I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 343 Book of Human Sins

A sudden gust of wind blew up downstairs in the apartment, blowing over the trash can leaning against the wall. The garbage inside was immediately dumped to the floor, and the stench was carried far away by the wind. There are a few black cats standing on the ordinary roof, staring here with green eyes, as if they are expecting something...

Something flickered in the sky.

Chen Chu stretched out his hand and saw that the Five Thunder Token fell into his palm with a ball of furry thread.

Meng Jie's sponge cannot be said to be strong or weak, but it can carry divine fire. As long as it is used properly, it can exert considerable power.

When he returned to the ash stone space, Chicken Leg Boy was watching an overseas cartoon. There was an arrogant character in it who used silk threads as a means of attack. Silk threads could borrow strength, cut, and defend, and he was almost fooled by it. At the same time, it also opened up his thinking. Meng Jie's sponge can change into various forms at will, which is much more powerful than the thread of this anime character...

Chen Chu held the Five Thunder Token in his hand and said: "It's hard to explain things like good and evil clearly. I'm not a person who is good at talking or theory...

You have no grievances, no legitimate reasons, and no evidence to prove that humans in this world have done unforgivable things to you! I just want to control the whole world, so I’m sorry! I am a human being first and then a Taoist priest. When faced with the invasion of foreign enemies, I stand on the side of mankind! "

Dingshan stroked the characters swimming in the pages of the book with his hand and said with a smile: "We were born in a filthy place. These worlds should not have appeared, but they happened to appear and they suit our taste buds so well that they are suitable for us to grow up! According to me, This is destiny, the world is food, and we are gourmets...

All guys are looking for the reasons for the formation of these worlds. Some guys even analyzed that there are rules for the formation of the world. There must be an initial world hidden somewhere in the filthy land. It generates new worlds by constantly separating its own elements in order to use these The world seeks help from the gods outside the filthy land, using the world as a ladder to pave a ladder for the gods to redeem it..."

The initial place.

Chen Chu: "..."

He is really a genius at naming, and he is almost catching up with himself.

Dingshan frowned and realized that he had talked too much again. The intrusion of the gods' lackeys into the filthy land would greatly affect their erosion of these new worlds. Since they can't be won over, then they should be destroyed!

His index finger slowly ran across a crime record on the page. With a flick, the text turned into a big net and enveloped Chen Chu! The words were ethereal and easily passed through Chen Chu's body. Dingshan saw this and raised the corner of his mouth: "Human evil originates from human beings themselves. You can only choose to escape and face it. You's spells and magical weapons cannot withstand it... "

A large number of pictures appeared in Chen Chu's mind, and it seemed that memories that did not belong to him appeared.

It was the memory of a boy who was born into an ordinary family. He was abducted and sold into the mountains. He escaped from a landslide on a rainy night. He was tricked into mining in a mine. He was bullied in various ways and was forced to kill his tormentor to escape. Mine, accidentally found the home of his biological parents. He was covered with bruises and was no longer the little boy he used to be. His biological parents did not dare to recognize him. The frustrated boy went to a playground and jumped off the Ferris wheel to his death.

Chen Chu had a splitting headache, and his body even felt the brutal beatings of the traffickers, the landslides, the cold rain, the suffocating soil, the dark and narrow space in the mine, the mine head's eyes that didn't look like humans, and finally his "biological" parents were terrified , hesitation, unfamiliar reaction...

The pain of finally falling off the ferris wheel hard.

Chen Chu felt the same way, and blood oozed from his mouth and nose. He put the Five Thunder Token on his chest and silently recited the Mind-Purifying Mantra. As the magic power circulated, his head gradually became clearer...

Dingshan was slightly surprised, but he quickly regained his composure: "Okay, let's see how many sinful behaviors you can bear from humans!" His fingers kept popping up countless words on the page of the book. When he looked at it suddenly, he thought it was an overwhelming black cannibal. The bee flies away...

Chen Chu understood that Dingshan's ability was not that outstanding, but that he was very good at collecting and using human sin, pain, and torture to attack the enemy.

He threw Meng Jie's sponge out, and with a thought, a large net bag was formed to cover the words inside. These words were not within the absorption range of Meng Jie's sponge, and they penetrated out in just two breaths! Chen Chu guessed that this was the case and repeated Chinese characters in the net bag to slow down their approach.

He bent his legs, flew out, and ran quickly on the ground, bringing up a strong gust of wind. This was Wind Walk!

The person spins in the air, like a drill kicking Dingshan's face, like hitting a solid rock, the soles of his feet hurt, Fire Step! Flames ignited under his feet, and he kicked with a whirlwind, hitting the book of human sins in Dingshan's hand! Dingshan originally wanted to laugh at him for not wanting to fight him hand to hand, but Chen Chu's target turned out to be the book in his hand. At this moment, the book fell out of his hand, his face immediately turned gloomy, and he stretched out his hand to try to get it back...

Bang, the book was kicked away.

Evil beast!

I want you to die here!

Dingshan was furious, his muscles all over his body made a creaking sound, and his whole body bulged. He grabbed Chen Chu's foot, threw it twice in the air, lifted it up, and smashed it to the ground!

When Chen Chu saw this, he pointed the golden pistol at the hand on his leg and emptied the magazine continuously, breaking Dingshan's thumb. It was difficult to grasp things without a thumb! His legs and feet struggled hard and fell to the ground. He opened his pants and found a dark five-finger mark on his ankle...

He picked up the sinful book that had fallen on the ground and opened it. The text inside turned out to be composed of fragmented black human bodies.

The moment they were opened, they saw not Dingshan but a strange young man, and they all let out sharp and sad cries: "Get us out quickly, please, why, we have to suffer this kind of torture, Oh my God, open your eyes! If you were tortured so miserably during your lifetime, why do you have to continue after your death..."

Dingshan's thumb regrown, he looked at Chen Chu with a little teasing and said: "How, human sin seems very enjoyable, right? After a brief contact, I also figured out that your own strength is just like that. In the ghost world, The summoned mine is probably your strongest weapon..."

Chen Chu didn't answer, but breathed out a breath of fire at the book!

Suddenly, the books kept wailing: "We were wrong, don't burn us, we won't go out, we really won't go out!" The flames did not burn the books, but instead burned the words on the books.

Dingshan crossed his arms and was no longer anxious: "Yes, these words carry sin, but they are also composed of the souls of human beings. After all... they are the foundation of human beings! If you are on the side of human beings, what should you do with this book? ?”

Chen Chu went through the handling methods in his mind.

He put the book on the ground, and the golden sword opened two wounds on his palm. The blood dripped and sprayed a spell on the ground. He sat cross-legged with his knees crossed, the long sword on his knees, his left hand pressed on the ground, and his right hand formed a seal: "Chen Chu, a disciple of the Three Mountains of Longhu Mountain, penetrates the underworld and punishes evil..."

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