I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 382 Thirty years of pain

Finally met Zhang Ergou’s parents.

Zhang Dahe, like the working villagers, is very thin and dark, in his fifties, and looks at least ten years older.

Li A'nu was a little fleshy, but her eyes were dull, and she pulled the straw man about one meter away and talked to herself. Get closer and listen a little, and she is saying: "Ergou, after your father finishes working, mother will dig up some wild vegetables for you to stew!"

Zhang Dahe, who was working, didn't notice the arrival of Chen Chu and the others. He seemed to have been used to his wife's situation. He said with a smile without raising his head: "You are older, so don't do such strenuous things. Wait." Go home, I'll get a frame and get some for you..."

Aunt Li showed a stupid smile. She stroked the scarecrow's face with her rough hands and said with a smile: "What nonsense? Our son is only seven years old, I am only twenty, and you are only twenty-five. The child is born." It’s a little late, but it’s not like I’m too old.”

Zhang Dahe echoed: "Okay, okay, it doesn't matter if you think it's not big. Anyway... I'll do the physical work when you go out. Just stay at home with your son and don't run around..."

Li A'nu: "I will guard my son and won't go anywhere. I won't go anywhere...eat candied haws. No, you can't eat it. You can eat anything except candied haws."

Is this Zhang Dahe’s daily life?


The old village chief coughed twice and said, "Dahe, look who I brought here?"

Zhang Dahe turned around after hearing this, straightened his back that could no longer be straightened, and looked at Chen Chu and the others with some confusion: "Who are these people? I don't seem to know anyone..."

The old village chief looked at Chen Chu.

Chen Chu knew that it was time for the performance and waved the whisk in his hand: "Zhang Yuanzhu, Li Yuanzhu, Blessings Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, poor Taoist people suddenly come to disturb us, it's really presumptuous."

Zhang Dahe still had a look of astonishment on his face, and Chen Chu continued: "More than thirty years ago, when I was still young, I traveled around with my master and passed by your village. I was so thirsty that I passed by Zhang Yuanzhu's house and asked for two bowls of water. drink.

People who practice Taoism are most concerned about the responsibility of cause and effect, and meeting each other is fate. Now I am passing by your village again and think of Zhang Yuanzhu, so I come here to have a look, and ask if I can help with anything, so that I can repay the kindness of giving water back then..."

Although Zhang Dahe doesn't go out much and knows very little about the world, he is not a fool. He said with some suspicion: "I don't remember the gift of water. I don't know if it happened. But what he said more than thirty years ago , Dare I ask...how old is the Taoist priest, and why is he only in his twenties now?"

Chen Chu: "..."

His mind was racing, and he swung the whisk at a big stone in the distance. The thin Mengjie sponge spread over, lifting the stone and floating it in the air...

"Pindao is over forty this year. He has learned a little magic, so he looks younger."

"Ah this!"

Zhang Dahe works here every day. He is tired of looking at the big stone. It is absolutely genuine. The Taoist priest can make the stone float with a wave of his hand. It is like a fairy! He hurriedly patted the soil on his hands and said quickly: "I don't remember the water thing anymore, let's forget about it..."

Chen Chu glanced at Zhang Ergou from the corner of his eyes, and he smiled and said: "Zhang Yuanzhu, just say something, Pindao will try to do it, and if it doesn't work, he will say it."

What a stubborn Taoist priest.

Zhang Dahe subconsciously asked: "Can the Taoist priest help me calculate whether my son Zhang Ergou is still alive? If so, where is he?"

His son was the pain of his life.

Zhang Ergou clenched his fists, trying desperately to control himself...

Seeing that he didn't want to be exposed, Chen Chu bent down and picked up a few stones from the ground, threw them randomly on the ground, fiddled with them a few times, and said thoughtfully: "Well... Pindao did the math, Zhang Yuanzhu's Zhang Er The dog is still alive, but the location is erratic and the direction cannot be determined, maybe it is too far away.”

Is my son still alive? ? ?

Zhang Dahe's lips trembled, his eyes were rounded, and he didn't know where to put his hands!

For decades, he always thought that his son was dead, but he didn't expect that he was still alive...

He glanced at the still foolish woman, with a sore tip on his nose, and said: "Taoist Master, is there really no way to calculate the location? If there is a location, I will take this silly woman to see him if it is too far away... Can you help me calculate again, is he doing well?"

Zhang Ergou was deceived by He Ashui and sold to the Bat Mage. After being soaked in potions and tortured with secret methods, he forcibly merged with the wine jar to become a monster in the jar, neither human nor ghost. How is he doing?

"He's doing well, well fed and clothed."

Chen Chu said this.

"Okay, okay, okay...it doesn't matter which kind person adopted him or who he followed, as long as he does well."

Zhang Dahe has been extremely strong for thirty years, otherwise he would have jumped into the river with Li Anu. Now that he heard that his son was living a good life, his eyes were hot and tears kept flowing down, and a layer of dust on his face was washed away by the tears. There are two traces...

Because of Chen Chu's visit, Zhang Dahe stopped today's work early and returned home.

He boiled a pot of hot water and poured a bowl for everyone.

When Chen Chu poured it for him, he hesitated to speak.

When Chen Chu saw this, he said, "If Zhang Yuanzhu has something to do, it's okay to just say it."

Zhang Dahe turned his back to Grandma Li and said in a suppressed voice: "Thirty years have passed, and Zhang Ergou has grown up to be a thirty-seven-year-old man... He also has his own home, his own wife and children. I... Even if I knew the place, I wouldn't look for it. After thirty years, he has become accustomed to life.

Two bad old men suddenly appeared and claimed to be his parents. Wouldn't this cause trouble in his life?

This world is too difficult. Even if he wants to provide for us in old age, we are not willing. Two more mouths is not as simple as two more bowls. Taxes are calculated on a per-capita basis... that's all. "

He has been very open-minded. At this age, he may die one day, and dying early can also protect his son.

But before he died, he still had one wish. He subconsciously clenched the handle of the kettle and asked, "The Taoist Master has great powers. I wonder if he can turn this woman into a normal woman... We don't have much time left." , she has been stupid for more than thirty years, it is too painful, I hope she can wake up in the last time, I have a lot of things to say to her..."

In fact, he had already told A-Nv Li a lot, but she was always crying and laughing, and I don’t know if she listened.

Chen Chu: "I'll try."

He took out the rune paper and cinnabar pen from his pocket, quickly drew a rune, walked behind A'nu Li, and quickly placed it on the back of her head and recited the spell: "The sky is clear and the earth is bright, ghosts and gods are distinct, and there are three souls above. There are seven souls below, show me!" As the spell ended, several more shadows appeared on Li A'nv's body, as if several Li's nv were overlapped...

Chen Chu's eyes widened, he counted, and frowned: "This... Li Yuanzhu's earth soul is gone. After being away for so long, his body has solidified two souls and seven souls. When the earth soul comes back, it can't enter the body. However, This is a trivial matter, let’s look for the earth soul first, Zhang Yuanzhu, think about when did Li Yuanzhu become like this?”

Asking for a monthly ticket.

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