I descend into the world of heaven

Chapter 526 Killing the Evil Taoist

Such strength, no wonder he can kill monsters with a mortal body!

Chen Chu's golden light covered his arms and slapped Zuo Xiong's chest!

Zuo Xiong hurriedly withdrew his sword to defend his chest, and with a bang, the blade vibrated, and with the inertia of the power of this palm, it tumbled into the air. Although he had removed a lot of strength, there was still a dull pain inside his chest, and his heart was lifted. He was extremely vigilant and did not dare to underestimate this Taoist.

It’s a quick win!

Thinking of this, he pulled off the black cloak with one hand, and there was a clanging sound inside. It turned out that there were hundreds of shining flying knives hidden inside. With a flick of his wrist, he threw it out hard, and the flying knives turned into several cold rays towards Chen Chu. Cover the past! Chen Chu took a step back and appeared strangely three meters away, avoiding the flying knives with ease.

The sound of piercing the sky sounded again, and five more Tang knives flew towards me!

Chen Chu's hands were entwined with golden light, and he opened his bow left and right, knocking the Tang sword away in turn!

Zuo Xiong seemed to have expected it. He followed closely behind the Tang Dao, holding the handle of the Pu Dao tightly with both hands. Using the inertia of his falling body, he slashed towards Chen Chu Tianling Gai with the force of splitting Huashan Mountain...

Chen Chu pulled out the golden sword, pointed it at the blade of the Pu Dao, and the blades struck each other. The Pu Dao made a heartbreaking sound and was cut open by the blade, as if Zuo Xiong had specially sent the Pu Dao to cut.

Zuo Xiong threw away the sword, took out the lancet from his waist, and waved the airtight sword light in front of him, like a hemisphere crashing into Chen Chu.

"Zuo Qianhu, it's almost done."

Chen Chu took a deep breath and sprayed out a large amount of flames from his mouth and nose, surging towards Zuo Xiong. The intense high temperature made his hair curl up and stopped abruptly.

"Demon Dao, please release the abbot quickly!"

Zuo Xiong shouted sternly: "You used magic to imprison your father, do you know how big a crime you have committed!"

Chen Chu held the glass bottle in his hand and looked at Pudu Cihang's body rolled up into a ball. He couldn't help but laugh. He didn't want to say anything offensive to it. It would have died when he left anyway. He looked at Zuo Xiong: "Zuo Qianhu, Pudu Cihang is a thousand-year-old centipede that has become a spirit and wears the human skin of an old monk and sneaks into the palace to deceive the emperor. Basically, all the civil and military officials you know have been destroyed by its descendants. Sun had eaten all the internal organs and all that was left was a shell.”

Zuo Xiong tightened the lancet in his hand: "Stop, don't disturb my mind!"

Chen Chu was not anxious or annoyed, and asked: "Think about it, since the appearance of Pudu Cihang, the personalities of all the officials in the palace have gradually become violent. They participate in this book and that book, and the court has become very... It's not stable. Recently, the officials no longer quarrel, but have become harmonious, only targeting the officials who are outside..."

Zuo Xiong's heart was sinking. It was really like this. Including Mr. Jiang, Mr. Yang, and Mr. Li, whom he knew well. Not long ago, there were important matters in Fuzhou. He went to Beijing to meet the saints and greeted these adults. They seemed to see each other. Like a stranger. At first, Zuo Xiong thought that he had done something wrong and offended these adults. Now that he thought about it, it was really wrong. Anyone could ignore him, and Mr. Yang would never do this, because he had saved Mr. Yang. life.

While he was thinking, Fu Tianchou, who was hanging on the wooden shelf behind him, shouted loudly: "Yes, I feel this way too. In the past, the civil and military officials were noisy, and the different families had different powers. They were fighting for each other. , but since last year it has become inexplicably monolithic, as long as one person wants to participate, the others will follow without hesitation!"

Chen Chu hung the glass bottle back on his waist: "Zuo Qianhu, you should know about Cihang Hall. Take the time to go and take a look. Cihang Hall is the nest of this thousand-year-old centipede, where hundreds of civil and military officials have been devoured by their flesh and blood and internal organs. The official body is all there. Once you see it, you will understand everything..."

Pudu Cihang in the glass bottle suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Chen Chu in disbelief: "Chen San, no, Chen Chu, I hid it so deeply that I hid it from the emperor and officials of all sizes. I didn't expect to be caught." You investigated so thoroughly!

