I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 510 There is a lot of good fortune for you here

On the official road, Pudu Cihang quietly looked at Chen Chu standing there, and Chen Chu also looked at him.

Pudu Cihang did not feel any murderous intent from Chen Chu. He twisted his lips and showed what he thought was a kind smile: "In order to save the world, the poor monk rushed to the Buddhist temple to chant sutras. Why did the donor block the poor monk's way?"

Chen Chu chuckled and made seals with his hands: "I am not a benefactor. I am just a group of cultivators. I am blocking my way at this moment. I really have a fortune to send to you!"

Send me good fortune, boast without any shame!

Pudu Cihang sneered in his heart, he already had the opportunity to transform into a dragon. As long as he transformed into a dragon and could not show his true spirit, no one in the world would be his opponent. But when people open their mouths, they always have to ask what is going on. Small creations are also meat and cannot be wasted. He said, "Oh? I would like to hear the details..."

Chen Chu glanced at the monks and nuns present, showing an uneasy look.

Pudu Cihang smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, there is no need to worry. These are my disciples... confidants of the temple and my own people. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Chen Chu showed hesitation, clenched his fist and asked, "May I ask Abbot if you know where the gods and Buddhas are now..."

Pudu Cihang was stunned for a moment, not expecting him to ask this question, and smiled patiently: "After the eclipse of the moon by the Tengu that night two hundred years ago, the righteous god of heaven, the Buddha of the West, and the underworld's Emperor Yin Shuai, All disappeared!

The poor monk doesn't know where the gods and Buddhas have gone. The heavenly palace is far away in the void, very far apart, and the same is true in the west.

However, Pindao knows that there is really no one in the underworld, and all the ghost officials' magic weapons have been taken away. Only the reincarnation pool cannot be moved, and ghosts can still be reincarnated smoothly if they put it in it.

But now the underworld is empty and occupied by a large number of demons and ghosts. They occupy the mountains as kings, fight for territory, fight, and many souls have died. There are fewer and fewer children born in the past few years..."

Chen Chu smiled mysteriously: "Abbott is unaware of something. Although the immortals and gods have disappeared, the heavens, humans, and ghosts are still functioning normally. Look at the evidence for those who practice Buddhism and Taoism. Their spells are still effective!"

Pudu Cihang is a monster that has been around for thousands of years. Due to his special physique, he awakened his spiritual wisdom at birth, along with his natal magic. He really couldn't imagine what it would be like if the magic didn't work. Immediately he became impatient and suppressed his anger: "Why don't fellow Taoists just tell the important point..."

Chen Chu coughed and ran the Sutra of Resentment and Reincarnation with all his strength, and by the way, he opened his future vision!

As the technique is running, the surrounding resentment is absorbed into the body, a small black arc texture appears between the eyebrows, and the side effects of future vision also begin to appear! Two horns sprouted from his forehead, his skin was gray, and he looked like a wraith. This was enough to make Pudu Cihang, a skin-player, stunned by the fake appearance and special effects...

Pudu Cihang's face darkened: "You are an evil cultivator. You have absorbed resentment to refine your body and gone astray. Aren't you afraid that a poor monk will save you?"

Chen Chu raised his right hand, looked at the swollen black nails, and sneered: "Black and white chaos has existed since the beginning of the world. Cultivating Buddhism and Taoism is the right way, but if I have some resentment, I am going astray?

All living things share the heaven and earth, and there is no distinction between good and evil. Those who are kind to me are good, and those who hate me are evil. The abbot's view of people in this way... is too narrow-minded! "

When the monks and nuns in the team heard Chen Chu talking to Pudu Cihang like this, they were so frightened that they squatted on the ground, waiting for the anger to come...

After waiting for a while, he looked up and saw that Pudu Cihang did not get angry. Instead, he looked at Chen Chu with interest and said, "Your remarks are quite different. You must know that every cultivator has the duty to kill demons. Aren't you afraid of being ostracized and eventually being attacked by a group and killed?"

