I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 462 Lou Xiaoxie who suffers from tuberculosis

Sitting at the banquet hosted by the village chief of Shage Village for Chen Chu, Mr. Jiang never stopped smiling. When he heard the news, he even told them about the zombies in Da Fangbo Village. Of course, the limited edition of Yi Zhaizi later Nothing was said about the ancestral zombies.

Jiang An suddenly lowered his voice and asked Mr. Jiang: "No, dad, I remember that brother was missing one hand in the beginning, but now he has both hands complete and complete!"

Mr. Jiang poured a glass of wine into his stomach and said quietly: "Son, if you can think of this question, it means that you have become smarter and smarter. I am very happy about this, but... the beginning was not ordinary. Man, two years ago he was able to spit fire out of thin air and cast spells that even Maoshan Taoist Lie Yang couldn't do.

Now more than two years have passed. If you look at the letter he sent me not long ago, it seems to have been generated out of thin air, as if it was sent from another world. With such ability, let alone rebirth of a broken limb, even if the body dies, you will be reborn. Dad doesn’t even think it’s strange…”

Chen Chu, who was sitting next to him, heard the conversation between father and son and immediately smiled and said: "Master Jiang An is much better than before in terms of appearance and intelligence. Congratulations to Master Jiang!"

He stretched out his hands and continued, showing his unscarred wrists: "This hand was not only broken once in Da Fangbo's village, but also once when I faced a very powerful opponent later, my whole body was broken. Fortunately, Heaven will not destroy me and make me whole again..."

Mr. Jiang quickly waved his hand and said, "I know, I know, let's talk about something else. Why are you talking about this during dinner time?"

Chen Chu is extraordinary and cannot be compared to ordinary people. Mr. Jiang has matured into a mature man. Of course he knows that there is such a thing. Either he encounters heavenly materials and earthly treasures and has the opportunity to achieve extraordinary things, or he has the support of a powerful mysterious master. The last one is the most What's outrageous is that Chen Chu was so favored by God that he was chased and fed.

But how is this possible?

Mr. Jiang is very particular about not revealing his wealth. He hides gold tightly at home, let alone outside. If Chen Chu said it so carelessly, wouldn't it be dangerous if he was encountered by someone with intentions?

Thinking of this, Mr. Jiang said with a sad look on his face: "Initially, when we came out together, Lou Jinnan's family in the county also set out, saying they wanted to go together, which was true at the beginning. But along the way, there were bandits There were constant fights with horse bandits, and there were too many people blocking the way and robbing. I brought three swords and broke two of them.

We didn't have enough time to travel later and couldn't stay at the inn. We spent the night in the wilderness. At the middle of the night, several zombies suddenly rushed out and attacked. The housekeeper and the servant died at that time! In order to survive, Lou Jinnan and I decided on the next destination, separated on the spot, and decided to meet at the destination within seven days. However, I have been waiting at the destination for eleven days and have never received any news from them... I don’t know what they are doing now. So done. "

Is the world still so chaotic?

Chen Chu was silent for a moment: "Do you have the birth dates or personal belongings of any of Lou Jinnan's family?"


How could Mr. Jiang have someone’s personal belongings!

He suddenly remembered something, flipped through the pockets in his clothes, took out a cloth bag and handed it to Chen Chu, saying, "When we separated, Lou Jinnan's daughter Lou Xiaoxie was slapped in the back by a zombie, and she vomited blood. , she took off the gold chain from her wrist and gave it to me, saying that if she met you, she would give it to you..."

Lou Xiaoxie...

Chen Chu still remembered this girl, and the scene when he asked her for directions came to mind.

More than two years have passed, and Lou Xiaoxie still remembers him.

The gold chain Master Jiang gave to Chen Chu was the gift Chen Chu gave to Lou Jinnan when they first met. The bracelet was made of several gold beads and a small Pixiu made of hard gold. Its back is hollowed out and sealed with transparent glass. There is a small sailboat with a sail engraved on it, which will rotate...

At this moment, it means attracting wealth. The surface texture of the golden Pixiu, which can only go in but cannot come out, has light red traces and exudes a fishy smell.

is blood.

Chen Chu touched Pixiu: "What's this red?"

Mr. Jiang confirmed his guess: "The blood sprayed on it by Lou Xiaoxie."

Chen Chu was a little stunned: "A zombie can hit such a large amount of HP with one slap?"

Mr. Jiang was silent for a moment and said: "That child Lou Xiaoxie... Well, since you left Da Fangbo's village, the girl who usually seemed quite active suddenly closed herself in the room and didn't think about food or tea. I finally managed to persuade him to come out, and I walked around the streets with my servant for a few times. When I came back, my health was getting worse and worse, and I kept coughing. I called the doctor for diagnosis, and the result... was said to be tuberculosis, which is what we were. Commonly referred to as tuberculosis.

Before we met the zombies, her body was already extremely weak. She kept coughing as if she wanted to cough out her lungs. She was emaciated and her face was frighteningly white..."

Chen Chu: "What does the bracelet mean?"

Mr. Jiang glanced at his daughter-in-law who was raising the baby in the distance, thought about it in his mind, sighed, and decided to speak out: "Miss Lou Xiaoxie, I can see that she likes you very much, but you are a Taoist priest... ... Even if I marry a wife, she will not be an ordinary person. I don’t want you to delay each other. I have persuaded Lou Xiaoxie that she will become autistic after returning home, and I am also responsible.

When she gave me this bracelet, her exact words were, 'Uncle Jiang, if you meet Brother Chu again, please ask him to bring this bracelet with you. In this way, Xiao Xie will be satisfied. ’”

damn it.

Walking around the world, as long as a person is alive, it is inevitable to communicate with others.

He was obviously very careful and tried to keep his distance, so why was he still doing this?

Chen Chu does not object to falling in love, but it must be strong enough, such as being invincible in several worlds...

Tuberculosis, also known as tuberculosis, was a terminal disease in ancient times. There is no way to cure it in modern times. It can only be suppressed and prevented from recurring by drug treatment...


Chen Chu stood in front of the altar.

Put the blood-stained gold bracelet into warm water to dissolve the blood, stain the middle two fingers with blood, write the name of Xiao Xie upstairs on the yellow paper, step on the seven stars, pick up the yellow paper with the golden sword, and spit out a mouthful of flames After burning it out, mana surged in the Dantian. In order to enhance the effect of the altar, a trace of Qi was even added...

"The sky is spirited, the earth is spirited, the gods from all directions are coming soon, look for it, Lou Xiaoxie! Be as urgent as the law!"

He slapped his golden sword on the table, picked up a dozen yellow papers, threw them into the air, put down his golden sword, held a pen, and wrote a talisman on the yellow paper in the air at an extremely fast speed. When it landed on the table, Quickly fold it into a paper crane and shout: "Infuse the true spirit with the Dharma, get up!"

As the paper crane flutters and flaps its wings.

Positioned successfully.

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