I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 405 The night is the world of demons

Resentment is the embodiment of resentment. Whether it is a person, a ghost, or a zombie, Chen Chu has absorbed resentment. It is slightly different, but other than that, there is no discomfort...

But today he hit the wall.

Chen Chu felt chills all over his body and his stomach was turbulent. It felt like going to a toilet-themed restaurant to eat shit-shaped chocolate cake, stuffing a spoon into his mouth, only to find that the ingredients were also shit, and the waiter served it wrong.

The membrane monster is still twisting.

Chen Chu suddenly remembered that the monsters in Silent Hill were not so pure. Most of them were transformed from emotions and thoughts...

For example, the monster in front of us whose upper body is bound in a membrane is a metaphor for the way Alyssa was bound and fixed by the cult leader in Silent Hill more than thirty years ago.

The soul-locking chain in Chen Chu's hand was thrown on the film monster, and it stung. Dark-brown resentment spread out, and the surrounding ground was corroding.

The soul-locking chain pulled out a vague shadow from its body, and I didn't even know if it could be identified as a soul or soul. The iron chain was thrown to the ground, and the vague soul was violently hit and completely destroyed. It didn't look like it was taken away by the underworld.

There may be no underworld in this world.

never mind!

Meng Jie tied the sponge silk thread to the film monster. Chen Chu tied it with a swing of the iron chain and threw it into the sky with all his strength! Under the reaction force, the film monster flew vertically into the air at an extremely fast speed! After passing the tallest building in Silent Hill and rising more than a hundred meters, those blood-red eyes appeared!

It stared intently at the membrane monster flying up, but did not see any movement. The body of the membrane monster was directly crushed into pieces...

The blood-red eyes were full of impatience and anxiety, and disappeared after a while. Its eyes looked big, but they were different from the black eyes outside the world. They should have been born and raised in this world. When it exceeds a certain height, it will appear and destroy it. Is it protection or something else?

Chen Chu has the function of predicting entrusted tasks, use it immediately!

The white wax stone text slowly appeared on the ground: [Why, why should I be bound here? I should be free and enjoy the gods of faith! why! This is the roar and lamentation from the ancient elf. It hopes that someone can destroy Silent Hill and make it disappear from the world, whether it is the real world or another world! 】

Chen Chu: "?"

Ashite, Ashite, you really think more and more of me...

The missions are really more powerful than the last. In the world of Silent Hill, he thought it was either to eliminate the cult or to eliminate Alyssa. Now it would be better to directly eliminate Silent Hill, put together a big package, and declare war on both sides.

The characters in the world of Silent Hill have very clear goals.

The heroine Rose just wants to cure her daughter Sharon's painful nightmare;

The purpose of the real Alisa and the evil Alisa is to invade the church and kill all the cult members who participated in the burning;

The cult leader Chris Bella just wants to kill Alyssa and escape from Silent Hill. Of course, he may not forget his original intention and still wants to let the gods she believes in come to him!

Chen Chu sorted out the clues, took out the body prop and slapped it on his body. His bones crackled, his flesh and skin squirmed, his body rubbed upwards, and he transformed into a middle-aged man. Going out is dangerous in the world, so boys should protect themselves...

Ashes continued to fall from the sky.

Chen Chu walked on the empty streets and looked at everything around him. He had been abroad several times in the real world, including Wall Street and Stonehenge, but he had never felt such a mysterious atmosphere like now. It is better to directly enter the movie world to watch the movie to have a sense of immersion...

He put on a loose windbreaker before setting off, so that it would not be too strange to take out various props from the clothes...

Silent Hill has three worlds.

The table world is displayed during the day. A small number of monsters appear, living people can travel normally, and the buildings are synchronized with the real situation.

In this world, night appears, and a large number of monsters appear, including powerful monsters such as Triangle Head. They are surrounded by dangers and can only be protected in a church.

The real world, the normal world, can only be invaded through special means. Evil Alisa can come and go freely. Through the function of special props, people trapped in the surface world can also appear in the real world in the form of soul projection.

The town of Silent Hill was bigger than expected. Chen Chuchu remembered that in the reality of the Silent Hill world, Silent Hill was called a ghost town because of the fire that happened more than thirty years ago.

Chen Chu walked for more than 20 minutes and didn't even see a single bird, let alone people.

There should be a lot of black birds in Silent Hill.

He took out a baguette from his pocket. It was long, hard and extremely durable. He hit it hard on the building next to it and broke into small pieces.

He threw these small pieces towards the roof of the building vigorously, and threw them as he walked. Not long after, a black crow flew over, and soon another one came, and more than a dozen more came one after another.

They flapped their wings and landed on the roof, carefully pecking at the bread. It might have been too hard, so it took them several times to swallow it...

Chen Chu shook the long piece of bread in his hand, and the crows immediately flew over and circled twice. Seeing that Chen Chu made no attack moves, they slowly came closer, but they were still uneasy, flapping their wings and pecking at the bread vigorously in the air. Seeing that He looked ready to run away at any moment.

This way it won't be deserted.

In this situation, Chen Chu felt like he was feeding seagulls on a yacht.

Suddenly, there was a clang and the sound of something being kicked! The crows were frightened and flapped their wings and flew away...

Three big men walked out from a dilapidated small shop in front of them, covered in leather armor and wearing gas masks on their faces. The three of them carried large bags on their backs, crowbars and machetes in their hands, and one of them carried a A cage containing a live crow.

No wonder the crows were running away. It turned out that the crow kidnapper was here.

Chen Chu held the French bread in his hand tightly with both hands. He looked very panicked. He staggered back a few steps, looked at the three people opposite him and shouted: "Who are you, why do you look like this, where are you, why am I Will you come here? Can you tell me where to go to the police station..."

The three heavily armed men looked at each other. After hearing Chen Chu's disjointed speech, they seemed to relax a little and lowered their machetes in their hands. The man holding the birdcage took a step forward, and through the gas mask, he responded angrily to Chen Chu, "This is Silent Hill. You have mistakenly entered the devil's realm, and I'm afraid you won't be able to get out! You want to If you want to survive, go to church..."

Chen Chu seemed to be less wary of the three of them, but he still held the bread tightly and moved a little closer: "I'm sorry, I don't have any ill intentions, but your clothes are too scary, devils or something, aren't you kidding me? I'm busy They go to work and have no time for religious practice.”

The big man Tiniao said: "It doesn't matter if you don't have faith, you will have faith in a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, the crow in the cage flapped its wings crazily, and the sky quickly darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye. The surrounding buildings seemed to be rapidly undergoing time changes, corroding, shattering, the walls peeling off, and flying into the air against gravity! The big man holding the bird turned around and ran away, without forgetting to leave a message: "Run if you want to live! The night is the world of demons!"

Chen Chu was "forced" to run with them: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, you will protect me, right? Now it seems that the devil really exists, I will pay you..."

Whispers, whispers that come from nowhere, like an old man talking to himself, or like a baby crying, the various sounds overlapped together like a magic sound filling the brain.

I owe a chapter. I will make up for it tomorrow. I came back a little late. I wrote more than 300 words in this chapter.

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