It was a small bungalow on the coast. The walls were made of many irregular stones. The bottom of the wall facing the sea was covered with something like seaweed.

There is a chimney above the bungalow.

It's evening time now, someone should be cooking inside, and smoke is curling up.

When Chen Chu and Liu Ronglong entered, a woman happened to come out from the small door next to her. She was Liu Ronglong's wife. When she saw Liu Ronglong bringing a fair-skinned young man, she was a little curious: "Who is this young man?"

Liu Ronglong took the bamboo basket from Chen Chu's hand, handed it to the woman and said, "This young man plans to go out to sea with his friends. His friends haven't arrived yet, so he might as well stay at our house for a few days and steam the razor clams. Make it better and add some salt, this is what I bought..."

The woman's eyes lit up. It was getting harder and harder to sell seafood. On weekdays, she might not be able to sell even half of the full bamboo basket. Today, this unknown guy has rounded it up. It's really great...

Liu Ronglong led Chen Chu to sit down at a round wooden table in the small living room, then went into the room and took out a wine jar, and said with some pride: "Come and try the local wine that my father-in-law personally brewed. He has kept it for several years. There are many people who want to buy it, but unfortunately this thing consumes a lot of food. Even my father-in-law only drinks one or two ounces from a small cup to moisten his throat..."

Chen Chu took the wine jar and opened the lid. Suddenly, a... earthy wine smell slowly filled the air.

He kept a smile on his face and put on a mask of pain in his heart. The taste was so strange, a bit like half-mixed muddy water from a mud pit...

Out of politeness, he nodded: "Uncle's wine is okay, but it's better to keep it well. I happened to bring some wine bought on the road, why don't we try it together?"

As he spoke, he took out two bottles of rice wine that had been packaged in ordinary ceramic bottles through drumsticks. After opening the lid, Liu Ronglong immediately stood up and said, "Brother, no, brother, your smell is so pure. I have drank it before." Drinks are completely different. Although I don’t know as much about drinks as my father-in-law, they are definitely not cheap. Do you really want to drink them? "

"Uncle...what did you say?"

Chen Chu pushed a bottle of rice wine over and said, "Being able to meet each other and eat here is a kind of fate. Drinking it is..."

In the kitchen, Liu Ronglong's wife quickly prepared the razor clams, and also served some green vegetables. The staple food was not rice, but tawny wheat paste, a bit like the kind cooked by Lao Miao Zhu in the world of "Ghost Fighting".

Liu Ronglong was not a regular drinker. After taking a few sips of rice wine, his tongue began to tingle before he even finished eating the food. He began to speak intermittently. He already knew Chen Chu's name. There was a trace of blush on his dark face at this moment: "Chu." Brother, don’t you like to hear stories about homestays?

Come... let me tell you a little local story about our place. There is Grandma Tiger and Haima. Which one do you want to listen to? "

Chen initially chose Ting Hai’s mother because she felt that she was of a higher standard than Grandma Tiger.

From Liu Ronglong's stuttering description, Chen Chu could probably tell what kind of story he was telling.

The story goes like this. The fishermen who make a living by fishing at the seaside all worship Mazu to pray for safety at sea. But I don’t know when, a small number of fishermen suddenly began to worship a god called "Hai Mama".

Other villagers who didn't know why asked and found out that worshiping Mazu can pray for safety, but worshiping the mother of the sea will basically bring good and high-quality seafood...

Strange thing is, no matter what you ask.

All these villagers forgot where they heard the name Hai Mama. It just spread inexplicably, and they started to worship. They even didn’t know how to carve the statue. They just carved the words "Hai Mama" on a stone and made a shrine facing the sea. Place a stone with the name of Mother Sea inside.

These villagers say that Mother Sea is very spiritual. Every time when you go to sea at night, when you reach the sea, you just need to shout the name of Mother Sea loudly to the sea, and then cast the net, and you will hear the obvious sound of sea water stirring in the sea. Villagers with good eyesight can even see a huge creature swimming back and forth under the sea. At this time, when the fishing net is raised, it will be full of seafood...

The fishermen have different descriptions of the appearance of the sea mother. Some say it looks like a whale in the sea, some say it appears like a black figure standing on the sea, in short, there is anything...

It stands to reason that since Sea Mother is so effective, more and more fishermen should worship her, but as time goes by, the number has decreased...

It turns out that the fishermen who caught the seafood wanted better seafood and went farther and farther out to sea, and even almost left the Qing Dynasty's waters.

It was fatal. That time, a heavy black fish was pulled up by the fishing net cast by the fishermen. The fish kept making noises back and forth on the boat, and it was hard to hold it down. The boat was not big, and it undulated with the sea water. It was unstable. Coupled with the seemingly regular collisions of the black fish, the boat shook more and more. It was suddenly hit by a wave and rolled over. Only one person on the boat died and survived.

How can you make a living fishing at sea without encountering danger?

Even when fishing offshore, there are occasional incidents where boats capsize and people drown. The fishermen sympathize with the deceased, but do not think there is anything unusual.

It is normal for a boat to capsize once, but it is abnormal for it to happen several times in a row.

After the Blackfish Incident, fishermen who went to sea again would capsize as long as they stayed far away. According to the descriptions of survivors, the fishermen encountered a dark figure at sea holding colorful jewelry. These things were in the dark. It's so bright that it's hard not to notice...

If a fisherman approaches the shadow to get the jewels, he will inevitably encounter a whirlpool, and then the boat will be destroyed and everyone will die.

Some determined fishermen were afraid of the black shadow because too many accidents had happened to their fellow villagers. Unexpectedly, the black shadow kept throwing the gold and silver jewelry on the boat, more and more, and more and more. It became heavier and heavier, like a hill, and eventually the hull could no longer bear it and slowly sank into the sea.

There were fellow fishing boats who witnessed all this with their own eyes.

Nothing happened to them.

Those who had the accident were all fishermen who believed in Sea Mother. These people were afraid and changed their careers to do other things. Those who were still fishing all worked offshore and never went out to the open sea. No matter how much seafood there was, go.

When the story came to this point, Liu Ronglong laughed awkwardly: "I'm not afraid of my brother's jokes if I tell you this. Uncle, my ancestors believed in Mother Sea. In order to survive, our ancestors set the rules and only allowed us younger generations to fish offshore." We are not allowed to go out no matter what... Slowly, we have all become people who rush to the sea, collecting kelp, sea vegetables and shellfish after the tide goes out to sell..."

Chen Chu saw that he had finished the entire bottle of wine by himself, so he brought him some food: "Uncle, eat more. Drinking on an empty stomach is very bad for your stomach. By the way, why don't you see other people? Where are your children?"

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