River god?

Chen Chu walked to the edge of the wooden platform, his eyes flashing with fire and wind, he lowered his head to look into the water, frowned, walked back and looked at the old woman on crutches and asked: "The natural world is constantly changing with wind, rain, thunder and lightning. It is the normal state. If there is a god stationed there, it is the duty to sort out the water veins and regulate the wind and rain.

You can do whatever you can to express your gratitude by making offerings at the ceremony.

But I have never heard of any god having such a demand for living human life as an offering. Could it be that you are not worshiping a serious river god but a monster who likes to eat blood and essence? "

The old woman with a crutch took a few steps back, thinking to herself that it was strange. Why did this young Taoist priest who was not tied up in a bun give her such a strong sense of oppression when he spoke so softly?

She slammed her cane on the ground and said loudly: "My Hejia Village has worshiped the River God for generations. This is the rule left by our ancestors. You, a little Taoist priest who has some magic power, wants to blaspheme my Hejia Village ancestors. Could it be that you have already attained Taoism?" Immortal?"

The old woman's voice was so loud that the villagers gathered over. Some people started cursing and asking who was blaspheming their ancestors in Hejia Village...

Chen Chu glanced at the rolling yellow sand of the river and said with a smile: "According to my observation just now, there are neither gods nor monsters at the bottom of the water. If you throw this little girl down, you will only kill a human life in vain."

The old woman's voice became shrill, and she squeezed into the surrounding villagers. She shouted with an evil look on her face: "You little outside Taoist priest, the river god priest in Hejia Village will not tolerate your troubles. Don't think that you can scare them by setting off some sparks out of thin air." To all the men of Hejia Village...you'd better leave as soon as possible!"

Chen Chu's pupils were divided into two and scanned the people present.

He laughed twice and did not continue to talk to the old woman. Instead, he walked straight to the pig cage on the wooden platform. The long sword fell into his palm and the cage shattered into pieces.

The little girl was lying on the debris shivering. Her face was pale, and her eyes looking at Chen Chu were full of help.

Chen Chu slowly squatted down, looked at her and asked, "What's wrong? Why don't you dare to ask me for help?" He took off his coat and put it on her.

The little girl's clothes were ragged, and although her face was covered in dust, she still couldn't stop the girlish aura that permeated the air.

Although she was only fourteen years old, in this era, fourteen was already the age for marriage, and she even became a mother at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

She felt the remaining warmth in Chen Shi's coat, and her fearful and lonely heart felt a sense of security. She subconsciously glanced at the surrounding villagers, bit her lips and said, "There are many of them, even if...even if the Taoist priest comes again, If you can fight, how can you beat so many people..."

I see.

That's why the cage shattered and she didn't stand up.

You are about to die, and you are still caring about the life and death of others.

Chen Chu exhaled a breath of turbid air, rubbed the palms of his hands continuously, and silently recited the mantra in his heart. The magic power moved back and forth in his palms, and stopped lightly at a distance from her back, and the magic power slowly penetrated.

The little girl felt that her whole body was really starting to feel warmer, and the cold wind that was raging by the Yellow River was no longer so biting.

She looked at Chen Chu's encouraging eyes and plucked up the courage to say quietly: "Taoist Priest, little girl Du Shiniang, please Taoist Priest save me..."

"Okay, since you...well, the fate master is calling for help, I can't just sit idly by!"

He helped Du Shiniang take advantage of the situation. Although she was not the apple of a rich man's eye, casual physical contact between men and women would not only damage her reputation, but also hurt the prestige of the Taoist priest in front of her! If something related to men and women happens to a Taoist monk, it will be a devastating blow...

Chen Chu pointed to the carriage not far away.

"Master Fate, Pindao happened to be driving a carriage passing by. If you don't mind, please get in the carriage."


"No, you can't get in the car!"

The old woman on crutches led a group of people to block Chen Chu's path. Except for a few old people, they were all strong men. There were also people running over from a distance. It seemed that someone had tipped off the news. Apart from anything else, when the family meets outsiders at this time, it is very united...

Chen Chu heard that even after the Qing Dynasty, sometimes two villages encountered conflicts, such as water sources and field irrigation.

If the two sides cannot reach an agreement, they will pick up sickles and hoes to fight, and even behind them, there are muskets and artillery, which is comparable to the lord war for hegemony in the shogunate era of the island country...

Chen Chu asked Du Shiniang: "Where is your home? I will take you back after I finish the work."

Du Shiniang was originally worried about Chen Chu's safety. When she heard this, her big eyes were immediately filled with mist: "I...I don't have a family anymore, and I will only be sold when I go back. I will I became He Bo's bride in Hejia Village because the people of Hejia Village bought me on the way..."

"on the way?"

"Well...my parents think I am a loser. I have an extra mouth and eat too much food from the family, so I am so poor. That's why my brother never gets admitted to the scholar examination, all because I eat too much food.

They had already negotiated a price with Gui Gong from Yihongyuan in the town and wanted to send me there, but it turned out that Hejiacun was in urgent need of a bride and bought me at a higher price than Yihongyuan..."

Chen Chu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Heaven has entrusted this man with a great responsibility, and he must first strain his bones, body, skin, and mind before he can become a master!

This was just a sentence that was used to confuse and paralyze people. Chen Chu had seen too many people who were obviously working hard but couldn't get results. He also saw that they didn't have to work hard but got more things than anyone else.

In this era of the Qing Dynasty, it was just a ridiculous statement to say that heaven has given great responsibilities to the people. Only a few people who have successfully turned over will think this statement makes sense...

How many people died of hunger and cold, not knowing until their death what great responsibility God had given them?

Chen Chu subconsciously wanted to stroke Du Shiniang's messy hair, and retracted his hand in the air to do his duty. Too many emotional expressions would only misunderstand the poor girl...

The long sword in his hand shook slightly, making a metallic buzzing sound. His eyes fell sharply on the villagers of Hejia Village: "Most of you are burdened with heavy bad karma. I don't want to get angry at this time. If you don't let me, the sword in my hand will I’m afraid Jian will get angry first.”

"He is alone, let's go together!"

The old woman on crutches shouted, and the men roared and came one after another...

His pupils swirled in Chen Chu's eyes. He raised his long sword high, his pupils moved left and right, distinguishing everyone who came close, and said lightly: "Evil is not unique to ghosts, demons, and monsters. If we want to talk about evil, people are the only ones." The source. Killing is to protect life, and killing karma is not killing people. I will use your blood to wash away the dust of this world..."

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