The old Celestial Master stood up and walked to Chen Chu's bed, looking at him with a smile: "Yes, the 52nd generation Celestial Master has taken action, and as a junior, I can't just watch!

My child, you are familiar with the Taoist scriptures and know their meaning. In a sense, you have even reached the position of a highly accomplished Taoist priest! You travel around the world, and the dangers are unpredictable. In addition to your background, your own strength is also important!

After two days of rest, I will ask your uncle and uncle... huh? It should be the ancestors who have prepared the ceremony for you! "

Surprises always come so suddenly. Chen Chu did not refuse. Master Tian was so direct. If he refused, forget it all of a sudden. He would be embarrassed to speak again...

In the next preparation time, Chen Chu was able to get out of bed and walk around. He practiced "Zhang Tianshi Inner Alchemy Sutra" and his body was no longer as weak as before. He recovered quickly, but it was a bit inconvenient to lose half of his arm.

The Heavenly Master did not tell anyone that Chen Chu was from another world and a disciple of the next generation. Therefore, the Taoist priests on Longhu Mountain thought that Chen Chu was a disciple of some elder when they saw that Chen Chu was so young. In order to avoid trouble, he put the blame on Chen Si directly on his junior brother's head, saying that he was his disciple...

This moment greatly improved Chen Chu's status.

Most Taoist priests would call Chen Chu "senior brother" when they see Chen Chu, even if they are much older than Chen Chu...

Otherwise, it would be Chen Chu's turn to be embarrassed. The mountains and plains were full of uncles and grandmasters, and there might even be grandmasters among them.

Longhu Mountain is so nice, I feel like going home when I come here.

Chen Chu walked around here and there like a streetwalker. Because of the instructions of the Heavenly Master, he had almost no obstruction here and could go wherever he wanted.

He also heard a little news through the elders.

It seems that on the night when Chen Chu went up the mountain, a group of Taoist priests came down the mountain towards Maoshan. It is said that the leader of the group was an elder who majored in offensive magic...

Also... the old master seemed to be a little more irritable than usual, so he called his son over to give him a lesson. I don’t know what the specific content was, but it wasn’t very pleasant anyway.


The moonlight is like water.

When Chen Chu came to the wing in the back mountain, the elder told him that Lin Fengjiao, a disciple from Maoshan, was also sent here.

Chen Chu was stunned. If the Maoshan disciples didn't send them to Maoshan, why would they send them to Longhu Mountain? It is said that Lin Fengjiao was on the verge of death that night and is still alive. This life is really hard...

The elder told Chen Chu that the Yin soldiers originally wanted to send Lin Fengjiao back to Maoshan, but Lin Fengjiao didn't want to go and said she had no face to see her brothers in Maoshan. She had no choice but to send them here together...

Chen Chu came to the door of a wing and knocked. After receiving a response, he pushed the door open and went in.

On the bed, Lin Fengjiao was lying there like a dead body, her face paler than the moonlight. It seemed that she had lost a lot of blood that night.

When Lin Fengjiao saw that it was Chen Chu who had arrived, her eyes fell on his broken arm, her eyes a little sad: "Fellow Daoist Chen, I... I am ashamed of you..."

Chen Chu didn't know what he meant by being ashamed. Shi Jian attacked him with evil intentions and had nothing to do with Lin Fengjiao directly. Qiu Sheng attacked him, but he was only affected by the black eyeballs, so it was nothing.

Lin Fengjiao's abdomen was wrapped with layers of gauze. According to the elders, the injury was very serious and several of her intestines were broken. The Heavenly Master used a secret method to reattach her and save her from going to hell! He is unlikely to die for the time being, but the wound is very complicated and was caused by being stabbed several times with a sharp weapon. He will have to lie down for several months.

Chen Chu didn't ask about his injuries or Qiu Sheng's literary talents. Instead, he chatted like old friends and said calmly: "I wonder where Fellow Daoist Lin is going next?"

Lin Fengjiao was a little confused. He didn't know where he was going. Qiu Shengwen died, as if he was the only one left in the world.

If according to the original plan, Qiu Shengwencai went to the underworld to be punished and reincarnated, he still had hope to think about his mistakes on the top of Maoshan Mountain, waiting for them to be reincarnated and come back to continue the fate of master and disciple. But now, the soul is gone, and ghosts can't do it. Where is the hope?

Lin Fengjiao suddenly asked: "What is the giant eyeball that appeared that night? Even the body of a great disciple of Maoshan like Shi Jian can be controlled without any scruples?"

Chen Chu replied: "That's a creature in the darkness outside the world... To be honest, I don't know if I can define it as a creature or something else. It would be easier to understand if you think of it as an extraterrestrial demon.

I accidentally provoked the extraterrestrial demons, so they always wanted to get rid of me. Fortunately, they appeared one by one. I also have the protection of the gods, so there is no danger for the time being. However, Fellow Daoist Lin has also seen them. They are very good at influencing people's minds, making them magnify their evil thoughts, become possessed, and do evil things! "

Hearing these words, Lin Fengjiao felt a dull pain in her stomach. Qiu Sheng Mie Sha Guizha and Wen Cai stabbed his master continuously, all because of this extraterrestrial demon. Even people like Shi Jian, who have advanced magic skills, were affected.

Lin Fengjiao knew that this was not the level she could talk about, so she decisively gave up the topic and sighed: "When the injury is healed, I plan to travel around the world, slaying demons and so on. I heard that there is a small town where all the people are dead, and the people in it are They have all turned into zombies and are called Zombie Town... I plan to go there to see if there is a way to crack it."

In Zombie Town, Chen Chu recalled another Uncle Nine movie. There were a lot of zombies in that town. It was not that there were no Taoist priests to kill the demons, but they all died miserably in it.

He couldn't help but said: "Fellow Daoist Lin, it's very dangerous there."

Lin Fengjiao covered the pain in her abdomen and forced out a smile: "Isn't what Daoyou Chen did dangerous?"

This... you really know how to talk.

Chen Chu left the wing. Lin Fengjiao was in an extremely low state at this time. The apprentice was dead, the senior brother was dead, and Mao Shan had no shame to go back. It was better to let him calm down for a few more days.

The enshrinement ceremony is ready.

At the request of the old Heavenly Master, Chen Chu also reported the name of his master Sanshanzi. Even though he was a descendant, the Heavenly Palace would understand.

The enshrinement ceremony was much more complicated and cumbersome than in reality, with more people. Chen Chu faced various on-site question and answer assessments, and the etiquette of each process must be standard. Fortunately, an elder told him in advance that there would be no joke.

In the end, the ceremony ended perfectly. I was successfully awarded the "Taiyi Zhengmeng Ming Jing Ru" and received the fifth rank title. I successfully jumped from the original seventh rank to the fifth rank. With this layer of blessing, the practice of opening the altar will be smoother in the future. It would be much more convenient if you want to ask heavenly soldiers and heavenly warriors to protect the law or help with other things...

This thing is proof of his profession and is recognized by the righteous gods.

After becoming a fifth-grade Taoist priest, Chen Chu felt refreshed and his broken arm was no longer so painful...

The old Heavenly Master came over to talk to him and talked about a lot of things, from all over the world, from ancient times to the present, and even his views on the situation. Anyway, everything must be expressed in two sentences.

It's late at night again.

The Heavenly Master pushed open the door of Chen Chu's private room, walked in, and placed a square package on the table. His expression was complicated with reluctance, and he sighed heavily: "My child, let me talk to you about something. There may be a little something that I have to entrust to you!" The atmosphere was a bit serious, and Chen Chu sat up quickly.

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