I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 417 A woman who fell into madness

Dalia walked out of the hole blasted by the triangular head with a disgraced face.

Chen Chu suddenly laughed: "Dalia, your power doesn't look very good. Your love for Alyssa seems very limited..."

Dalia almost exploded when she heard Chen Chu's words. She pointed her index finger and little finger at Chen Chu and said: "I am pure. I don't kill so many people like Crisbella! I believe in the great god, Sa Maier, he is a fallen angel and the most powerful angel. It is right for me to keep my hands clean and my soul pure!

Alyssa separated two personalities, and her power also separated from one part into three parts. As long as I get the power of evil and good, I will have the power to control the world! "

Chen Chu: "..."

Why do you want to control the world when you get power? The world is so big, is your hand big enough?

Chen Chu looked at Dalia seriously and asked: "After taking control of the world, what do you want to do?"

Dalia sneered: "Of course I want everyone to obey my orders and put my interests first. No decision I make can be denied..."

Chen Chu said: "There are many countries in the world, and there are many presidents and kings. Some of them have controlled a country like you and become their master, and they can do whatever they want. But such countries all have the power to control a country like you." Decline at an extremely fast rate!

Do you have the ability to manage this world when you become the master of the world?

Wherever there are people, there will be disputes. Your people manage various countries. They have conflicts and frictions, and they start fighting. Who should you help? If all the bad moods are eliminated, who is suitable to take over? Over time, the world's technology has regressed, civilization has been shattered, and all you can get is a desolate world. "

There was a trace of confusion in Dalia's eyes. She had never thought about it so much. Owning the whole world turned out to be such a troublesome thing...

When she saw Chen Chu's half-smiling expression, she immediately knew that she had been tricked.


"Kill him quickly!"

The triangular head dragged two machetes for a few steps, then suddenly started running with long strides, and the ground shook...

Faced with the astonishing destructive power of the triangle head, Chen Chu already had a plan. With Meng Jie's sponge blessing, he was as light as a swallow and flew into the intact building next to him! Triangle Head followed without hesitation, releasing a large number of beetles from under his leather apron, frantically eating everything in sight including buildings, while his machete kept swinging, destroying the walls and pillars that blocked him...

That's it, from Dalia's perspective.

Chen Chu fled frantically between buildings, with Triangle Head chasing after him. Buildings were shattered and collapsed one after another.

In just half an hour, a large number of buildings in the town of Silent Hill have collapsed, and the sky is flashing with red light, as if something is quietly escaping...

Chen Chu was very pleased that the demolition of Triangle Head was much faster than him.

As long as the current rhythm is maintained to lead the way for Triangle Head, it is only a matter of time before the remaining houses are demolished. The red light in the sky becomes brighter and brighter as the buildings collapse. He guesses that this is probably the power of the Silent Elf.

He ran very fast and when he encountered a wall, his spiritual body penetrated directly through it.

When I walked into the next house, I was stunned for a moment. I saw three people inside, namely policewoman Sybil, heroine Rose, and little Alyssa who looked clean, with clear eyes and a kind personality.

In the original play, Ross had a car accident and Kind Alyssa disappeared. When Ross found Kind Alyssa again, Kind Alyssa had been caught by the church and was about to be burned at the stake, while the policewoman had been burned to death in advance. It can be said that Heavy casualties! It's good to see these three safely together at this moment...

By the way, the triangle head at the back!

Chen Chu braked suddenly, took out the Five Thunder Celestial Master's Token and hit the back with a heart palace fire thunder without hesitation!

Boom, the triangular head that was chasing vigorously was unexpectedly struck by lightning again. A new hole was added to the iron triangle, and black water flowed down from the neck...

"I'll stop it, you go away quickly!"

Chen Chu turned his back to the three of them and shouted loudly: "After you get out, don't go to the intact house. Try to find ruins to hide in! Let's go!"

Policewoman Sybil took a deep look at Chen Chu and nodded: "Sir, you want to be safe!" Then she pulled the still confused Rose and kind-hearted Alyssa and ran out.

Chen Chu turned around, looked at the triangle head and said, "Sorry, there was a little hiccup. Let's continue what we were doing."



Thick black smoke came out of the iron head of the triangular head, as if he was so angry that "smoke came out from all the orifices."

It was kneeling on one knee, with two machetes standing on the ground, in a preparatory posture for skiing.

Chen Chu: "Huh?"


A huge figure flashed over!

Chen Chu felt his vision go dark, and subconsciously jumped in space, but his body was still rubbed, and his whole body was spinning, smashing through the wall of the building, and he was trapped in the ruins! After a brief period of confusion, my body felt severe pain! He felt like two ribs were broken...

The triangular head in the movie can teleport, summon swarms of insects, and is extremely destructive, but it has always been about walking. When it comes to running, it can actually sprint in a short distance! Emotions hide strength.

At that moment, Chen Chu jumped into the broken house, but he still hit a point. At this moment, the pain in his chest was unbearable.

His throat was fishy and he spat a mouthful of blood on the ground.

Please be a guest in the demolition brigade. There is no need to beat up the employer. You have such a bad temper!

Chen Chu stood up unsteadily and walked out of the ruins. He saw that the town of Silent Hill was filled with smoke and dust, and there were not many intact buildings left. He looked back and saw that Triangle Head also walked out of the broken building and once again put on his ski posture. Posture...You guy, suddenly working so hard...

Dalia walked over from a distance and saw the blood on Chen Chu's mouth. She immediately burst out laughing: "Foreigner, aren't you very good at running? Why don't you stop running? Isn't this enough? I haven't had enough yet. Well, run up and let me, this little cutie, torture you severely, tear you into countless pieces, pull out the bones of your hands and feet, and peel off your skin and flesh. I will make it into a beautiful trophy and hang it on the bedside. "

Chen Chu corrected me: "You've already torn me into countless pieces. You can just pull out my bones. How can you peel off the skin and flesh? Are you going to sit down and slowly peel it off piece by piece? Then stay up late and sew it together with silk thread?" Isn’t this tiring? If you move too slowly, won’t you feel disgusted if I stink?”

This bastard must die!

Dalia has experienced a lot in her life, including betrayal, frame-up, despair, strength, and desire, but she has never seen anyone so arrogant...

Now we are talking about how to torture you to death. What do you tell me about whether the meat will stink? Dalia's eyes were bloodshot, and she gritted her teeth and said word by word: "Okay, okay, then I won't sew you up, I will crush you, spread it evenly on the ground, and let countless people trample on you!"

Chen Chu shrugged and said, "You defrauded Alyssa of her power in the name of maternal love. Are you afraid that if Alyssa finds out about it, she will start a fight with you if she disagrees?"

Dalia sneered and said: "Whether they are good or evil, they are all my daughters. They all lack maternal love. Who else can they trust except me, their biological mother!"

"Your words chill me to the core, Dalia."

Suddenly a cold childish voice came from behind her. Dalia's heart contracted suddenly and she turned around stiffly. She saw Evil Alyssa standing there at some point. She was covered in blood, holding an old man in her left and right hands. and the head of a white-haired woman.

She looked at Chen Chu and said, "I've been looking for these mice for a long time. You didn't lie to me, but I left for such a short time... It's hard for me not to be angry that you made the town look like this..."

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