosing a name. Only the best name could be chosen based on the other person's characteristics, preferences, and appearance.

Faceless female ghost?

Not good, not good.

There are so many female ghosts in the supernatural world, and there are also quite a few without faces. Isn’t this the same name?

A ghost in rags? Two-meter-tall female ghost? He was lost in thought, and the faceless female ghost did not disturb him. She knew that he was thinking about the name, so she just had to wait patiently...

Wouldn't it be too tacky to use an ordinary human name?

Chen Chu rubbed his forehead vigorously and held it in for a long time before saying: "When you were created, you had no face, were more than two meters tall, and wore dark red clothes. I will give you a common surname, Li, and then name you... Hongyi Right." He swallowed back the words Li Wuyi...

"Li Hongyi."

The faceless female ghost opened the corners of her mouth with force and repeated these four words... She, an abandoned product, also had something of her own in this forgotten world.

From now on she will be called...

Chen Chu interrupted her train of thought: "Remove the bar, it's Li Hongyi!"

Remember, I will be called Li Hongyi from now on! The faceless female ghost, no, it was Li Hongyi who felt hugely satisfied at the moment. Whether it was the need for facial features or the pursuit of the creator, it became less important...

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