I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 373 The whole village is evil

The group of people who wanted to sacrifice Du Shiniang to the river god on the edge of the Yellow River almost all suffered from Chen Chu's sword, and their bodies were more or less mutilated. Under the recognition of their eyes, their souls were stained. There was a circle of blood, and most of them even surpassed the youngest Loach.

The old woman thought that Chen Chu had spared those lives.

Not actually.

In this era, there is a shortage of medicines. There are hundreds of people with broken limbs and arms by the river. They are rolling on the ground with howls of pain. The wounds are contaminated by countless bacteria and viruses from the ground. It is only a matter of time before they become infected. In a place like this, what doctor has the ability to treat so many people at the same time?

Boom, boom...

The wheels of the carriage made a muffled sound as they ran over the stones on the ground, and the carriage swayed from side to side.

Du Shiniang huddled in the corner of the carriage, no longer afraid of the stranger. She saw Chen Chu's side face through the gap in the curtain of the carriage door, and a small thought came to her heart...

Zhang Ergou, the person in the altar next to him, seemed to have noticed Du Shiniang's little thoughts. There were still tears on his face, but the corners of his mouth turned up and he smiled: "Don't look at it, Chen Shi will not accept any woman. A real woman like him A virtuous person may have many friends, but that may not necessarily be the case with a partner..."

Du Shiniang's fiery thoughts were extinguished by Zhang Ergou's ruthless basin of cold water.

She was shocked and ashamed: "What nonsense are you talking about? He is a Taoist priest and I am just a village girl. How can we be together? No, no, I mean it was not meant to be. I am just grateful... Gratitude is what it is."

Zhang Ergou laughed twice, and his voice suddenly dropped: "Your parents sold you, but you are in good health, and you were lucky enough to meet Chen Chu to uphold justice... My parents didn't sell me, but I have become useless. Humans or ghosts, I don’t know… I don’t know if I can see them again, if I can have the courage to stand in front of them.”

Du Shiniang is only a fourteen-year-old girl, and she understands very little.

I want to comfort Zhang Ergou by saying, how can any parent in this world not love their children? But...but, she is a child who was sold by her parents, so what qualifications does she have to say such ridiculous things?

The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became silent.

Chen Chu, who was sitting outside the carriage, had an amazing hearing and naturally heard the conversation between the two people inside. He exhaled and glanced at the old woman limping in front of him.

He felt this trip would be very different...

The carriage walked for more than half an hour and came to the entrance of a village. There were people guarding the village. When they saw the old woman and Chen Chu coming, they came up and asked, "Grandma, why are you back alone? Is the sacrifice to the River God over?"

The old woman glanced at Chen Chu with fear. Not only did this stinking Taoist priest have strong swordsmanship and magic skills, but the most important thing was that he had a musket. It was something only the imperial court had. It was said that it could hit people a hundred steps away. , the sound is like huge thunder, accompanied by fire.

She covered the wound on her arm and said, "Bring me some herbs to treat the knife wound. I'll go see the village chief first."

The man guarding the village gate then noticed that the old woman's arms and legs were bleeding, and shouted: "Grandma, you are injured, who did it?" His eyes fell on Chen Chu in the carriage, and he said angrily: "Who are you? If you dare to ask grandma to hold the carriage for you, why don’t you come down quickly and let grandma sit on it!”

Chen Chu asked: "Do you want to take a car?"

Sit on your mother's seat, I'm afraid you'll die if you sit on it! The old woman was holding back countless fragrant greetings in her heart, but she said: "No, this is a distinguished guest... He has a reason to sit there. By the way, why are you standing there in a daze? Get me the medicine quickly!" She glared hard. Looking at the people in front of them, they ran away as if they were waking up from a dream...

The carriage entered the village.

The old woman walked in front. The strange thing was that she was dripping with blood. When the villagers saw it, no one came up to ask why. Instead, they all looked at Chen Si with strange eyes...

Chen Chu smiled and said nothing.

As the car continued to go deeper into the village, more and more villagers were around, and they also had hoes, sickles, hatchets and other things in their hands...

Du Shiniang saw all this through the gap in the car door, and no matter how slow she was, she understood what was going to happen.

She clasped her hands together and silently prayed to the gods, hoping that her savior could pass this test smoothly. No matter what the gods wanted, she was willing to pay...

When Zhang Ergou, the man in the altar, saw this, he spit out a small paper knife from his mouth, stretched it in his hand, flicked his fingers and made a buzzing sound, and said with a cold smile: "Ask for God? It's better to ask for God." Beg yourself! Where were the gods when you were sold to the Turtle God by your parents, and where were the gods when you were about to be sacrificed to the River God?"

Du Shiniang was immediately unconvinced: "What if the god is a Taoist priest?"

Zhang Ergou looked at the paper knife in his hand: "The Taoist is a Taoist... the gods are gods, but... it's just that the Taoist did something that the gods didn't do. When the manpower is exhausted, I... won't say anything anymore."

The carriage arrived in front of a house that looked like an oversized tent.

There was an old man standing in the middle of the door with a cane. His hair, eyebrows and beard were all white, and his face had many wrinkles like knife carvings. The old man's skin should have become sallow with age, and age spots are inevitable. On the other hand, this old man, In addition to white hair and wrinkles, the complexion on his face is actually rosy...

The old woman walking in front of the carriage suddenly felt a murderous aura spreading. She turned her head in horror. The source of the murderous aura was this young Taoist priest who looked kind and peaceful! I've cut down so many people with my sword on the edge of the Yellow River, but I've never seen him with such murderous intent...

At this moment, Chen Chu took out a piece of yellow paper and a cinnabar pen, and wrote a talisman on the paper. Feeling not very satisfied, he bit his fingertips and pressed his own fingerprint on the talisman head.

He glanced at the old man on the other side of the gate and said with a smile: "Old man, is that He Ashui?"

The old woman hummed and wanted to say something, but her heart suddenly contracted, as if she was in an ice cellar. She felt the world spinning in front of her, fell to the ground, and saw a headless corpse, dressed as if it was herself...

Mengjie's sponge is not omnipotent. It may not be able to block many evil things, but it is still very powerful in terms of physics. It floated up from the old woman's neck, slowly circled in the air and wrapped around Chen Chu's finger, converging into the shape of a ring. Such a weird killing method immediately calmed everyone present...

But it's not over yet.

Chen Chu folded the talisman paper just now into a triangle, hung it on his wrist, and formed a seal with his hands: "The soul is back, come, come!" Before the soul of the dead old woman could leave the body, it was pulled out and sucked into the triangular talisman paper. …

The old man standing at the gate twitched slightly at the corner of his eye. His left eye was a green color. For some special reasons, he could see where the soul was... When he saw Chen Chu killing someone and trying to extract the soul, he suddenly became gloomy: "Taoist priest, we don't mess with the well." He Shui, you seem to have gone too far by killing people."

Chen Chu touched the talisman and said, "To people, it's too much, but to you, I have the heart of a Bodhisattva..."

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