I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 401 The Heavenly Master teaches the Dharma

The feng shui tree in Longgang Mountain was broken, and the coffin boxes and hanging dragons died, causing a chain reaction that spread with the emperor as the center. The emperor's relatives, princes, grandsons, and high-ranking officials all suffered from the curse of the demise of luck, and more than 50% of them died on the spot. , the rest cannot survive but cannot wish to die...

An expert saw that the Qing Dynasty's luck was ruined and spread the news.

Children on the street immediately began to chant "inexplicably": "The wind is broken, the water is broken, all the twelve mountain tops are broken, there is no breath in the Jinluan Palace, it turns out that they are all going to the ground! Going to the ground!" This is the plan of someone with intentions. , within a few days, someone immediately rose up under the banner of opposing the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty, gathering tens of millions of people.

Chen Chu returned to the courtyard of Qimen Dunjia in Bei'an County.

As expected in the plot, Sister Dunjia just faked her death, and Shugen was sulky for several days.

Chen Chu did not say anything about his destruction of the Dragon Veins of the Qing Dynasty. After all, he was a disciple of Longhu Mountain. Although he had done what he had done, it was better to keep a low profile...

Shugen finished feeling sulky with Senior Sister Dunjia. He walked out of the room and made a decision that shocked the brothers and sisters of Qimen Dunjia. He patted his chest and looked at everyone and said: "This world is so unfair. What the hell did the imperial court do because of intermarriage between Manchus and Hans?" He wanted to kill the whole family, and my uncle was also killed by the imperial court! Now someone has finally broken the feng shui of the imperial court, and people with righteous hearts everywhere have risen up!

Senior brother, senior sister, I have decided!

I also want to join the uprising and become a part of the anti-Qing and restoration of the Ming Dynasties! Don't worry, I will keep my name anonymous, and no one will find out about you even if I die. "

When Lao Qimen came up, he slapped him with such force that the tree roots immediately lay on the ground and screamed.

"Shugen, what are you talking about! Senior brother, I am the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. You don't need to remain anonymous. Senior brother supports you, but as for your senior sister... I don't know!"

"Fuck you, I will only be better than you!"

Lao Dunjia immediately counterattacked, and then slapped the root of the tree.

Shugen was a little confused: "Senior sister, why did you hit me?"

Old Dunjia chuckled twice: "This... I am not afraid that you will be busy in the future and forget about us two old men, so slap me twice first to avoid being slapped later..."

The roots of the tree were beaten so hard that his shoes fell off. Chen Chu just happened to see seven red marks on the soles of his feet. These were the nevus of the Big Dipper. The seven stars on his feet would surely lead to a high position in the future! Originally, Prince Su's little Belle only had it, but unfortunately he was accidentally strangled to death by Shu Gen's uncle. In order to achieve his goal, the Bat Mage used a secret method to stab out the Big Dipper at Shu Gen's feet.

Following the roots of the tree, he said that he wanted to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty.

Chen Chu didn't open his eyes when he saw a faint golden color emerging from the outline of the tree roots. He couldn't help but wonder in his heart, maybe the bat mage accidentally created the tree roots...

A few days later Shugen left with his luggage.

Qimen Dunjia stood at the door and cursed, and when the others left, the two of them sat in silence in the yard for a long time without speaking. It was so strange, they couldn't bear to say nice things to their faces, and they were worried about wiping away tears behind their backs.

The mission in this world is almost over and it should be over.

Chen Chu said goodbye to Qimen Dunjia and Qimen Dunjia. When he came back, he took Du Shiniang with him. He originally wanted to hand Du Shiniang over to Dunjia for training, but Dunjia himself was very happy! But Du Shiniang was unwilling. She wanted to join the same sect as Chen Chu and become a Taoist priest! The same sect is Longhu Mountain.

Now that I have said that.

Then go to Longhu Mountain.

The location of Longhu Mountain is similar to the real world, but it is more lively than the real world.

Chen Chu brought Du Shiniang over to become a disciple. He went straight to the point and said that he wanted to meet the old Heavenly Master in the Heavenly Master's Mansion, and showed the Five Thunder Heavenly Master Order that he had won back from Fengdu City.

The Taoist priests respectfully welcomed Chen Chu in and informed the Heavenly Master.

It didn't take long.

The old Heavenly Master came, exactly the same as the one seen in Fengdu City, except that the Old Heavenly Master seen with his own eyes was real, not a shadow, more down-to-earth, and looked older at the same time. He had already heard from the underworld that Chen Chu had done something big, but it was a pity that he could not help Chen Chu at that time...

As the Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain, he also has the disciples and grandsons of Longhu Mountain behind him... One wrong step, one wrong step, many people will be killed...

He is neither a ghost nor a god, but a mortal with high magical power and a high level of cultivation, who is titled as a Heavenly Master.


Seeing Chen Chu's arrival at this moment, Master Tian felt a little complicated.

He said: "My child, if you don't study it carefully after receiving the order from the Heavenly Master, what are you doing here?"

Chen Chu introduced Du Shiniang's life experience and said respectfully: "Du Shiniang is a hard-working child, but she is very intelligent. Chen Chu boldly wants to ask Heavenly Master to arrange for an uncle to teach him. Heavenly Master, you know the younger generation's After all, I can’t hide this from you. If something goes wrong here, Chen Chu will leave..."

The old master nodded thoughtfully.

He put his right hand seal on Du Shiniang's eyebrows, and after a while: "Yes, he does have wisdom. Don't worry, I will make good arrangements for this child... By the way, you are leaving. I have nothing special to give." You, please give me a copy of my understanding of Taoism and Taoism in this life..."

Don't wait for Chen Chu to speak.

The Heavenly Master's hand was like lightning, and he pressed Chen Chu's temples. His foreheads touched each other, and he muttered something.

The senior elders and uncles present were all frightened and stopped one after another. The Heavenly Master's teaching was equivalent to giving a copy of what you own to others. This method is very damaging to your vitality and can only copy memories...

There is also a heavenly master who directly cuts and pastes all his possessions, including mana, cultivation, and memories, to others! Once this forbidden secret method exclusive to the heavenly master is used, the caster will die immediately after it is passed on.

Chen Chu's original plan was to go to Longhu Mountain to fight in the autumn... to ask for equipment, but he didn't expect the Heavenly Master to come directly to help him. He was a little embarrassed to ask for it. After all, they accepted Du Shiniang and gave them Taoist scriptures and Taoist experience... …

After leaving the Tianshi Mansion and standing at the foot of Longhu Mountain, Chen Chu felt a little emotional. He had only been in this world for a few months, but it felt like a long time had passed...

Before leaving this world, he returned to Bei'an County once and quietly observed the third loach...

It has to be said that this third loach is indeed blessed with good fortune. Despite the destruction of Qing Dynasty and the turmoil in the world, it still combs the river water veins in an orderly manner every day and practices at night.

Chen Chu observed for a while and confirmed that he was not pretending. He then came out and gave the water god authority to Niyi and said: "Practice well and strive to achieve righteousness as soon as possible. Don't do evil when you hold the water god authority. If there is a misunderstanding by the gods, just say The authority of the Water God was given by Chen Chu... Just ask Du Tian Lei Gong of the Lei Department to find out who Chen Chu is."

Although he feels a bit like a fox pretending to be a tiger, Loach is really willing to practice hard. Chen Chu doesn't care whether his reputation will be affected...

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