I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 523 Temporary Appointment by the King of Hell

Appointment letter from the King of Hell? This name is quite modern...

Chen Chu was silent for a moment, then walked over and picked up the letter of appointment. The moment he touched it with his hand, his head buzzed, and he felt that the whole underworld was connected to his nerves. With a single thought, any place in the underworld could appear in his mind. The situation includes the main hall of the ten kings of hell, the eighteen levels of hell and several small hells, as well as the Huangquan Naihe Bridge and the Wangchuan River, etc.

A thought came to my mind.

The scene in front of me switches quickly.

In an instant, Chen Chu found himself in a very desolate place.

The ground here is grey-brown, like the Gobi Desert, with scattered translucent corpses everywhere. Strictly speaking, these should be the "corpses" of souls. Since they are in the underworld and there is no shortage of Yin Qi, the souls will not dissipate after being cut into pieces. Instead, they will remain in the form of corpses.

Clatter, the sound of chains dragging.

The dry ground bulged, and several unkempt and naked men and women with green faces and painful expressions emerged from their mouths. A blood-red tongue, more than one meter long, was sticking out of their mouths, rubbing the ground with blood stains from studying abroad.

The woman saw Chen Chu standing on the dry ground, exuding a vague aura and expressionless face, as if he was an official on inspection.

She stretched out her right hand towards Chen Chu and let out a sob like a complaint: "Sir, please help me quickly. The common woman is guilty. She has reflected her sins during her life in front of the evil mirror. She has been in this tongue-pulling hell for four years. One hundred and thirty-eight years, the sentence has exceeded two hundred and thirty-eight years, please have mercy, please have mercy..."

This woman...

Chen Chu looked at her face, and suddenly a book appeared in his hand. It was actually a judge's book. When he opened it, the page automatically turned to the content of Tongue Pulling Hell, and a row of words appeared: "Zhao Ailian, who was a gossip during his lifetime, He stirred up dissension and caused other people's families to be broken up and their wives separated. This is an unforgivable crime and he was sentenced to two hundred years of tongue-pulling hell. He has now completed two hundred years."

The work in this underworld is more intelligent than imagined.

He held the commission from the King of Hell in his arms, and contents related to the work of hell would automatically come to his mind. The woman's time for serving her sentence was up, and she was still unable to leave because every ghost serving her sentence was put on a soul chain. Unless approved by the underworld, you cannot leave on your own...

Now the underworld is empty, everyone from Emperor Dongyue to ghosts and ghosts are gone.

The human world is in chaos, and a large number of demons and ghosts have poured into the underworld to cause chaos. The ghosts who have been tortured in the eighteen levels of hell have no place to escape. Most of them are devoured by demons and ghosts to increase their power. A small number of sober-minded people are looking for hiding places in hell, barely able to survive. Only after escaping a disaster was he able to survive...

The scattered corpses all over the place are the remnants of the souls that have been indiscriminately eaten by monsters. The origin of the soul has been hollowed out. Even if it is restored to its original state with the power of the King of Hell, it will only be a soul without any sense.

Chen Chu held the judge's book in his left hand, and a thick vermilion writing brush appeared in his right hand. He put a √ on the woman's name, added a sentence, and then said loudly: "Zhao Ailian, you have served your sentence. Due to the underworld, you have to wait longer." After suffering for more than two hundred years, you are specially allowed to enter the pool of reincarnation and be reincarnated as a human in advance! When you enter the pool of reincarnation, remember not to make the same mistake again!"

Bang, the chain broke...

The woman named Zhao Ailian slowly got up and looked at her empty wrist in shock. After confirming that the iron chain had disappeared, she burst into tears and knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Chen Chu: "Thank you for your kindness, sir. Thank you for your kindness. I'm a good woman." Horses also want... No, no, folk women remember their kindness, and if they are reincarnated with wisdom, they will burn incense to express gratitude to you during the New Year and festivals."