Chen Chu clenched his fist with five fingers and said in a particularly unruly tone: "In this world, the fist is the truth. As long as the fist is big enough, they will calm down!"

Pudu Cihang burst out laughing: "I haven't told you your little secret yet!"

Seeing that the preparations were almost done, Chen Chu said with a serious face: "I plan to rob the underworld, wipe out the brainless bastards who fight every day, and then rebuild order and earn merit from heaven!"

Heavenly merit!

These four words made Pudu Cihang's heart agitate!

Merit can be used by humans, gods, demons and ghosts. It can not only eliminate sins, but also sublimate the physical body and greatly improve Taoism. This is just ordinary merit! The merits of heaven are even more outrageous. If a mortal without any foundation in cultivation does something that touches God, and heaven sends down merit, he can immediately become an immortal on the spot...

Thinking of this, Pudu Cihang hesitated again.

Such things as the merits of Heaven's Law could occasionally be seen falling in one or two small rays eight or nine hundred years ago. In the past four hundred years, they have almost disappeared. It seems that Heaven's Law is becoming less and less "moved".

Chen Chu seemed to understand Pudu Cihang's thoughts and said: "Since ancient times, the cycle of life and death, the difference between yin and yang, is a natural cycle! Now the immortals and gods have disappeared, and the underworld is occupied by demons and monsters, seriously disrupting yin and yang, reversing life and death, and even There is also a big mountain that monopolizes the city of Fu Shi and dominates the city. Such behavior is absolutely against the laws of heaven!

Pindao stepped forward at this time, no matter what the purpose is, as long as he wipes out the underworld, becomes the new lord of the underworld, and restores order, it's not too much to send some merit from heaven..."

Pudu Cihang was a little moved. Basically, those who have obtained the merits of heaven are humans and gods. No monster has ever obtained it. If he first obtains the merits of heaven, and then swallows the dragon energy of the dynasty, breaks through the demon body and transforms... A five-clawed golden dragon is not impossible...

He couldn't show it right away. The old god said: "Ah... if the underworld is really wiped out, no one knows how much merit heaven can bring down. You are so ambitious and want to be the lord of the underworld! In the end, the poor monk only became you." The thugs who share some merit will get nothing... Isn’t it unfair?”

Chen Chu replied: "I want to maintain the order of the underworld and only maintain the order of the underworld. The human world has nothing to do with it. Even if you, Abbot, refine the human world, it doesn't matter! Are you satisfied with this as the master of the human world? Also, the gods have left. Not all the magic weapons were taken away, as far as I know...

The old demon from Black Mountain who occupies the City of the Dead in the Underworld holds the Yinsi Monument in his hands. This monument can cross Yin and Yang and form a large formation of its own, with infinite power! If the abbot and Pindao can capture the Yinsi Stele together, this treasure... we can take turns using it..."

He did not generously say that he wanted to give the Yinsi Stele directly to Pudu Cihang. He showed his courtesy for nothing and was either an adulterer or a thief. It would be more convincing if he pretended to be generous and added some calculations!

Pudu Cihang didn't say anything. He knew a lot about the underworld. The old Black Mountain demon who occupied the City of Fushou also knew that it was a big black mountain that became a spirit. Later, for unknown reasons, the entire mountain escaped from the Yang world into the underworld, and inexplicably succeeded in seizing it. It turns out that the city is in vain, and it turns out that it holds a treasure like the Yinsi Monument in its hands!

This treasure is destined to be a poor monk!

He gradually formed a plan in his mind. He would first cooperate with this evil cultivator to kill the old demon from Montenegro and wipe out the underworld. Then he would secretly steal the Yinsi Monument and even the heavenly merits!

Not to mention the lord of the human world, even the lord of the underworld belongs to him!

I am the only one on earth and underground!

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