I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 413 Triangle Head

After more than a dozen worlds, this is the first movie world in a Western country. Except for those famous and highly rated film and television dramas, Chen Chu has almost never watched anything else that is slightly niche...

Although it was only the second day in the world of Silent Hill, Chen Chu already wanted to leave this world.

For some reason, from the moment he set foot on this world, several pairs of eyes seemed to be staring at him! There is no spiritual energy in this world, and mana cannot be refined and converted. He has been practicing so far and has just broken through the realm of refining energy. The capacity of his Dantian to store mana has increased sharply, but even so, he does not dare to consume too much mana...

His situation is like that of a traveler who is lost in the desert with a water bag all over his body. Unless he can identify the direction and plan accurately, he will just run in circles in the desert and exhaust the water bag, dying of thirst in the desert.

Since the "it" in the commissioned mission is said to be trapped in Silent Hill, it will destroy all the buildings in Silent Hill in the most brutal way! If there are monsters, ghosts, and evil spirits blocking the way, then kill them if they block them, and kill the monsters if they block them. The mission will be completed quickly!

Standing in the elevator, Chen Chu's thoughts were rising and falling, and his whole body exuded a real murderous intention. This shocked Hans and Dalia who were standing next to him...

They felt as if they were locked in the same cage as a tiger that had been starved for two days. The sense of crisis was reflected on their faces, not to mention how scary it was.

An electric arc pattern appeared between Chen Chu's eyebrows, turning from red to black, appearing and disappearing. As the elevator dinged, he came out of his thoughts, and the arc between his eyebrows disappeared. When he saw Hans and Dalia so far away from him, some monks were confused. They had just killed more than 200 people in the church, but they were all evil people with red sin in their souls. They might not be too bad for good people. And he will not kill anyone who has the chance to turn back...

Look how scared you are, it’s really...

The elevator door opened slowly, creaking, and the dark environment was filled with smoke and dust.

Hans took off the horse lantern hanging from his waist and lit it with a lighter. In this monster-infested Silent Hill, supplies are constantly decreasing. Even if the demons don't kill the people in the church, they will starve to death sooner or later! Hans didn't know how they survived after all these years...

He had only been here for more than a year, and he knew better than anyone that the limited supplies could not support so many people. Later, he discovered that there were more than 200 and nearly 300 people a year ago. Every once in a while, someone would come to the church. They disappeared outside, and then someone searched for meat and other supplies and brought them back.

Thinking about it, he was so scared that he didn't dare to eat meat. Even just looking at it would make his stomach churn and almost vomit.

Hans walked out cautiously with a lantern in hand and a crowbar in his left hand. In front of him was a long corridor with wards on both sides...

As we walked forward, more and more dust filled the air, and the dust became more obvious under the firelight, as if smoke had blocked the corridor.

He took a few steps again, then stopped, his whole body stiff.

Seeing that the woman was eager, Dalia walked in a hurry, but when she saw the scene ahead, she subconsciously wanted to shout, so she stretched out her hands to cover her mouth and swallowed the sound.

Chen Chu walked up from behind. He squinted his eyes. Through the dust, he saw more than thirty nurses standing densely in the middle of the corridor, motionless like sculptures!


It’s the nurse I saw in the classic video.

Now I saw the original owner. The nurses were wearing nurse caps and uniforms, which were covered with dust. Their skin was an extremely unhealthy gray with black veins.

Dead people don't have this kind of skin color for several days after they die.

The most terrifying thing is that the nurses' faces seem to have been kneaded by supernatural forces, and their facial features are twisted together, like conch shells, but... their figures are really good. As a Taoist priest, there is no need to go against your heart if you say anything. .

Hans was afraid that the nurses would suddenly approach, so he held the lantern high to let the light shine on more places, and at the same time, it also shone on the twisted faces of the nurses...

Crunch, crunch, the sound of bones came from the nurses.

The nurses twisted their bodies mechanically, their legs trembling convulsively, and they quickly moved towards Hans. Under the light, they saw that they were holding sharp instruments such as scalpels and scissors in their hands.

Chen Chu stepped forward to meet him, and the golden sword fell into his palm. The light of the sword flickered. The nurses froze, their bodies were broken into pieces, their hands and feet fell all over the ground, and black blood flowed from the wounds. It was obvious that they were no longer alive. The monsters in Silent Hill, their appearance and behavior patterns represent inner desires...

These nurses used to work in the hospital. Because of Alyssa's resentment, they were implicated for no reason. Their faces were disfigured, their vitality dissipated, and they turned into corpses like puppets. Because they had worked in the underground hospital wards for a long time, they were particularly eager for light, so in Even after death, I long for light!

In places where there is no light, darkness, they will stop all movements unless someone attacks them.

They are quite powerful in the movie and feel a bit oppressive, but only for ordinary people in this small corridor. Unfortunately, it was Chen Chu who came, and they all shattered to pieces on the ground.

There is also a ward at the end of the corridor. The door is double-opening and is much larger than other wards...

Chen Chu knew that Alyssa's body was inside, so he put away the golden sword, walked over, grabbed the door handle with both hands, and pulled hard, and wow, before the door could be opened, a broadsword blade pierced out from the crack of the door! Chen Chu's cheek was pressed against the blade, and he could even feel the cold aura permeating it.

He opened his future vision in advance and could foresee everything that would happen in the next three seconds.

No way, European and American movies like to play with the effect of opening the door to kill and popping out the face.

Just to be cautious, I didn’t expect that I actually avoided the danger of a headshot! Chen Chu put away his future vision and ran the golden light spell. The magic power of his hands gathered together. The golden light covered his fingers from his fingers to his arms. Only he and the practitioners could see the light.


Two golden hands grasped the back of the knife!

Chen Chu stepped down on his horse, shouted loudly, and took a step back. With a feeling of overwhelming strength, he pulled out the huge knife, used too much force, and pierced it into the wall behind him! This knife has a simple shape, no fancy decorations, and its characteristic is that it is large, a rectangular machete...

He immediately recognized whose knife it belonged to.

He grabbed the handle of the knife with his right hand, pulled the giant knife out of the wall, and put it on his shoulder to gather strength.

The door leading to Alyssa's body ward was brutally torn open by a pair of big hands, and a shirtless man with a leather apron around his lower body came out. On his head was a huge triangular iron with a strange shape. This is silence. Ridge's iconic monster, the triangular head.

It didn't expect that as soon as it appeared, the sword would be snatched away by someone. It ran out angrily, only to see Chen Chu yell loudly and chop the charged sword down on his triangular head!

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