I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 350 New Member in the Lounge

In the ash stone space, Chen Chu's figure slowly emerged.

He took a step back out of habit, only to hear a loud roar on the ground in front of him! The dark stone stele fell to the ground, and the words "Ghost Domain" gradually appeared on the stele. Then, the entire stone stele ignited with golden flames. Because the divine fire was lit in the ghost world, the stone tablet appears in a lit state.

Four balls of light seeped out of the stone tablet.

Chen Chu stretched out his hand, and the light ball automatically fell into his hand. After waiting for a while, the light ball jumped into the air and turned into four items.

The first ball of light: [Congratulations on getting "Li Hongyi" from the world of "Ghostland". Li Hongyi comes from the fictional character in the novel written by the novelist Dingyan. She materialized due to the novelist's special ability. Her original name is Wulian. The female ghost accidentally got the name "Li Hongyi"!

The fictional ghost "Li Hongyi" has the abilities of "immortality, self-healing, walking through walls, low-altitude flying, huge strength, double swords, and invisibility". Her immortal skills will cause her to die even if she is attacked by retrospective origin causation! In addition, if the original author categorically assigns "Li Hongyi" or you grant the adaptation copyright to others, and you can cancel the immortality by modifying the settings, the immortality will also be invalidated!

Tip: The fictional female ghost "Li Hongyi" is a special fantasy existence and cannot attack the copyright owner. In each new mission world, Li Hongyi can be summoned

thirty minutes. 】

The second light ball: [Congratulations on getting the skill "Space Jump" from the world of "Ghost Land". This skill comes from the ghost residential building in the ghost world. It is said that the doors and windows there connect the spaces in different areas.

Space jump, you can jump to any passing place (within a radius of fifty meters with yourself as the center). Jumping consumes mental energy. Continuous high-intensity jumping may reduce your mental energy! 】

The third light ball: [Congratulations on getting an item "Meng Po Spoon" from another world - the underworld. This item comes from the pot on Meng Po's stove beside the Naihe Bridge in the underworld of another world.

The user holds a Meng Po spoon and taps the Tianling Cap, a sentient creature, to selectively make it forget anything within an hour! If you tap it six times, you can forget anything within a year. This behavior will cause a small amount of wear and tear on the spoon, and it will be damaged after repeated use...]

The fourth light ball: [Congratulations on gaining access to the special one-time item "Clue" from the ash stone space! By consuming this item, you can provide a small amount of prompts for the user's specific doubts. 】

When he saw the fourth item, Chen Chu's eyes lit up. This was a new item!

Of the four light balls, the first one landed on the ground, the second one escaped into the center of Chen Chu's eyebrows, and the third and fourth ones fell into his hands.

The drumstick boy who was quietly watching Chen Chu consecrate the light ball came trotting over. It was also very curious about the function of each light ball. Every time Chen Chu got it, he would demonstrate it several times to get used to it.

The first ball of light was red. It fell on the ground and turned into a group of shaped red light. It gradually formed a head, body and limbs, and slowly stood up from the ground...

The drumstick guy was very interested at first, but his jaw froze as he watched.

It was very smart and guessed that Chen Chu might have brought someone back from another world.

But the newcomer was still growing in the red light, getting taller and taller, already exceeding two meters, and only stopped when he reached two and a half meters.

The red light exploded, and Li Hongyi, wearing a brand new phoenix crown and Xia Pei red dress, suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. She was two and a half meters tall, with a luxurious phoenix crown, and that condescending gaze! The drumstick boy subconsciously took two steps back. He thought that a new guy was here and could be an older brother or something...

I didn’t expect it to be such a tall bride!

Li Hongyi's aura is very strong, especially when she needs to look up. This is a fatal blow to the chicken leg guy who is only one meter tall...

When Li Hongyi emerged from the red ball of light, she was completely confused.

She slowly opened her eyelids, looked around, saw Chen Chu standing there, and subconsciously reached out her hand: "Chen Chu..." As soon as the voice came out, she covered her blood-red lips.

Her voice has been replaced by self-healing, and it no longer sounds so good.

The only thing Chen Chu could see was this skin.

But it's strange. She was just sitting in Dingyan's old house, but she didn't expect that as soon as she closed and opened her eyelids, she would be in this place. There was no sky, no earth, and it was all pitch black.

All that could be seen was a pile of burning stone tablets, a huge stove and a small house.

She was inevitably a little uneasy in a strange place, so she walked towards Chen Chu. Her leg hit something. When she lowered her head, she saw a dwarf standing in front of her... No, it seemed like a child?

Is this Chen Chu's child?

Li Hongyi looked at the chicken boy up and down for a while, then gently pushed her aside with her sleeves. This child exuded the smell of plants and earth. He didn't look like Chen Chu, so he probably wasn't his child.

Chen Chu really didn't expect that Li Hongyi would come to this space through the light ball.

Although the ash stone space usually feels deserted, this is not a reason to sacrifice other people's freedom to lock him here. The drumstick guy is already pitiful enough, there is no need to kidnap another Li Hongyi...

The important thing is that Li Hongyi seems to have a good impression of him.

Chen initially guessed that he was not too bad to Li Hongyi, which led to a misunderstanding.

But everyone came and he didn't know how to send them back, so he had to explain straight to the point, and then explained the reason why Li Hongyi liked him...

Who knows that Li Hongyi doesn't care at all.

She said she got the two most precious things, a name and a mirror.

The name made her feel the meaning of existence, and the mirror let her know what it could bring to Chen Chu...

Therefore, she is willing to stay here, doing anything or doing nothing.

Chen Chu was greatly shocked. What does a mirror mean to let you know what it can bring to me? Body? Beauty? I am a man and I definitely appreciate a woman’s beautiful appearance! But it is different from others. After traveling through the world of heaven, in the future, even the Three Life Stones cannot be seen and there is a trace of cracks...

Let’s not talk about whether we have eyes for each other or whether we have feelings for each other. Even if we have these, it is not something we can consider now...

Chen Chu has always felt that it is best not to make promises that cannot be fulfilled. It will not only taint his own credibility, but also destroy other people's expectations! He is now a Taoist priest who has been taught the magic spell, and he knows Lei Bu. Don't let Lei Bu personally come to attack him when he breaks his promise...

Chen Chu's frankness.

Li Hongyi felt a little disappointed in her heart, but she also had a sense of comfort. At least this man would not lie to her.

She asked the little dwarf... What is his responsibility here, child? Chen Chu told her that Drumstick Boy was brought back from another world and had no special mission. He just lived here like his family...

Li Hongyi immediately said that she also wanted to live here as a family member like Chicken Leg Boy. Chen Chu could treat her as a younger sister or older sister. If she wanted to be... that's fine... she would try to learn from her.

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