I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 389 He does not belong to my Longhu Mountain

The Bat Mage is riddled with evil karma, and his soul is so red that it turns black. This is the first time for Chen Chu to see a soul of this level. If the Taoist sisters from the original "Double Eyes" world were to fight this soul, they might really be able to touch the threshold of cultivating immortals. …

But Chen Chu didn't want to take the path of becoming an immortal through five hells.

Becoming an immortal from five hells can be regarded as becoming an immortal through meritorious deeds. Sending five souls whose sins were so serious that they were so twisted that they were sent to hell was not what he wanted...


Naturally, I use my cultivation to increase my realm and become an immortal step by step...

Chen Chu sealed the triangular talisman paper to stop the Bat Mage from yelling. He looked at the tree root standing aside and smiled: "Fellow Taoist, we have passed the second level, what should we do? Pindao, right?" Frankly speaking, this Five Thunder Celestial Master Order is bound to be obtained."

Shugen's character was influenced by Qimen Dunjia and he was also very open-minded. He put up a posture and said: "Fellow Daoist Chen is so honest, so I won't be shy. If you want the order of the Five Thunder Heavenly Masters, then let's have a fight. The loser will admit defeat." That’s it.”

In Qimen Dunjia's courtyard, he didn't see Chen Chu take action very often. Even during the Tianshi Conference, his attention was focused on other mages.

There is no guarantee that you will lose in a battle with Chen Chu. Everyone is so young, so there is no reason why you are the only one who is so awesome...

Chen Chu nodded, simply and rudely, without pushing him around. He cupped his fists and said, "Please!"

He stepped on the wind step, his body was like the wind, his speed increased dramatically, he jumped into the air and went straight to the roots of the tree like an electric drill! The flames rise under the feet. From the perspective of the tree root, this is a burning awl!

The tree root took a step back and punched Chen Chu on the leg with both fists. This was not the end yet. He stretched out a third hand from his collar and waved three punches to make the wind...

There was a bang on the field.

Shu Gen quickly felt that something was wrong. Although Chen Chu's legs and feet were hit at least twenty times with his fists, Chen Chu fought head-on with him as if nothing was wrong...

The flames were so hot that the fight between the two only lasted for three breaths.

Tree Gen only felt the unbearable pain in his fist. He retracted it, and the flame burned on his skin. He wrapped it in his clothes and extinguished it: "It hurts, it hurts, it's burning me to death..."

Chen Chu landed on the ground and stepped on the seven-star steps. The flames ignited the seven stars, and silk threads were faintly visible between his hands! Shugen truly realized the gap between himself and Chen Chu, and quickly shouted, "Okay, okay, I give up!"

"We just fought."

"When a master takes action, he will know whether he is there or not. If he continues to fight even though he knows he is defeated, isn't it itching for me? I'd better take less beatings so that I can have the strength to go back."

Shugen accepted the reality of his failure calmly. He came to the Celestial Master Conference to fight for the Celestial Master Token for his senior sister, but he had no choice but to meet a stronger opponent. If he lost, he would lose. After practicing for ten years, he would come back to fight for the next Celestial Master Token. He didn't bother to play the emotional card and kidnapped Chen Chu morally to hand over the Five Thunder Heavenly Master Order...

In this way, if the token is thrown into the senior sister’s coffin, it will probably explode...

He cupped his fists and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen, please!"

Chen Chu responded: "Thank you!"

The third level, buckle the level to get the order!

This level is actually very simple, it just means respect and etiquette. In the movie, the tree root was repaired by the wooden man standing next to him because he was not polite when taking orders...

Chen Chu looked at the last stage. There were three figures standing behind the tall altar. They were the heads of the three major sects, representing the three heavenly deities who jointly supervised the conference. Under the altar were the judge and the head tied with paper. Lion, a golden brass token is revealed next to the lion, with the Five Thunder Talisman on the front.

Chen bowed at first and then bowed to the ground.

Although the three leaders representing Tianzun are only here through projection, they can also feel the rigor from Chen Chu...

They looked at each other and felt very satisfied. They felt that the token winner this time was pretty good. The old man with a long beard standing on the right smiled and asked: "You can teach a boy! Who is the sect?"

Chen Chu saluted: "Chen Chu, the little path, worships at the gate of Sanshan Yizhen of Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain!"

"Chen Chu?"

The three headmasters were a little dazed, saying in their hearts what a good guy. Not only did this young man successfully get started, but he was also full of energy and strong body. He even successfully took the key and crossed the paper bridge to get here. No one would believe it without any background...

The bald man in the middle touched his head. This was natural hair loss. There was nothing he could do about it. People always mistaken him for a monk. He looked at the old man wearing a hat on the left: "This young man is your disciple and grandson of Longhu Mountain. What a formidable young man! I wonder which disciple taught such a talented person..."

The leader on the left is Zhang Tianshi of Longhu Mountain. He is a little confused at this time. His left hand hidden under his robe is so pinched that it is almost smoking. He has not figured out which elder's disciple Chen Chu is from Longhu Mountain...

Master Zhang asked: "Can I give you the urn?"

Chen Chu replied: "It has been given."

Zhang Tianshi nodded: "Look at the Golden Light Spell?"

Chen Chu recited the Golden Light Mantra and held seals with both hands. The golden light flickered in his hands and slowly spread towards his arms...

A thick book appeared in Zhang Tianshi's hand and he kept flipping through it. It should be easy to find someone who was taught at Chen Chu's age, but Chen Chu's name was never called! The golden light spell is a pure golden light spell that cannot be cast without an upright mind. Although it only covers two arms, the purity of the golden light is enough...

You must know that there are many people who recite the Golden Light Mantra up and down the Longhu Mountain. They are very familiar with it. There are many people who can recite the Golden Light Mantra. However, less than half of them can use the Golden Light Mantra. You cannot blame them. No matter how high the Longhu Mountain is, they are still in the mortal world and have an upright Taoist heart. It is difficult to maintain. Integrity is more like an improvement in the state of mind. It does not mean that you are a bad person if you fail to achieve it.

Zhang Tianshi thought for a long time and asked Chen Chu to raise his hands.

He looked at the palm prints carefully, his eyes widened, and after a while he said: "So that's it... That's it, you are indeed a disciple of our Longhu Mountain, but you don't belong to my Longhu Mountain! All heavens and worlds, everything Fa Tongzong, this is an opportunity for you, and it is also an opportunity for us at Longhu Mountain... Very good, I am very happy..."

When the two head teachers next to him heard this, they knew that Chen Chu was not simple. They didn't look at it just now and immediately asked Chen Chu to raise his palms again...

Unexpectedly, Tianshi Zhang waved his hand, and a faint golden light enveloped Chen Chu. He smiled and said, "You two, please don't randomly explore the privacy of my disciples..."

This Chen Chu may...become a remarkable being in the future...

He has already placed a restriction on Chen Chu. Unless someone with a much higher cultivation level than him forcibly investigates and calculates, Chen Chu's origins will be a blank slate for anyone to calculate...

But having said that, he only counted Chen Chu as a person who did not belong to this world, and the others were also blank.

All heavens and worlds...

Really exists.

Zhang Tianshi did not look so majestic at the beginning. He looked at Chen Chu with a smile like an elder in the family and said: "Since you have passed the three levels, the Five Thunder Heavenly Master Order belongs to you. In addition to representing honor, it also At the same time, it also contains the pure energy of the five thunders, which can attract the true five thunders. It will be gone after five uses, so save it..."

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