I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 378 A strong man

The person who came was none other than one of the top ten yin commanders in the underworld, the black and white impermanence in the black and white impermanence.

There are two Black and White Wuchangs, namely Bai Wuchang Xie Bian and Hei Wuchang Fan Wujiu. Their duties are to command some ghost soldiers in the underworld, and to deal with some more important things in the human world, such as catching evil ghosts or welcoming good people. 's soul.

In the writings of some folk novelists, Black and White Impermanence is often used as a supporting role, and even the protagonist can be manipulated, but in fact, Black and White Impermanence is very powerful!

The two underworld agents were summoned by Chen Chu's spell. They saw Chen Chu massacre the village, saw the souls of hundreds and thousands of children, and saw the souls of more than 700 villagers who died tragically. They didn't know the cause of the matter, so they had to rush back to the underworld to move. reinforcement.

It happened that Hei Wuchang came back from the Netherworld with his troops to attack. After hearing about this, he wanted to follow him to see what kind of shameless warlock had done evil in the world...

As soon as I walked out of the passage, I saw a young Taoist priest full of resentment sitting on the ground, with a ferocious face, and his body switched back and forth between reality and illusion! Hei Wuchang tightened his grip on the iron chain and was about to throw it away when his eyes suddenly fell on the burning ruins and charred corpses around him.


The bodies of these people and the destruction of this village were all caused by thunder?

Hei Wuchang hurriedly grabbed the chain and wrapped it around his hand. How could it, as a handsome man, not recognize the aura of Tianlei! The ghost messenger said that Chen Chu was massacring the village. If he looked carefully, he could see that he was full of blood and he had indeed killed someone! But why... why was Tianlei the one who finished the job and helped him deal with the tail.

Almost all types of thunder and lightning in this world are in the hands of the Heavenly Thunder Department.

In recent years, the world has become more and more filthy, with wars and disasters occurring everywhere, countless casualties and injustices being seen everywhere, and the Naihe Bridge in Hell is crowded with all kinds of people.

Humanity is dirty.

The divine way hangs high.

Avoid ghosts.

In order to avoid being polluted by the human world, those great gods basically went to heaven. Even if there are gods in the human world, they are only insignificant little gods, and there are also some little monsters who have obtained the residual responsibilities and authority of the great gods in the statues...

The underworld is located in the underworld. The underworld is vast and boundless, with countless wandering souls and wild ghosts running around. There are even evil ones who raise flags and shout, occupy the top of the mountain and become kings in an attempt to start the underworld war disaster! The underworld of the underworld is getting busier and busier, and it is difficult to be distracted from dealing with matters in the world. Even if Hei Wuchanggui is one of the top ten underworld commanders, he still has to lead ghost soldiers to fight against evil spirits everywhere...

As soon as Hei Wuchang arrived, Chen Chu had absorbed all the resentment from the resentful boy.

His entire body was extremely dark, even two points darker than Hei Wuchang.

Chen Chu wanted to stand up and salute, but found that his legs had countless tiny black roots sticking to the ground, making him unable to stand up...

Hei Wuchang was very direct in doing things. He glanced at Chen Chu up and down and said, "I see, you absorb the grievances of those brats in order to convert them. Although this is fast, it is very risky! If you are not careful, you will If you become possessed by evil spirits and practice asceticism, you will fall short of success, you know?"

Chen Chu smiled: "Thank you for your concern, Marshal Yin, but Pindao has a method that can refine resentment into magic power. You just need to be patient and practice it, and it won't take long to refine it..."

Hei Wuchang shook his head and said: "No, the resentment is corroding your internal organs. When it is refined, you should go to the underworld and be reincarnated."

He shook off the iron chain on his wrist and said with a smile: "I have a method that can dispel resentment. It's called 'fighting resentment'. As the name suggests, using my soul-locking chain and the secret method, I can slap it on the body and the resentment will be released! Shou!" As long as a practitioner of this method has firm perseverance, there will be no real harm except some suffering..."

Chen Chu looked at the black iron chain that looked like hemp flowers and swallowed subconsciously. Such a rough swing would cause him to fly up...


He took a few deep breaths: "Thank you so much, Yin Shuai!"

Hei Wuchang was already prepared for Chen Chu's rejection. When he heard the acceptance, he couldn't help but be stunned. When did such brave Taoist priests begin to appear in the world?

"What a courageous person. No matter whether you can stand it or not, you deserve my praise!"

He spoke politely, he had already raised the soul chain in his hand, silently recited the spell, the chain flashed with green light, drink! The blue light was like a long whip, hitting Chen Chu's back!


The clothes on his back were shattered, and the chains left blood-red traces on his skin!


Chen Chu's eyes widened, and he felt like his soul was about to be pulled out. The pain was rushing through his body. He couldn't help it, and he opened his mouth and made a sound... spewing out a mouthful of strong resentment.

Hei Wuchang, Hei Wuchang, is this what you call "a little suffering?"

Chen Chu's body was trembling slightly.

Hei Wuchang nodded with satisfaction and didn't even scream. He often used this method to torture the souls of the most evil ones. Usually, the first chain was removed, beating the opponent until they cried and howled, and he was even willing to change his surname on the spot! He raised the chain and asked: "How is it? It was just the first blow. If you want to get rid of all the resentment, you need to be whipped many times... Are you okay?"

Chen Chu had beads of sweat on his forehead: "Okay!"

How can a man say no? Just pump me hard and don't beat me to death!

Hei Wuchang's expression also became serious, and with a shout, the iron chain fell on Chen Chu's back, snap, metal and flesh touched, the chain seemed to have the function of a soldering iron.

Chen Chu's eyes were red...




His mouth and nose spurted out stream after stream of resentment as the chain fell.

This old black guy is so aggressive!

Chen Chu's trembling hands formed the seals and chanted the mind-purifying mantra as he opened and closed his pale lips, trying to calm down his heart...

Hei Wuchang looked like he could not help but clenched the chain with his five fingers. This is the ascetic who has been whipped so many times without shouting stop! He took a deep breath and decided to drain out his resentment as quickly as possible and take a break. When will the headache start? Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain...

Blah blah blah!

The chain almost turned into an afterimage, and he suddenly and inexplicably felt like he was spinning a top...

With the last breath of resentment spewing out.

Chen Chu fell to the ground and was soaked in sweat. He was like this, but he didn't forget to say: "Thank you handsome Yin for your help!"

What a good guy. Hei Wuchang really admires Chen Chu. He is so hard. I'm afraid he will be burned in the fire of karma in hell, his soul will fly away, and his body will disappear. I'm afraid this mouth will remain...

Hei Wuchang has always been patient, but not much. At this moment, he sat down on the stone next to him for the first time: "I don't know... why did fellow Taoist massacre the villagers here? Why did the Lei Department help?"

Chen Chu forced himself to sit up and ran the "Tianshi Inner Alchemy Sutra" to wash away all the muscles and bones with mana and speed up healing. This time, a severe beating from Lao Hei Wuchang was not without gain. He felt that his tendons had become tougher, and even the exercises were running a little smoother.

He told what he found in Hejiacun.

Hei Wuchang suddenly couldn't sit still. He took out a mirror from his black sleeves with Ni written on the back. This was not the mirror on the Ni mirror stand, it just had a similar small function! After performing meritorious deeds last time, the gift given by the King of Hell can reveal the sins of that person's life...

He looked at the souls of these villagers one by one and found out that they had serious sins. He immediately waved the chain to mince these garbage! Chen Chu hurriedly stopped him. Mincing was fine, but he couldn't be in such a hurry. The villagers hadn't received their hell meal yet...

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