Chen Chu nodded: "It doesn't have to be like this, let's go."

As his words fell, Zhao Ailian's body became ethereal, like a wisp of blue smoke floating in the direction of the Samsara Pond...

Immediately afterwards, a large number of small bags bulged up on the ground, bursting out thousands of ghosts. They shouted wildly: "Sir, have mercy, sir, have mercy, we don't want to be eaten by monsters and monsters. Although we have committed the crime of gossiping and gossiping, we still have no mercy." It’s not like we have to never be reincarnated!”

These ghosts swarmed in so densely that Chen Chu almost suffered from trypophobia.

There were many ghosts with vicious and cunning eyes, looking greedily at the judge's book in his hand. Their purpose was self-evident! Of course Chen Chu understood, and he was not polite. He pressed the judge's pen with his right hand in the air, and the invisible power was like a Mount Tai pressing down on the top. The layers of ghosts suddenly fell into the earth and could not move...

The judge floated in the air and turned the page automatically. Chen Chu issued the sentence order and said loudly: "Those who have served their sentences can go to the reincarnation pool for reincarnation. Those who have served their sentences overtime can receive a certain amount of compensation according to the time limit. If you are reincarnated as a human and your life expectancy increases after reincarnation, remember not to do evil, otherwise the compensation will disappear and your life span will be shortened!"

Half of the ghosts that were pressed into the ground turned into blue smoke and drifted towards the Samsara Pond.

For the rest, Chen Chu snorted coldly: "You haven't served your sentence yet, and if you want to fish in troubled waters, all your crimes will be increased by one level, and you will be removed from the scissors hell!"

The eighteen levels of hell are not divided into upper and lower spaces. The levels refer to areas, which are equivalent to numbers. Starting from the first level, the pain of each subsequent level of hell is twenty times that of the previous level! In other words, the soul that goes from the Tongue Pulling Hell to the Scissors Hell will endure torture that is twenty times more painful than tongue pulling...

In the remaining hell, Chen Chu untied the ghosts who had finished serving their sentences, ranked the ghosts, and went to the reincarnation pool in chronological order. Otherwise, if all of them rushed in, the world would be in chaos, and twins would always be born. If you can't afford it, it will cause more tragic things.

Some of those ghosts who had truly reformed after serving their sentences no longer wanted to be reincarnated as humans, so Chen Chu left them behind and arranged errands in the underworld as ghost-like existences.

The flow of time in the underworld is very strange. After doing so many things in hell, when Chen Chu returned to the Wheel-turning King's Hall, Yan Chixia and others said that less than a stick of incense had passed.

Chen Chu couldn't always hold the position of King of Hell in this world. He had to be replaced by a responsible person. He held the "Provisional Letter of Appointment as King of Hell" in his hand and explained what he meant. When he glanced around, everyone actually flinched!

The old monk Fachen hurriedly clasped his hands together: "Amitabha, this poor monk is dedicated to cultivating Buddhism. He is the worst at managing people. The vast underworld should be left to capable people..."

Zhiqiu Yiye was very excited, but he knew how much he weighed. He said with a tangled look on his face: "I am a person. Although I have a handsome appearance and strong magic skills, I have no experience in managing people like the master. But It doesn't matter, give me a slightly lower position to practice slowly..."

Yan Chixia saw Chen Chu looking over and waved her hands quickly: "Me? I can't do it. It's very troublesome to manage people..."

Chen Chu flashed over, grabbed his wrist and said, "Fellow Taoist Yan, you worked as a headhunter for several years and then resigned because you saw too much darkness in the officialdom and too many bad people!

Now let you become the Living King of Hell, taking control of the ten halls of the underworld, the eighteen levels of hell, and several small hells. What a great opportunity to punish evil and promote good. Don’t waste it. Don’t you want to let the world know through your own efforts that the underworld Order is re-established and there is a price to be paid for doing evil..."

I couldn't sleep, so I wrote a chapter and posted it for everyone to read.

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