I...lost unjustly, but don’t be complacent. I am not the only one in this world who wants to devour the fortune of the dynasty, and there is also more than one Black Mountain Old Demon who has practiced the Taoism for ten thousand years. Your conspiracy may succeed for a while, but it will not succeed forever. !

I can see that those four divine swords are extremely powerful, but with your current level of cultivation, you simply cannot exert even one ten thousandth of their power! In the formation of the City of Death, to deal with an immovable mountain monster like the Black Mountain Old Demon, you need to lay a lot of groundwork to attract its attention and divert its attack point, so that you can have a chance to trap it and destroy it with the Divine Sword!

If I had ten thousand years of Taoism, could break through mountains and earth, and be extremely flexible, not to mention trapping me, even if I stood still, my carapace would be able to survive that breathing period. When the time comes, you will be exhausted and you will die... …”

Chen Chu nodded: "Your analysis is correct, but you missed one thing."

Pudu Cihang was confused: "What?"

Chen Chu laughed out loud: "You don't have ten thousand years of Taoism..."

Pudu Cihang's eyes turned red, and he banged his head hard against the glass bottle. The bottle had a talisman seal. After flicking it, the whole insect was so dizzy that it couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and west. It cursed angrily: "Ignorant young man, you can only use your words for a moment." I curse you to die at the hands of monsters, your body will be broken into thousands of pieces, and there will be no burial place..."

Zuo Xiong heard clearly the conversation between Chen Chu and Pudu Cihang.

Zuo Xiong's heart was in turmoil, his hands holding the lancet were trembling, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes: "Every civil and military official has become the body of a monster, so aren't all the people I received orders to kill before? Loyal and righteous man!"

He only felt that the two swords in his hands were extremely heavy. He looked back at Fu Tianchou, walked up to him, raised the sword with his hand, cut off the iron chain, and said with melancholy: "Master Fu, it is meaningless for me to send you to the capital again. It's just a life you have sacrificed in vain. Go ahead and find a place to live incognito.

I will lie to the superiors that when Mr. Fu Tianchou was passing by the cliff, his wooden cart fell from the mountain and he fell to death. His body was gnawed by jackals until it was beyond recognition..."

Fu Tianchou was silent for a while, thinking to himself, could it be that Wu Fu's brain was blocked by muscles? He said: "I don't know how many times this little trick has been used. If you dare to report it, the emperor will kill your whole family!

Although hundreds of officials are occupied by monsters, don't forget that we still have this expert to help us, and Pudu Cihang, the culprit, has been arrested. We officials in the court should stand up and tell the emperor the truth. To revitalize the country and restore a bright future to the people of Li..."

This was the pattern when he opened his mouth, and Zuo Xiong fell silent.

After thinking for a long time, he clasped his hands and said, "Then just follow Master Fu's wishes..."

When Chen Chu saw that the matter was settled, he immediately contacted Yan Chixia to open the passage to the underworld and took the two of them in to visit the Palace of Hell at Naihe Bridge and the 18th Level of Hell, to familiarize themselves with the working environment in advance. Guobei County is a long way from the palace, and it would take an unknown amount of time to walk there. They could just travel during the day and work the night shift at night.

Yan Chixia found out that this was inappropriate.

He directly opened a passage to the capital in the underworld. Fu Tianchou and Zuo Xiong walked out and arrived directly. Whatever you want to do, do it early and don't delay coming to work in the underworld...

The power of the King of Hell was so easy to use. Chen Chu, Fu Tianchou and Zuo Xiong met with the emperor. After explaining everything, they killed a large number of remaining monsters from Pudu Cihang, and then used the underworld as a transit point to appear in the north and south of the Yangtze River. The golden sword in his hand was stained with the blood of many cunning villains, and the blood flowed out like a river!

The strange thing is that he killed many people, including many high-ranking officials and noble families, but the court knew that Chen Chu had killed him, so nothing happened.

The common people also gradually came to know that there was a Taoist priest who went around slaying demons, punishing rape and eliminating evil. He gave him the resounding name "Evil-Slaying Taoist". People who had seen him even carved clay statues and erected a "Evil-Slaying Temple". "Put it up as an offering and burn incense every day to pray for peace..."

Chen Chu's nicknames among those corrupt officials, demons and ghosts were much more unpleasant, including "bloody-hand evil" and "life-threatening Taoist".

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