I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 5 Late Night Chaser

After reading books for a few hours, when it got dark, Aguai brought over a bag of things, which were all things Chen Chu needed. He was unfamiliar with the place, so it was easier for locals to buy them. Too little information about this world is revealed in the movie. Spells are "vulnerable", but ghosts are weird, powerful and difficult to deal with.

He needed a small experiment to verify his suspicion.

From the magic book given by Achang, Chen Chu first learned a few relatively simple "instantly effective" protective mudras. According to the description, even without magic power, it can be activated with his own energy and blood. The power and duration depend on it. I have no mana, so I have to use my life to gather...

Looking at the layout of the room.

Chen Chu took out the fire sign he got during the day. This thing has never appeared in movies, so he had to try it. Then open the package that Aguai brought. There are rubber bands, surveillance cameras, red ropes, chicken blood, etc...

let's start.

After working for more than an hour, I looked at my watch and realized it was time to take a rest.

Turn off the sound and vibration of your phone, put a small clamp between your nostrils, crawl into bed, and sleep!

Three o'clock in the morning.

The boss at the counter was already lying down and snoring. A gust of wind blew and his body shivered involuntarily.


A sound that is neither light nor heavy.

Passed by the ground in front of the counter, appeared on the stairs leading to the second floor, and finally stopped at the door of Chen Chu's room. There was a slight sound of mechanical friction from the keyhole, and with a click, the door automatically opened a gap.

The voice sounded again, already in the room.

Bang... Something fell to the ground. It was an upside-down broom.

The banging sound stopped in front of Chen Chu's bed.

A figure wearing a high school uniform gathered together, and as the last face converged, a twisted face appeared, ferocious, bleeding from all the orifices, indescribable.

The neck was twisted and the feet were not touching the ground, it was more like being hung there.

She made a vague sound in her throat: "Why... why did you come to me? Isn't the matter over already... Anyway, anyone who stops... me and Jia Wei from being together... will die, and you will also... hang up." "

The sheets on the bed were lifted out of thin air, only to be completely empty. There were traces of someone lying there, and there was still a breath, but there was really no one.

No...no one...impossible...

Could it be...

Her body clicked twice, stiff and bent, and she stuck her head under the bed: "Where... where..." her voice gradually became violent...

Under the bed, there is a curved object covered with white paper, with words written on it: "Invisible, invisible!"

The female high school student with disheveled hair and bleeding from her orifices was none other than Li Yan, who hanged herself a few years ago and turned into a ghost and came back to claim her life half a year ago. She was also the ghost from the previous movie "Zong Xie".

She is not a brainless person who kills based on instinct. In addition to killing to vent her anger, she also has a plan.

The success lies in the finale, giving Achang and others the illusion that she has been completely eliminated, then taking over the body of the weak heroine Shuyi, and snatching away Shuyi’s fiancé, the senior Wu Jiawei whom she had always loved during her lifetime...

In the morning, Aguai suddenly made a video call. The preface and the follower were inconsistent, and there were also Achang and a young man he had never seen before sitting next to him, and they were both in the Hu'an Palace...

Li Yan felt a little uneasy in her heart.

While his lover Wu Jiawei was sleeping.

She left her body and walked a hundred kilometers away, found Achang, and obtained information about the hotel and Chen Chu in her dream.

When I learned that he had revealed the secret of her possessing Shuyi, I couldn't bear it immediately! He must be eliminated! As for Achang, his ability is just like that, just take your time...

Chen Chu didn't know where he went.

Looking at the strange thing covered with white paper under the bed, Li Yan secretly wondered if it was this thing that hid Chen Chu? A bloody sneer appeared on her twisted face, and she was deceiving herself and others with this thing. It seemed that her skills were not much different from Achang...

She stuck her head in and reached out to lift the paper!


There seemed to be a sound of some thin wire breaking!

What caught my eye was a red thing, a piece of wood, like something in a temple.

Before she could think about it, an evil wind hit her, and something red turned into a red shadow and flew towards her. There was a small space under the bed. She could barely raise her head, but the red shadow had already penetrated her chest, like a branding iron piercing her flesh. Sizzling, black smoke is everywhere! ! !

She jumped out from under the bed and saw clearly that it was actually a red fire stick, the one used to arrest prisoners in ancient times!

She was fooled!

Li Yan was in unbearable pain, looked around, and planned to leave first.

He saw four monitors set up on the four corners of the ceiling of the room, and a simple homemade crossbow was set up under the monitor. The monitor suddenly moved, and swiss, swish, four small crossbows shot out four small crossbow arrows, which were instantly pierced on the body. The arrow was made of peach wood, and the arrow was smeared with black dog blood, causing severe pain to spread.

She couldn't help but make a shrill voice: "Ah!!!"

There is the sound of the cable being cut off again! A red rope with small iron balls tied to both ends popped out of the darkness and instantly wrapped around her body...

The bed board in the room suddenly lifted up, and Chen Chu was hiding inside the bed. He sat up and slowly stepped out of the bed board: "To be honest, it's a bit surprising. I didn't expect you to be in such a hurry to participate in my experiment..."

Looking at the things on Li Yan's body, Chen Chu nodded. Cinnabar, black dog blood, rooster blood, and peach wood all had certain effects. The stuff in Uncle Jiu's movies that he had watched before traveling through time were quite reliable.

On the screen of his mobile phone, four video windows were playing, showing the four surveillance perspectives of this room.

In the original plan, if the cinnabar, peach, chicken and dog blood didn't work, he would hide in the bed compartment and wait until daybreak. If it worked...

Chen Chu leaned to the right and lifted a scarlet fire ax from the bed board. The blade was sharp and shiny, the ax body was covered with blood, and it was also covered with the 50-yuan talisman of Hu'an Palace.

Li Yan was extremely frightened. She was able to deceive Master Achang last time by leading them to misunderstand that burning the hanging rope would lead to death. If we target her body from the beginning, the result will be hard to say...

This Chen Chu was so insidious. He was actually hiding inside the bed. No wonder the bed was so low!

She's not a human, but he's a real dog! Scum! asshole!

Chen Chu didn't speak anymore. Before time travel, those years of extreme sports had given him a strong heart. Watching Li Yan bleed from her seven holes for a while was just that...

He raised his foot and kicked the fire stick hard, and the whole stick sank into Li Yan's body. She was covered in black gas.

This man...

This man! ! !

brute! brute! brute!

I want to go back! ! !

Jiawei is still waiting for me!

If she leaves the body of Wu Jiawei's wife Shuyi for too long, Shuyi will wake up, and everything will be exposed at that time.

She no longer wants to kill Chen Chu, she just wants to go back...

Enduring the intense weakness and pain, Li Yan rushed out of the room, ran straight downstairs, and rushed out...

Chen Chu saw that she was about to disappear into ashes in the next second, but she was still able to carry it. He sighed, wrapped the ax in a sheet, put on a mask and a hat, climbed out of the window, avoided the hotel counter, and jumped downstairs. Chase out.

The location of the hotel is not busy, and it is even quieter in the early morning.

On the highway, Li Yan, wearing a high school uniform, dragged her illusory body and ran swaying, looking back behind her from time to time. I saw Chen Chu wearing a black mask on his face and a black hat on his head, holding a bright fire ax and striding after him quickly.

In the intense fright, the body became even more unreal...

When passing by a small forest, she couldn't stand it anymore and fell to the ground. She was so disillusioned that the fire sign in her body seemed to be floating out of thin air.

She cried with bloody tears, "Let me go, please let me go! I'm miserable too!"

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