I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 446 Memory runs amok

Lin Changhong was very excited and turned around to leave. Chen Chu hurriedly stopped him: "You didn't know something when you just came back. All the villagers who died back then have turned into wandering ghosts. Now the ghost king is on the rampage. You can hold this thing for the time being. I’ll know when I’m in danger by holding it high…”

Chen Chu placed the Sanqing Big Hole Seal in Lin Changhong's hand and told him.

Lin Changhong was a mortal with no special abilities. He couldn't see wandering spirits at all. He was wandering in the village just now and didn't know what was going on. Suddenly there was a boom and the house collapsed and he was pinned down! I just felt like something huge whizzed past...

At this moment, I feel a little doubtful about life when I hear the gods and ghosts.

He put the seal in his pocket, showed a wry smile and said: "Be it gods or ghosts, we are all villagers of Xingzhong Village. I drank here all night and didn't die. This shows that the villagers still remember the kindness my family once treated them." Okay, that’s why you didn’t harm me. Anyway, thank you, Director Chen..."

Lin Changhong limped away.

Chen Chu saw a glowing bug flying out of a dark corner and following Lin Changhong.

Lu Cuilin also saw this thing, and rushed forward with his sword: "What a strange insect. Is it trying to harm Uncle Lin Changhong? I'll split it open..."

What's wrong with you girl!

Chen Chu grabbed her arm to stop him and said: "That was Lin Changhong's dead brother who turned into a bug and came back to see his brother. It had the power of blessing and chopped it off... It was equivalent to hacking this brother to death, directly Then he will never be reincarnated..."

In the game, Lin Changhong didn't say where Lin Zhiwen's final letter was placed. He went back and found it himself. The content of this letter was very simple and only contained a few sentences, which he wanted to tell the villagers before setting off.

Now Lin Changhong is looking for letters, and he believes that he will be able to lure Lin Zhiwen's soul soon. Although finding his father is not within the scope of the task, Chen Chu is willing to help.

The forest fire is booming here.

He was driving the Zenggun Gundam to chase the Ghost King, feeling a little restless.

The Ghost King did not kill anyone, he just waited for his family to reunite. Moreover, the Ghost King also protected his mother. This kindness is more important than Mount Tai. He will not harm the Ghost King...

But if we don’t hurt him, we can’t stop the Ghost King, let alone catch the little magician. It’s really difficult...

At this moment, General Zeng suddenly spoke: "Huo Wang, if you continue to waste your energy like this, it will hurt your roots. If you don't want to hurt the Ghost King... why not ask Chen Chu to take action? He is very professional in this kind of thing!"

Lin Huowang hesitated for a moment. He just refused to intervene and now said that he was really embarrassed, but... face is nothing, as long as the matter in Xingzhong Village can be solved.

But before that...

He asked with some confusion: "General Zeng, you seem to be very familiar with Brother Chen. I just heard you talk about Heavenly Court. He looks seven or eight years older than me. Is his cultivation level already so high?"

General Zeng coughed and said: "Cultivation... Cultivation is okay... Putting aside cultivation, Chen Chu is a pretty good person. He is kind, has a sense of justice, and is very special. How can he be so special to me?" I can’t tell you that it will involve secrets and cause trouble..."

Lin Huowang also felt the inconvenience of General Zeng, so he agreed to General Zeng's suggestion without asking further questions...

A giant sky-piercing monkey flew out from the back of General Zeng's mecha and headed straight for Chen Chu's position in the village!

As soon as Chen Chu sent Lin Changhong away, he saw fire flickering in the sky, and it turned out to be a flying monkey. It dragged a long flame and plunged into the ground with a roar, sparks flying, and deafening.

Two words came out of the sparks: "Come quickly"!

It was Lin Huowang who was asking for help. Chen Chu immediately guessed that this kid must be soft-hearted and didn't want to attack the Ghost King. He chased him for a long time and didn't know how to fight...

Chen Chu pulled up Lu Cuilin and chased the Sky Monkey in the direction of the sky against gravity. After a while, he saw two giant beasts chasing each other to the edge of the village and heading deep into the mountain.

Lin Huowang saw Chen Chu coming and said loudly: "Brother Chen, I'm sorry, please help me!"

Chen Chu observed for a while and replied: "It's okay, Huo Wang, you control the mecha... ahem, you control the general's mechanical body to suppress the ghost king's movements with brute force. I took the opportunity to get close and destroy the two Yin Talismans. The runes left behind.”

Lin Huowang didn't say much nonsense. He opened up his firepower and increased his speed. Two giant hands made of wood and machinery suddenly clamped the Ghost King's arms and locked him to the ground.

The magician was a little anxious. This man with two swords actually knew the function of the Yin Talisman!

He now relies entirely on the Yin Talisman to influence the Ghost King's mind. If the Yin Talisman is completely destroyed, the Ghost King's memory explodes and his consciousness falls into chaos, which will be difficult to control...

"King of Ghosts, get up quickly. Don't you want to see your family? I am..."

The magician planned to continue talking about his family and give the Ghost King hormones, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a plate with red and blue lights flying over under the night cover. He saw it clearly, and it turned out to be the young man holding the sword! He was so frightened that he shouted: "King of Ghosts, let me hide in your body...ah!!!"

Chen Chu's cutting machine-like "fire and water separation" technique directly cut the magician from the top of his head to his perineum, splitting it into two halves...

Xuannv's double swords were originally magical weapons of gods. After entering the human world, their power was not as shining as in the hands of Nine Heavens Xuannv. The Taoist priest's last words turned into ashes before he could leave them behind.

Chen Shi covered his lower body with a golden light spell and stepped hard on the Ghost King's head, knocking his head to the ground. The pain caused him to moan and open his mouth wide, revealing his smelly teeth and the two Yin Talisman.

Meng Jie's sponge thread took the opportunity to extend in and take out the Yin Talisman. Chen Chu split it with a sword and the Yin Talisman shattered!

The ghost king's soul completely returned to its place, roared angrily, and broke free from the magician's puppeteering technique! The memories hidden deep in his heart exploded. Lin Huowang and Chen Chu were okay, they could see some vague fragments...

But Lu Cuilin, the ghost king's daughter in his previous life, had the deepest bond and the deepest entanglement of cause and effect. At this moment, affected by the memory, everything that was painful in the ghost king's heart seemed to have really happened again in her identity.

In this life, she was just a seventeen-year-old high school girl. She was mentally and physically exhausted because of her sister's incident. How could she bear the impact of such painful memories? She immediately fell to the ground and cried in grief...

The crying sound was very loud. The ghost king, who was about to run away with memories and consciousness, was stunned. He stared blankly at Lu Cuilin and said with some disbelief: "This... this is sister's voice, is it really you? , please, don’t lie to me, is it really you...sister’s..."

Lu Cuilin's voice was very similar to that of her dead eldest daughter, no, I should say exactly the same!

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